Jared Dittamo

Programmer, Game Design

Angelina Huang

3D Generalist

Project Lamplight

Lamplight is a roguelike stealth game with the theme of burnout and pressure with the background of the player is lamplight, the child in the robot family. 

With the game medium, the audience would find Lamplight as an interactive experience and a story. The player will experience the theme of burnout in the main character, lamplight, through interaction and storyline with the Family. The player will also feel the theme throughout the environment. The theme of burnout is also carefully designed in many other aspects, like enemy design and level designs. 

Concept: Burnout

The game starts with usual quests: the quest gradually becomes harder while the player gets better, making illusions that the player can achieve quests and get better and meet the family’s expectations. However, the quests are intentionally designed to be exponentially harder, eventually impossible to achieve and master. Through the game process, the feeling of failure and unable to meet expectations become more and more prevalent and present the theme of burnout.