About Us

Climate Change and the Future of Michigan Cherries was developed by Lauren Highleyman, and enhanced by Katie Torkelson-Regan, graduate students at the University of Michigan School for Environment and Sustainability (SEAS), with the guidance of Dr. Inés Ibáñez and Dr. Michaela Zint

Funding for curriculum development and pilot testing was provided by National Science Foundation (NSF) DEB CAREER grant #1252664.

Assistance Provided by University of Michigan Students and Alumni

Lauren Highleyman, Isabella Garramone, Kaitlyn Teppert, Liz Ladwig, Katie Torkelson-Regan, Eva Zoerhof

Assistance Provided by Ann Arbor Public School Teachers

Courtney Kiley, Nicole Lemon, Elizabeth Olgren, Dustin Quandt, Ronald Robinson, Laurie Williams , Jean Wilson, Jennifer Wilkening

Graphic Design (Lessons and Curriculum)

Lindsay Bienick

Web Design

Mouko, LLC