External Resources for ECM research
Interactive database to interrogate extracellular matrix (ECM) gene and protein networks developed by the Izzi lab.
Interactive database to interrogate extracellular matrix (ECM) gene and protein networks developed by the Izzi lab.
Knowledgebase of basement membrane composition during development, adult life, disease and across animal species developed by the Lennon lab and the Sherwood lab.
Knowledgebase of basement membrane composition during development, adult life, disease and across animal species developed by the Lennon lab and the Sherwood lab.
Multi-layered data resource, including ECM proteomics data, of evolving human ovarian cancer metastases developed by the Balkwill lab.
Multi-layered data resource, including ECM proteomics data, of evolving human ovarian cancer metastases developed by the Balkwill lab.