Disabilities and Accomodations

Disability Resource Center

Students with 504 plans or those with a disability interested in taking a U of M course through CIS must work with the U of M Disability Resource Center (DRC) to have collegiate accommodations determined as soon as possible. Instructors may also contact the DRC for assistance.

The DRC provides accommodations for students who experience disability-related academic barriers. The services are free and confidential. A reasonable accommodation must meet four criteria:

    • It must not compromise essential requirements of a course, program, job, activity, or facility.
    • It must not cause an undue administrative or financial hardship.
    • It must not compromise safety of the student or others.
    • It must not fundamentally alter a course or program.

A prospective student begins the process by contacting the DRC to schedule an initial appointment. Appointments may be conducted by phone. At the appointment, an Access Consultant talks with the student about how their disability impacts their academic experience and reviews the student’s disability documentation. If reasonable accommodations are appropriate, they will be outlined in a letter for the student to share with the instructor.

Students may be eligible for the following: test accommodations, note taking assistance, sign language interpreting or captioning support, document conversion, access assistance, and consultation on use of computers and assistive technology. Additional accommodations and services may be determined per individual need.

A grievance process is described on the DRC website should a student believe they are not being reasonably accommodated.

Students, parents, instructors, and faculty may contact an Access Consultant at (612) 626-1333 (V/TTY) or drc@umn.edu for additional information. For additional assistance, consult the Disability Resource Center or contact Jan M. Erickson.

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