Discover: Finder's Keepers

An Exploration of Friendships from the Perspective of a College Senior

How Should You Engage With This Site?

Please look at the menu bar in the top left corner of the screen to find various articles that I have written on the topic of friendships. You are free to browse as you please and look at whatever topics are of interest to you. However. please note that these pages were written in order and there are references to certain people or ideas that would make more sense if you read them from beginning to end (top to bottom in the navigation bar).

So while you are not required to read in order, if there are any references that you don't understand, please go back to earlier pages.

Thanks for your attention!

Mission of the project

Hi! Thanks so much for visiting my site! This website is intended to be a representation of my own thoughts and internal musings about the research that I have been doing all semester on the topic of friendships. While it is mostly my opinion and my own personal experience, there is also a substantial amount of information and scholarly research included as well. The research was included in order to increase the validity of my thoughts and share what I learned throughout the course of this project. That being said, I am not claiming to be an expert. I am simply sharing my thoughts and hoping that they spark some new thought of yours. Below this section, I have described some of the efforts that I've made in the completion of this project.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that this is my own personal, limited, and biased opinion about friendships. Despite the inclusion of academic sources, this is by no means meant to be a perscriptive or instructional one-size-fits-all website.

An Image of Writing

Effort 1: Online Research

In order to add an academic ideas to my work, I found a lot of scientific theories about friendship and read academic materials

Woman Engaged in Conversation

Effort 2: Empirical Research

In order to include different perspectives, I interviewed a few of my friends about their experiences with friendships

Text Reads: New Ideas For Other Times

Effort 3: Outsider Input

For this project, we were required to gain an outside consultant who met with us to discuss our project and guide us in the creation of it.

Image of a Classroom with Students and a Teacher

Effort 4: Class Feedback

We were also required to participate in two full class workshops where we presented our works in progress to other students and shared ideas about how to make it better.


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