
Upcoming Events

Please see related page for details and RSVP

MEGC and ME DEI Alliance Recruiting Meeting

Thursday, September 7, 5:30-7:00 pm in GGB 2517 (computer lab)

Food will be provided!

MEGC and the ME DEI Alliance are recruiting new members! Please swing by GGB 2517 anytime next Thursday Sep. 7 between 5:30-7:00 pm to meet our teams, learn more about our work, and decide if you'd like to join. Any ME graduate student is welcome. Attending this meeting WILL NOT commit you to joining, so please visit us even if you're just curious what we do!

Please fill this short form to let us know you're attending. If you're unable to attend but still want to learn more about us, check out our website or email


Fall recreational sports

Leagues beginning Sept 10

