Next Generation Tech Booster Scholarship

Become a Student Advocate! Submit an application for your track!
Agile Track  | AI Track  | Security Track

Student Advocate Program 📛

Our Student Advocates are voluntary representatives of the student body who have big hearts, great ideas, and have a strong willingness to get involved. 💖💫

Student Advocates are made up of Channel Advocates and Tech Advocates that serve their classmates by going above and beyond - providing outstanding technical and moral support both informally and during organized events!

❝ For me, [the Student Advocate experience] made the whole experience more complete. It gave me an opportunity to give back to the community, which really cemented everything in place for me. For my fellow classmates, I think they really valued having someone they could go to for support. ❞

 - Steve,  Past Scholarships Student

🗓Important Dates 🗓


✅If you are specifically interested in becoming a Tech Advocate just check the #06_tech_help channel or preferred Lesson Channel(s) as the channel(s) you would like to lead.

✅You may express interest in 'up to 3 channels' when applying but you will only be responsible for leading one channel, if selected.

✅We are looking for approximately 3 Advocates per channel!

✅We will need more Student Advocates as we open up new channels in the future, so submit an application as we may call on you in the future!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. Is the Student Advocate program mandatory?

A.  No. This program is completely voluntary.

Q. How much time can one expect to devote to the program?

A. Student Advocates generally spend 5-6 hours a week in their role. During the holidays - when the Scholarships team is offline - is really when we want to see Students Advocates online and stepping into their leadership position!

Q. What if I’m not selected to be a Student Advocate. Do you have other recommendations on how I can get involved?

A. Yes! You can still make a positive impact by forming a Study Team, volunteering in our upcoming initiatives or by creating your own initiatives! Try thinking outside the box and consider putting on a live technical webinar or hosting an AMA. While it won't be in an official Student Advocate capacity you will still be helping your classmates in a big way. The sky’s the limit!

Q. What is the timeline on selection?

A. We’ll announce our selections by Wed, Jan 3rd, 2024. Those students selected for the Student Advocate program will be invited to a private Slack channel where they will be given their channel assignments, a handbook, and next steps!