Course Selections
New to EDHS? Coming from outside of the UGDSB area? Follow the link at the bottom of this page.
Finished Grade 12, but looking to return for your 5th year? Scroll to the bottom of this page.
Course Selection
Choose your courses wisely, as
it may not be possible to change your courses later!
Whenever parents involve themselves in their children's school lives,
students achieve more and do better.
Start your post-secondary research early to check programs & prerequisites
Choose courses from Academic, Applied & Workplace
Course selection should be based on an individual student's interests, abilities and goals
Consult your teachers, Guidance Counselor, and Resource teacher for additional advice
Course Selection in MyBlueprint
Course selection is completed using MyBlueprint.
(For added security, this link will take you to the UgCloud login page, even if you are already logged in)
1. Sign-in to MyBlueprint through your UgCloud account
2. Select “High School” from the left hand navigation menu
3. Select courses from the boxes in the appropriate grade column
a) Use filters to see options by grade or discipline
b) Review course descriptions and prerequisites
4. Select “Add Course” to add the course to your plan
5. When done adding courses, select “Review Course Selections” at the top of the high school plan
6. Select “Submit Course Selections” at the top of the high school plan
7. The “Online Parent Approval” option must be completed for courses to be approved. Follow the prompt to “Send Approval Email”.
Click here for our Course Calendar to view course offerings.
Are you going into grade 9? Click here to plan your courses!
Are you going into grade 9? Click here to plan your courses!
To find out what is required to graduate Click here
Are you going into Grade 11 or 12?
Click here to plan your courses.
To find out what is required to graduate
Other Links....
Click here for ways to request the EDHS registration package.
Are you looking to complete another year of Grade 12? Click here