Communicating with Constituents

How do I communicate with my constituents?

Senate Meeting Notes

The Communications Subcommittee will write Senate Meeting Notes after each senate meeting to share with constituents in your unit. You will receive an email from the Communications Subcommittee with detailed instructions for how to email it out to constituents.

Some units choose to create a schedule for which senator or alternate is sending it out each time. Others choose a single person to send it out all year, and some units communicate after each meeting to decide who will send it.

Solicit feedback on upcoming agenda items
Beyond email, other ideas for soliciting feedback and communicating news include meet & greet events, adding information to unit, department, or college newsletters, or adding information to the college intranet.

Remind P&As of upcoming meetings and events

Feature P&A Senate news items in the unit's newsletter or intranet

How do I find my constituent list and email addresses?

Lists of P&A constituents by unit are updated prior to each P&A Senate meeting in October, November, February, April, and May. Lists can be found in the Constituent Lists folder on Google Drive.