Safeguarding Pack for Clubs

Safeguarding is for everyone.

Playing, coaching and participating safely.

This is a UKU microsite managed by the UKU Safeguarding Committee. More information here.

Contents of this online pack:

Section 1: UKU Safeguarding policies and documents.

Section 2: DBS form and the Safeguarding Declaration form

Section 3: documents to help you set up safeguarding policies in your club

If you're looking on a phone you may want to download the documents directly from the lists below, otherwise you might prefer to scroll down to view and download.

The sections below repeat the documents linked above but can be viewed on this website page: 

Section 1:  UK Ultimate Safeguarding policies and documents

202104 UK Ultimate Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy [published]

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

202104 UK Ultimate Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures [published]

Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures

202104 Safeguarding in UK Ultimate - Organisation and Processes [published]

Safeguarding in UK Ultimate - Organisation and Processes

DRAFT 202112 Safeguarding in UK Ultimate - Ultimate Clubs

Safeguarding in UK Ultimate - Ultimate Clubs

DRAFT 202112 Safeguarding in UK Ultimate - Setting up Safeguarding in your Ultimate Club

Safeguarding in UK Ultimate - Setting up safeguarding in your Ultimate club

Section 2: Safeguarding Forms

UK Ultimate Safeguarding - Self Disclosure and DBS Application Form [published]

Self Disclosure and DBS application form

UK Ultimate Safeguarding Declaration [published]

UK Ultimate Safeguarding Declaration form

Section 3: Additional resources

These are intended to be helpful, starting-point documents to aid clubs in the process of creating their own safeguarding policies and procedures.

Introduction to pack [published]

Introduction to pack

Safeguarding Incident Form [published]

Safeguarding Incident form

UKU Safeguarding Social Media Guidance [published]

Social Media Guidance

Template Consent Form [published]

Player consent form

Guidance for Under 18 and Junior Logistics [published]

Checklist for u18 logistics

Guidance for Under 18 Finances [published]

Guidance for u18 Finances

Example Constitutional Clauses - Club Processes & Procedures [published]

Example constitutional clauses

Case studies examples [published]

Safeguarding case studies

Safeguarding Useful links [published]

Useful links