Gender Equity

Gender equity is a global topic across all realms of our lives, including sport and Flying Disc Sports. - WFDF

One of Ultimate's unique selling points and what attracts many players to the game is three equal high-level divisions: Women's, Open and Mixed. Each brings unique styles of play and a different dynamic to the sport. Although the Mixed division is where gender equity often comes particularly into focus, as male-rostered players and female-rostered players compete together and gender becomes a crucial part of identifying a players' role on the field, it is important that teams in all divisions consider gender equity and how they can support it.

A focus on gender equity is not necessarily about just 'treating everyone as equal'. It's about considering how gender may have impacted individual's experiences and opportunities, and creating ways of addressing and off-setting any relative disadvantage a person may have experienced on the basis of their gender. Opportunities to succeed at the highest level should not be based on prior opportunity or lack there of.

This is about challenging preconceptions and existing biases to ensure that we are celebrating skill, talent and hard work as it presents in all divisions and as embodied by all genders, not only ascribing a measure of success that has historically aligned with a version of play associated with the Open / Men's division. Value and emphasis should be based on contribution to the overall goal.

Tacking gender equity is not achieved in isolation - it is important to acknowledge that those from different communities, groups, backgrounds and so on, will all have different and varied experiences and perspectives.

In Ultimate, we seek to create a fair and competitive environment in which the sport itself and individuals with the sport can flourish. Thinking about gender equity, and taking active steps with your club and the wider community to support greater gender equity in Ultimate, helps towards a fairer and more competitive environment for everyone.

Some simple ways promote inclusivity in your club:

  1. Communication. Are you using gender-inclusive language, both within trainings and on the field? For example, instead of calling it 'Man Defence' can you use 'Person', 'Match' or 'Player' instead? Have you checked in with all the players about their preferred pronouns? You could try referring to the group as players, athletes or participants in general which avoids gendered terms when they aren't needed.

Speaking to players on an individual level to identify how and when they are able to receive feedback can also be a critical area for insuring inclusion - not everyone is able /willing to hear feedback as they are playing for a variety of reasons. Getting this right can be important for player well-being.

  1. Toilet access. Whether at training or a tournament, always consider the accessibility of a toilet for your teammates. Are the toilets safe for all participants? How far do they have to travel? Is this acceptable? Does additional time need to be built into trainings to allow for this? Not only to travel to and from the toilet, but also period care will often take longer. Clubs might consider adding sanitary products to their first aid kit as standard practice.

  1. Physicality in training. Are all of your team ok with the physicality at your trainings or that is being coached? Check ins and empowering teammates to provide their feedback is essential. Remember you should always adhere to the Rules of Ultimate and aim to avoid contact, whether at training or in competition.

  1. Training logistics. 49% of women report they do not feel safe walking alone in the dark, and this number significantly increases for gender non-conforming individuals. Is this a consideration when you book a venue or decide on the timings of your sessions? Are you logging how people are travelling to and from your sessions, and do you check in on those that you are expecting to arrive but for whatever reason do not make it? These are all things to consider when setting up sessions.

Some additional thoughts:

Development sessions. If you are playing at a high level and have skills - why not share the wisdom? As a club you can organise or support development sessions, helping up-and-coming players get exposure to new techniques and higher levels of play. Learning can be shared across genders, as expertise lies in lots of different areas across the divisions. As an individual you can also commit to supporting teammates and new players in the community, taking time to go throwing or grab a coffee and talk all things Ultimate. Think about the support you received, or wished you received, as you were learning and be that person for the next generation!

Supporting your peers. Watching fellow UK teams online or on the side-line can be a massive support and demonstrates that there is a viewer-base and market for all divisions. More views means more demand for greater coverage - they often say you cannot be what you cannot see, and getting more games viewed across the divisions will grow coverage for the sport as a whole as well as shining a light on different profiles of players that might previously have been underrepresented.

Gender Equity

"Sport is one of the most powerful platforms for promoting gender equality and empowering women and girls." - IOC

Some useful links:

This manual shall feature helpful good practices, real-life stories (where practices were tested or experiences are shared) as well as other initiatives (like the gender equity handbook from the Flying Rabbitts (Bruxeles) or the Gender Equity Tournament Toolkit from WFDF - World Flying Disc Federation) to introduce, develop and grow Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in all sports but especially Ultimate. The project was accepted and financed by the Erasmus+ Initiative in 2020 and has an official finalization date in October 2022. That being said it shall live on and grow until after that date. We want to create a legacy and platform for all topics related to DEI.