Next Generation Tech Booster Scholarship

Daily Scrum Challenge

Completed Sprint #2Fill up the Sprint #1 Completion Form!  
  Agile Track  | AI Track  | Security Track

Daily Scrums?

A fundamental part of any tech-role, these are generally 15 min daily events for a team to plan for the next 24 hours, where each of the team member very briefly answers same set of questions.

Generally Daily Scrums (also known as Daily StandUps) are part of a Sprint a short, time-boxed period where a team works to complete a set amount of work!

Read More....... Daily Scrums

What is the Daily Scrum Challenge?

You might have heard of and even participated in a Daily Scrum routine! This challenge is built on the similar lines. The premise of this challenge is to help you build a time-line driven goal in terms of the Foundations Course, track your progress regularly and commit to the goal as a team so that you can help each other achieve it!

For Phase 1,  we plan to hold  2  Sprints of the Daily Scrum Challenge. Each sprint will be 2 weeks. Every scholar who commits  for a sprint will be considered part of the team for that Sprint! 

Each sprint will have a goal and all the team-members taking part in a sprint have to achieve this goal by the end of the Sprint.  So the team-members have to focus on their progress in achieving the goal as well as help their team members in removing their blockers

🚨You won't be assigned any teams as such. It is just that 'everyone' who fills the commitment form for any Sprint will be considered as part of a big team called Sprint #1 / Sprint #2 Team!

Important Dates for Sprint #2!

🎯GOAL : By the end of  the Sprint  #2, every Sprinter should have achieved the following Milestone (based on their track) : 🏆

🌟 Commitment Wall for the tracks 🌟 
Agile Track | AI Track| Security Track

How Does it Work?

1️⃣ Sign up for the ongoing challenge >>>  Fill the Sprint #2 Commitment Form for your track before  it closes on Fri, Jan 12, 2024
>>    Agile Track  | AI Track  | Security Track

2️⃣ With the aim of completing achieving the Sprint Goal, by the end of coming 2 weeks, EVERYDAY work on your Challenge Course by setting aside a time for it (even 30 minutes everyday would do!)

3️⃣ Do a daily check-in of your progress in the #08_daily_scrum Slack Channel!

How? Everyday at around the same time, make a  post in the #08_daily_scrum Channel answering the following three questions:

Here’s an example of what a daily scrum post will look like :

" Day 1 -

1. Yesterday, I worked on Content Delivery under Cloud Fundamentals

2. Today I’m working on Security under Cloud Fundamentals

3. Not understanding how to create a VPC is blocking my progress"

4️⃣ Operate as a team! 🤝

5️⃣ When you've successfully completed the 2-week Sprint, fill out the Sprint #2 Completion Form (of your track)  :   Agile Track  | AI Track  | Security Track

The goal of this Challenge is to.....

Prepare you for when you will hold a technical position and when these kind of Daily Scrums will become a part of your daily routine! By enacting a daily scrum, you will get to practice “speaking” on technical topics in an ultra-safe space! This will also help you:

General Guidelines ⚠️

It all starts with a making a commitment! ✨