Best practice

Below you will find further resources to help clubs run safely and successfully

Sport England Club Matters

This site provides free access to a wide range of tools, guidance and resources that cover all aspects of running a sports club or group.


There are lots of funding opportunities for local sports clubs and groups especially those running projects that align to local and national agendas. Funding opportunities or grants may be available from your local authority or Sport England or other local or regional bodies. If you have a great idea you can find out really easily if it's something that Sport England will fund by looking here.

UKU Club Affiliation

Club committees should consider insurance. As an affiliated club you are covered under UKU public liability insurance.

UKU Membership

Individual membership is a requirement for all members of affiliated clubs, for entry to UKU events, UKU sanctioned events and certain international events.

UKU Coach Register and coaching

As a club, could you help your coach / coaches with the financial implications of being set up safely to coach your group?

Organising events / UKU Event Sanctioning

Running events as a club can be a fun way to provide more playing opportunities, an Ultimate event that is local / regional for your players, it can help build the community in your area and those near by, and can provide a small profit for your club. Click the link above to learn more about running events in partnership with UKU.