Improve Your Writing Productivity

Get in the Write Mind

The writing productivity video series Get in the Write Mind is designed to help writers overcome a range of barriers and develop productive writing habits. 

Honor Your Two Writing Minds

A lot of writers are held back by the desire to see something very polished on the page early on. In this video, Dr. Ella August encourages you to be more productive by making space for the early messy stages of writing. She discusses the writing process as the work of two minds. A messy creative mind that generates and processes ideas, and a critical mind that critiques, prunes and revises. Throughout, I encourage you to honor and give space to both minds. An additional video with reflective prompts and activity is available here

Write Regularly in Short Sessions 

Less writing means less productivity. In this video, Dr. Ella August talks about the benefits of writing regularly in short sessions and not just under ideal circumstances.  An additional video with reflective prompts and activity is available here

Set Specific Goals 

Before you sit down to work on your paper or grant application, it's important to set specific goals about what you want to accomplish in that session. Breaking your bigger goal into manageable chunks will make it feel less daunting and give you a clear sense of focus during your writing session. An additional video with reflective prompts and activity is available here

Avoid Multitasking

Our overall productivity and even well-being suffers when we attempt multiple activities at once. For writing, trying to multitask is particularly disruptive because it requires deep focus. This video offers four practical tips to avoid falling into the multitasking trap. An additional video with reflective prompts and activity is available here

WAG Your Work

Develop Sustainable Writing Habits 

WAGs (Writing Accountability Groups) are a habit-building method originally developed by Kimberly A. Skarupski for busy faculty members in academic medicine. They help develop sustainable writing habits and provide community support to increase scholarly productivity.

WAG Toolkit from PREPSS

Writing Retreat Toolkit from PREPSS