Next Generation Tech Booster Scholarship

Frequently Asked Questions

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How does this scholarship program work?

The program consists of two parts: 

Part 1: Two-month, self-guided “Challenge” learning journey where students will gain exposure to one of three tracks – AI Programming with Python Fundamentals, Enterprise Security Fundamentals and Agile Software Developer Fundamentals– and build foundational skills in the given track.

Part 2: Self-guided Nanodegree learning journey where selected learners will pursue one of three Nanodegrees: Agile Software Developer, AI programming with Python and Enterprise Security.

What is the timeframe for this Scholarship Program? 

Timeline for this Scholarship Program (all tracks) is as follows:

Are there specific class hours when students need to be online or can they go through the lessons and study whenever they want?

The program takes place 100% online. Students can work from wherever they want to, as long as they have a working internet connection

After class starts, participants can study on their own schedule as long as they complete the course in the predefined time. That is to say, they will have complete access to the course directly in their classroom 24 hours a day. We understand that students have different schedules and will work on their course at different times and on different days. What’s important is that students make constant progress each and every week and get through all the content before the end of the course.

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