
Students should enroll in Principles of Epidemiology for Public Health (PUBHLTH 512) to fulfill the epidemiology requirement. Depending on a student's background and prior coursework, other options include EPID 600 or EPID 601 offered in the Department of Epidemiology.

If an HBHE doctoral student has taken an epidemiology course at another institution prior to coming to SPH and received a grade of B or better, the HBHE Doctoral Curriculum Committee can be petitioned to review requests to consider the course as an exemption.

A student may also exempt from the epidemiology requirement by successfully completing the exemption examination.

NOTE: The Epidemiology exemption exam is offered prior to the first day of classes in both the Fall and Winter terms. Students should check for a current schedule of exams if they intend to take the epidemiology exemption exam. It is strongly recommended that the epidemiology requirement is fulfilled within the first year of enrollment in the program and all exemptions are completed by the end of the first semester.