Next Generation Tech Booster Scholarship

Scholarship Program Related Questions 🗃

Find everything related to the logistics of the scholarship program here! 

What is the Next Generation Tech Booster Scholarship Program? 

Bertelsmann and Udacity are partnering to award 17,000 learners scholarships for foundational courses in Agile Software Developer,  AI Programming with Python or Enterprise Security

Bertelsmann is also offering 500 of these 17,000 learners an opportunity to take the related Nanodegree in these fields.

In what language is the Scholarship and course offered?

The program language for both the Challenge Course and the Udacity Nanodegree program is English. Subtitles are available in English for all three tracks. The scholarship student community will be managed in English.

Are there any prerequisites associated with this program? 

Scholars will need access to a reliable internet connection and have knowledge of basic computer skills for all tracks. Additionally, there are technical requirements for two tracks:

You will need access to reliable internet and have knowledge of basic computer skills for all tracks. Additionally, there are technical requirements for two tracks: 

Do scholarship recipients have to pay anything to participate?

No! The program is completely free to all scholarship recipients. Bertelsmann covers the costs.

How does this Scholarship work?

Phase 1: Challenge Course

Two-month, self-guided “Challenge” learning journey where students will gain exposure to one of three tracks – AI Programming with Python Fundamentals, Enterprise Security Fundamentals and Agile Software Developer Fundamentals– and build foundational skills in the given track.

All students must first go through the Challenge phase in order to qualify for the second Nanodegree phase. Students cannot apply to the Nanodegree phase directly nor skip phase one. By applying to this scholarship, you are therefore applying to the Challenge phase and in turn, initiating an opportunity to qualify for the subsequent Nanodegree phase.

After completing the first phase, you will get the chance to assess what you’ve learned through a Final Assessment. The top 500 students who score highest on this Final Assessment are prioritized for the Nanodegree phase. This is a selective process, so make sure you're ready for that Final Assessment when the date approaches on February 22 to 23, 2024! 

Phase 2: Nanodegree program

Self-guided Nanodegree learning journey where students will pursue one of three related Nanodegrees: Agile Software Developer, AI programming with Python and Enterprise Security.

Throughout your entire journey and across both phases, you will have access to an online community platform, where you will get to connect with other students and tutors for support to help you through any learning difficulties or even to network! This is going to be a fun ride. 

What is the schedule? When will the lectures be? 

The program takes place 100% online. Students can work from wherever they want to, as long as they have a working internet connection.

Are there specific class hours when students need to be online or can they go through the lessons and study whenever they want?

After class starts, participants can study on their own schedule as long as they complete the course in the predefined time. That is to say, they will have complete access to the course directly in their classroom 24 hours a day. We understand that students have different schedules and will work on their course at different times and on different days. What’s important is that students make constant progress each and every week and get through all the content before the end of the program deadline. 

What are the criteria for earning a full scholarship for the Nanodegree programs?

Of the 17,000 Challenge Course recipients, 500 will be selected for the follow-on Nanodegree program. Selection into the second phase of the program, the Nanodegree program phase, is highly competitive. You will be 'eligible' for the full Nanodegree program once you fulfill the criteria below:

Students who score highest on the Final Assessment will be prioritized for selection into the Nanodegree phase.

How can I move into the Nanodegree Phase?

After completing the entire Challenge course, you will be invited to take a Final Assessment on the Challenge content. The Final Assessment will take place from February 22 - 23, 2024 (48-hour window). Once the assessment is available on February 22, 2024 at 00:00am CET, the link to take the assessment will be sent via email only to those who completed the Challenge phase. Udacity will leave the link open to the Final Assessment for 48 hours, allowing you two full days to complete it.

I paid for a Nanodegree and now got the scholarship. Can I get a refund on my Nanodegree?

Congrats again on your acceptance into the Next Generation Tech Booster Scholarship Program! Unfortunately, per the terms of the scholarship, your enrolment into your previous Nanodegree program cannot be refunded. 

What are the Terms and Conditions?

The full Terms and Conditions are posted here.