Cardiology Interest Group

Our Mission

The vision of CIG is to promote an interest, understanding, and exposure to cardiovascular medicine at the University of Minnesota Medical School.

We hope to achieve our mission primarily through informative meetings, networking events, residency panels, and organized lectures, during which field expert guests will provide fundamental information related to different subspecialties in cardiology. Ultimately, students from all different backgrounds and educational interests will gain a better understanding of the steps necessary to pursue a specialty or subspecialty in cardiology.

Past Events

Last Event

November 17th, 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM

Dr. Stephen W. Smith: The False STEMI NonSTEMI Dichotomy

Dr. Smith will be discussing the nuances surrounding the diagnosis of myocardial infarction in the ED and how an analysis of the clinical picture, EKG findings, and laboratory studies is important in understanding why the current dichotomy between STEMI and NonSTEMI diagnoses in emergency medicine is an inaccurate depiction of what may actually be going on with a patient.

Dr. Smith has an incredibly unique perspective as an emergency cardiac care specialist and there will be time allotted at the end of his presentation to ask about his experiences as an emergency medicine physician who has focused his career on the management of acute cardiac conditions.


Contact Us

Please email us at if you have any questions or visit our GopherLink page for more information!