Student Conduct and Policy Violation


See related policies for definitions of prohibited behavior, the nature of disciplinary offenses, and discussion of sanctions.

Related Policies:

When Student Behavior Violates U of M Policy

The following responses to scholastic dishonesty and student misconduct are taken from the website of the Office for Community Standards (OCS). The responses have been adapted for use in CIS.

Responding to Scholastic Dishonesty

    • If you suspect scholastic dishonesty, record the incident immediately while it is fresh in your mind. Gather information and evidence. Keep relevant documents until the matter is resolved.
    • [Contact Jan M. Erickson and your faculty coordinator. These conversations can often help clarify the nature of the problem and which University policy is applicable.]
    • Talk to the student about the matter. Ask questions. Listen. Share why you suspect scholastic dishonesty. Take notes.
    • [As governed by U of M policy, instructors have some discretion over the consequences of scholastic dishonesty. They may assign sanctions appropriate to the situation, e.g., an F on an assignment or an F for the course; this informally resolves the incident. Your syllabus may dictate what you do. Most issues are resolved informally between the CIS instructor and the student, but some may move on to a formal process.]
    • If you determine that scholastic dishonesty has occurred, inform the student [in writing] of their academic sanction and that you will be reporting the incident.
    • Fill out and submit the Scholastic Dishonesty Report Form.
        • [You’ll need your U of M course and section numbers, syllabus, and a description of the incident and subsequent actions.
        • CIS instructors hold the position of Teaching Specialist.
        • The student’s college of enrollment is the College of Continuing and Professional Studies.
        • Submit your report.
        • Inform Jan M. Erickson and your faculty coordinator about the report.]
    • A reported student incident remains on record at the OCS.
    • A student who has engaged in scholastic dishonesty cannot withdraw to avoid failing the course.

Responding to Student Misconduct/Disruptive Conduct in the Classroom

Students have the right to a productive and stimulating learning environment. In turn, instructors have a responsibility to nurture and maintain such an environment. Student behavior that is an obstacle to teaching and learning should be addressed.

      • Check with your [faculty coordinator and CIS] to see if they have specific expectations for students enrolled in their programs or certain practices for responding to disruptions.
      • Meet with the student to discuss their behavior. Explain to them why you believe their behavior is disruptive.
      • Give the student an opportunity to discuss concerns that may be contributing to their behavior.
      • Clearly state that behavior that disrupts the class cannot continue. If in the meeting they appear unwilling to modify their behavior, let them know that Disruption of the Academic Environment is part of the Student Conduct Code and continued disruptions may be referred to OCS.

Office for Community Standards (OCS)

Investigation and decisions are made in consultation with the U of M OCS office, and any applicable U of M department or college procedures must be followed. Potential sanctions for violation of the Student Conduct Code are listed on the OCS website.

The disciplinary process, which OCS follows to resolve reported violations of the Student Conduct Code:

    • notifying the student of the report
    • meeting with the student about the report
    • due process
    • standard of proof
    • opportunity for further review