Student Account Resources

Students Section of CIS Website

Review the Students section of the CIS website with your students so they become aware of this resource covering course registration and withdrawal, relevant policies, transcripts and credit recognition (including how to request an official transcript), and additional resources.

Inform students that they are responsible for:

    • following U of M policies including academic integrity,

    • understanding the consequences of plagiarism and scholastic dishonesty,

    • following the timeline and procedures for withdrawal from a course,

    • knowing the importance of keeping the University syllabus, a copy of the textbook’s table of contents, and examples of written work to help facilitate credit recognition, and

    • activating (or “claiming”) their U of M internet account (see below) and suppressing directory information (their name, address, phone number, email, etc.) that they don’t want made public.

Student Internet Accounts

Students must claim their U of M internet accounts in order to suppress their directory information (name and contact information), view grades, give their parents permission to see academic records, or request a transcript online. An active account is also needed to access University Canvas and library websites.

Claiming a Student Account Online

Have students locate their 'My Account' and supply their seven-digit student ID number and birthdate. This information must exactly match the data entered in the student’s record at the time of registration. Since submission of one’s Social Security Number (SSN) is not required for CIS registration, the SSN field should be left “blank” to match “blank” on the student’s U of M record. However, if an error occurs, the student should try again including the last four digits of their SSN which may exist on record from previous contact with the U of M (e.g., admission application or inquiry).

Claiming a Student Account Through Technology Help (612-301-4357)

Customer service will claim the account for a student who does not have their ID number, but can provide their name and/or the email address they used to register for their U of M course.

University Technology Help staff encourage students to set security questions as soon as their account is created. Go to their 'My Account' to do so. This enables students to reset a forgotten password themselves.

Required Use of Duo Security for University Applications

The University of Minnesota is taking meaningful action to help students, faculty, and staff safeguard themselves against cybercrime. Duo Security (two-factor authentication) is required at the University of Minnesota Sign-In page. Two-factor authentication requires that users combine something they know (password or passphrase) with something they have (phone, tablet, or bypass codes) to gain access to their account.

The Sign-In page is the University’s gateway to many applications used by CIS students and instructors, such as Canvas, Library Services, U of M Email, MyU (view grades, order transcripts, etc.), among others. CIS instructors and students will need to use Duo in order to access these resources.

To enroll in Duo, CIS instructors and students will need a passphrase (at least 16 character, one uppercase and one lowercase) and a device for Duo authentication (ideally a smartphone or tablet with the Duo Mobile app). These will also be needed each time access to University applications is needed. If access to or regular use of a smartphone or tablet will be a barrier, alternative options are available.

The University provides resources to help understand Duo Security, set up and use Duo Security, and use bypass codes if you do not have a mobile device.

Resetting Passwords

Anyone needing to reset their password should (if they have not set security questions) call Technology Help (612-301-4357). They can walk a student through a self-service reset (a step-by-step guide to changing your password) or they can call the student at a number listed in their file. In the absence of a number, they can perform a video reset using WebEx or Skype, in which case the student can show them a government-issued ID. After confirming the student’s identity by phone or video, they will want two additional pieces of secure information from among the following: shared secret on file, student ID number, address (if suppressed), home phone (if suppressed), middle initial, date of birth.

After proper identification, Technology Help will issue a temporary password and describe how to change it. They can stay on the line to offer assistance if additional questions about resetting the password should arise. Temporary passwords last until the password is reset or until 11 p.m. on the day received.

Fees Appearing on Students' Accounts

The course cost may temporarily appear on a student’s account. Any other charges, including library late fees and bus passes, are the student’s responsibility.

Guest Accounts

Accommodations will be made for any student needing access to a Canvas course site and who is not enrolled for U of M credit, but the procedure remains to be defined. Contact CIS ( for details if you have a student who needs access to Canvas but is only enrolled for high school credit.

Record Privacy and Suppression

The University and CIS take the privacy of student records very seriously. Release of student information to third parties is regulated by Regents policy, federal law, and state law, and particularly by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Students are able to suppress their public directory information (that is, data publicly available: name; dates of enrollment and registration status; major, advisor, college, and class level; academic awards and degrees received) and limited directory information (information is made available to student groups, staff, and faculty at the University of Minnesota by request: mailing address, email address, and telephone number). Go to MyU, select “My Info” at the left. Here you can choose which piece(s) of information you want suppressed and click a button to enact the suppression of your data. (Note that One Stop can better assist students who suppress only their contact information than those who also suppress their enrollment data.) A step-by-step guide to Set Directory Suppression is available on One Stop.

Private student information (including social security number, birthdate, grades, student ID number, and GPA) may not be accessed by a third party—other than University officials who need the information to serve the student—without the student’s permission.

Under FERPA, K-12 student record rights are provided to the parents. However, those rights are transferred to a student who turns 18 or enters a postsecondary institution at any age.

An instructor may share the K-12 information with parents. They may also share with parents information based on the instructor's personal knowledge or observation (such as a conversation with the student) and that is NOT based on information in the university education record (such as the result of an assessment).

CIS follows U of M preferred practice in recommending that high school instructors obtain permission for disclosure of information to parents or others. The permission form "Permission to Discuss Student Progress" is available to instructors on CIS Homebase, for students to sign, granting permission for their instructors to discuss their grades and progress with their parents or guardians.


  • Stacey Tidball ( or 612-626-0075)

Related Policies:

Related Links:

U Cards

Due to an increase in the cost of the cards, CIS can no longer offer U Cards to CIS students. Students may be asked to show a U Card if they want to check out materials from a University library in person because that's the practice on campus, but if CIS students can show a photo ID, such as a high school ID or driver's license, the librarian will be able to determine that the student is registered in a U of M course. Please do not promise U Cards to your students or submit orders for them!