
Concept Reference


rouguelike reference

Do Android Dream of Electric Sheep?

In the novel, the protagonist Rick Deckard owns an electric sheep instead of a real one, as keeping a real animal is considered a sign of status in the post-apocalyptic world of the book. The electric sheep serves as a symbol of the characters' desire for authenticity and their attempts to replicate the natural world through artificial means.

Referencing the artificial animals, especially the electric sheep, the game’s enemies are designed to be simulating animals, ranging from fully mechanical but simulating animal movement to cyborgs that include animal parts. Using animal parts in the cyborgs adds a layer of complexity to the enemies, as the player may need to use different strategies to hide from or trick away the enemies. Using artificial animals as enemies also explores themes related to the ethics of creating and using advanced technology. (related to Bio track and the robot/cyborg factory).

Game Design Reference 

The Art of Game Design

Provides a series of lenses to help investigate our game design.

Theory of Fun for Game Design

Focused on making the game fun, and showed various ways to achieve fun. In lamplight, we carefully reference the methods and intentionally brings oppsite feelings to the player.