Welcome to the UKU Welfare Pack

This is UKU microsite managed by the UKU Safeguarding Committee. It is designed to help and empower clubs by collating information, links and resources.

For more general information please go to www.ukultimate.com

Please use the navigation tool in the task bar to explore the information in this pack.

This pack has been put together by the UKU Safeguarding Committee with an emphasis on supporting both club and university committees to understand their roles and responsibilities around supporting their members' wellbeing. Welfare is for everyone and we want all clubs to better understand the role they play.

For the most part, a club Welfare officer is unlikely to have training in all areas of welfare, and in many cases may take on the role without any training at all. We hope clubs will consider providing essential training for their welfare officer, but also that anyone in this role will seek to develop their own knowledge and understanding by looking at the resources provided in this pack (and more!)

Please note that clubs which include anyone under the age of 18 MUST have a Safeguarding Officer with appropriate safeguarding training. This person may also have welfare under their remit. If your club is for adults only, you may just have a Welfare Officer, although this person may require some knowledge of adult safeguarding.

As best practice we would like to see all clubs and regularly playing groups moving towards having a Welfare Officer as an essential role. Take a look at the Sport England Club Matters pages to help with committee roles and guidelines.

What is the purpose of this pack?

We want to help clubs and Welfare Officers by producing a sign-posting tool for lots more information and training. The UKU Safeguarding Pack for Clubs has a number of documents specifically written to help Ultimate clubs provide safe ways to include young players. Welfare is a broader topic and we believe there is greater value in pointing individuals and club committees towards organisations that work in specific areas of welfare and wellbeing in sport. We have taken a number of welfare themes and provided more information and links to further resources under each.

This manual shall feature helpful good practices, real-life stories (where practices were tested or experiences are shared) as well as other initiatives (like the gender equity handbook from the Flying Rabbitts (Bruxeles) or the Gender Equity Tournament Toolkit from WFDF - World Flying Disc Federation) to introduce, develop and grow Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in all sports but especially Ultimate. The project was accepted and financed by the Erasmus+ Initiative in 2020 and has an official finalization date in October 2022. That being said it shall live on and grow until after that date. We want to create a legacy and platform for all topics related to DEI.

Something missing? Want to know more? Have a question? 

If you think you have a Safeguarding concern, please follow the link below to find out more