Grades & Transcripts

University of Minnesota Grades

University grade definitions establish the qualities of expected performance. CIS instructors define grade standards for their courses in conformity with their U of M departmental policies. Grade definitions assume that instructors, knowing their course’s basic requirements, can determine when students meet or exceed them.

CIS instructors may choose to assign different grades for the high school course and the U of M course. For the high school grade, instructors should be guided by their school’s grading policies. For the U of M grade, consult your faculty coordinator for departmental guidelines as well as U of M criteria as stated in Academic and as discussed below.

Permanent Grades

Grades describe levels of achievement. University policy prescribes the following grades and symbols that will be reported on the student’s transcript:

Permanent Grades

Academic grading during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Details about the 2020-2021 grading update, and the temporary S/N grading option for students who were in session during Spring 2020 can be found in the CIS Policy Reference Guide.


    1. Instructors may assign the registration symbol I for Incomplete if, at the time the incomplete is requested:

      • the student has successfully completed a substantial portion of the work of the course; and

      • due to extraordinary circumstances (as determined by the instructor), the student was prevented from completing the work of the course on time.

    2. The assignment of an I requires a written agreement with the student specifying the time and manner in which the student will complete the course requirements.

      • The written agreement must require the student to complete the course requirements no later than the day grades are due for the subsequent regular (fall or spring) term.

      • The contract cannot require the student to re-register for the course or to sit in on an entire course in order to resolve an incomplete.

      • Students may complete the work to resolve an incomplete during a term in which they are not otherwise registered.

    3. Students must submit the work to resolve an incomplete as specified in the written agreement. Incompletes that have not been changed to a letter grade by the day grades are due for the subsequent regular (fall or spring) term will be automatically changed to an F for the course.

      • The instructor is expected to turn in the new grade within four weeks of the date the work was submitted by the student.

    4. When an I is changed to another symbol or grade, the I is removed from the record.

Academic Grading (CIS Policy Reference Guide)


      1. A student (or a teacher or school counselor on behalf of a student) should submit a CIS cancellation form immediately when the student stops attending or participating in a U of M - CIS course for U of M credit.

      2. If a student submits a cancellation form during the registration period for the course, the record of registration for that course will not appear on their U of M transcript (i.e. no "W" recorded).

      3. If a student submits a cancellation form after the registration period has ended for the course, the course remains on their transcript with a grade of "W," indicating the student registered for the course but withdrew—regardless of the reason for withdrawal.

      4. CIS students are allowed one LATE withdrawal during their time in the U of M Twin Cities CIS program. A withdrawal is considered late if a student cancels out of a CIS course for U of M credit following the midpoint of the course, but before taking a final exam or submitting final paper/coursework. Withdrawal before the midpoint or for extenuating circumstances still results in a W but may be considered differently and may allow the student to late withdraw from a class again in the future. Students cannot late withdraw again for the same extenuating circumstance or after a term has ended. CIS students taking multiple U of M courses in the same term may be advised to withdraw from all courses if the extenuating circumstances presented warrant complete withdrawal. A W does not affect GPA, and a W on transcript should not be viewed as a negative factor in the student's academic career.

Academic Grading (CIS Policy Reference Guide)

Do not enter a grade of F, I, or X for a student who has withdrawn from your class. Please contact immediately to discuss next steps.

No Grade Reported

There will be a symbol NR, administratively assigned to indicate that a grade was not reported for the course. The NR does not carry any GPA points.

Academic Grading (CIS Policy Reference Guide)

If you enter your grades more than three business days after your last class session, the U considers these grades to be LATE, and your students see NR on their transcript until you change that NR grade to the grade earned by the student. See section below on entering late grades.

Submitting University Grades

The University of Minnesota requires that all grades be submitted online. Online grade rosters are available for final grade entry approximately one week prior to your scheduled class end date.

  • Grades are due within three business days of your last class session.

  • It is NOT appropriate to enter “I” or “F” for students who have withdrawn from class earlier in the term.

  • After the final grade entry deadline, an “NR” (not reported) notation is posted for all missing grades on your grade roster.

Before You Enter Grades

All registration changes (late registrations or withdrawals) must be made before final grades may be submitted online. Review step-by-step instructions in “Enter grades in faculty center” how-to guide.

To Access Your Grade Roster

    1. Log in to with your internet ID and password.

    2. Click on the “Teaching” tab in the left side-bar.

    3. Check that you are seeing the correct term displayed or use arrows to view a different term.

    4. Click on the “Grade Roster” link by the class for which you will be entering grades.

    5. Review the “Grade Roster” for accuracy. Note that lists of more than 20 students require you to “turn the page” using arrows at the bottom of the list.

    6. Select each student’s grade for the “Roster Grade” dropdown menu.

        • “A-F” and “I” are the only valid grade options for CIS classes; do not enter any other symbols.

        • Do not enter “I” or “F” for students who have withdrawn from your class.

        • If you submit a grade of “F” you must provide “Last Date of Participation.”

    7. Once all grades are entered on your roster, change “Approval Status” to “Approved” and click the “Save” button. A pop-up notice that grades will post to transcripts overnight will appear.

        • If you wish to SAVE a list to complete and post grades later, leave “Approval Status” set to “Not Reviewed” and click “Save.”

        • Click the green “change class” button or go back to step 2 (above) to enter grades for another class.

    8. You will not receive confirmation of grade entry. Verify that grades are posted to student transcripts by viewing your online Grade Roster the next day to see “Posted” notation in place of the “Save” button.

If you have questions or problems using the online grading system, call the web Grading Support Line at 612-625-2803.

Uploading Grades Directly From Canvas

If you use Canvas to manage your class grades, you may upload those grades to your Grade Roster.


Entering Late Grades, Changing "NR" to a Final Grade, Correcting a Mistake, or Making a Grade Change After Final Grades Have Been Submitted

See step-by-step instructions in the “How to Change a Grade" guide.

    1. Follow steps 1-4 above to access your Grade Roster.

    2. Click the “Request a Grade Change” link, which appears below the “Approval Status” dropdown.

    3. Enter new grade in the “Official Grade” field. Add “Comment” if needed.

    4. Click the “Submit” button at bottom of the form to post grade change to student transcripts.

Grade Accountability

The instructor who is in overall charge of a course offering is accountable for all grades given to students.

      1. Students have the right to request and receive an explanation for a grade during and after the course but have no right to challenge the academic merits of any grade.

      2. Students may seek an explanation for a grade until the end of the following semester (not including summer session). The instructor is obligated to provide an explanation for a grade within a reasonable time if a request is made by the end of the following semester. The instructor is not obligated to reconsider the grade.

      3. If a student does not receive an explanation for a grade from the instructor within a reasonable time of making a request, the student may consult the faculty coordinator for assistance in obtaining an explanation. Students also may seek assistance from the campus Student Conflict Resolution Center (SCRC).

Academic Grading (CIS Policy Reference Guide)

FAQ: Addressing Student Academic Complaints

Excerpted from Administrative Policy: Addressing Student Academic Complaints; edited for application to CIS.

Q: I don't agree with the grade I received from my instructor. Is there anything I can do?

A: While grades are not subject to complaint, [the student is] entitled to an explanation for the grade assigned. If [the student is] not able to get an explanation for the grade from [the] instructor, [the student should] consult the [CIS faculty coordinator for the course as the appropriate departmental representative.] Students also may wish to seek assistance from [Jan M. Erickson, CIS Associate Director]. An instructor’s judgment in assigning a grade is not a subject for a formal hearing, and can only be reviewed through these informal processes.

Academic Grading (CIS Policy Reference Guide)

A student who questions or disagrees with their instructor about a grade begins the process by talking with their instructor to arrive at an understanding of the facts and to learn where expectations were not met. The Student Conflict Resolution Center’s website has a helpful video demonstrating more and less successful ways to approach this sometimes difficult conversation.

If a better understanding of the assigned grade is not reached, the student may choose to speak to the CIS faculty coordinator for that course as the appropriate departmental representative at the University. Jan Erickson, CIS Associate Director, and the Student Conflict Resolution Center are additional resources for students and instructors. CIS faculty coordinators appreciate hearing from an instructor if he or she anticipates that one of their students will bring their case to University personnel.

Feel free to contact Jan M. Erickson (; 612-624-9898) with questions.


CIS students who have taken a course for U of M Twin Cities credit may request their unofficial or official transcript through OneStop.

See "Transcripts and Credit Recognition" in the Students section of the CIS website for more information.