Next Generation Tech Booster Scholarship

Deadlines and Schedules 🗓

Find information about the important dates of the scholarship program here! 

What is the timeframe for this Scholarship Program? 

Timeline for this Scholarship Program (all tracks) is as follows:

I have an upcoming obligation (work, school, travel, etc.) and will not be able to work on my course for a couple days; will this negatively impact my selection for phase two?

We understand that everyone has busy lives, and you cannot be devoted to your coursework 100% of the time! That said, if you will be offline for a couple of weeks or more, then you’ll be approaching or exceeding half of your overall course time! If this is necessary, we recommend setting aside time (even just 10-15 minutes makes a difference) a couple of times per week to stay active in the community and make incremental progress in your coursework before the course deadline.

Also, do make sure to log into the Classroom and complete atleast one concept of a lesson before Jan 5, 2024 so that you fulfil the Active Participation Requirement. Scholars who do not make any progress in the Challenge Course by Jan 5, 2024 will be unenrolled from the program.

Are there any specific deadlines? How long do I need to work on this course? 

Scholars must complete the Scholarship course by Feb 15, 2024. They have to also fulfil the 'Active Participation Criteria' by making progress in the course by Jan 5, 2024.

The scholarship challenge is nearly 9 weeks long, and we estimate that if you invest 3-5 hours/week -- on reviewing instructional content, taking quizzes, and participating in other course-related activities such as engaging with your community and colleagues on Slack -- you will proceed through the program at a successful pace and finish with no problems before the scholarship ends. 

Do I need to complete all the Challenge Course content for Phase 1? 

Completing all your Challenge Course content is one of the criteria for Phase 2 selection. It is therefore required of you to complete the Challenge Course  to be eligible for one of the full Nanodegree scholarships. 

Big picture, thousands of people applied for the opportunity to benefit from this scholarship. As one of the selected recipients, we hope and expect you to take advantage of this valuable opportunity by finding the time needed to work through all of the concepts and lessons in your scholarship course.