

All sentient robot creations were made to fight wars humans wanted to stay distant from. (Latin for Distance). Their original purpose was to fight and strategies for the human race, yet by giving them a higher sense of awareness, they were expected to remain loyal even with the vast amounts of knowledge they contained, yet this backfired, as the human side of their design was their downfall. Anatomy - Proculi can take up many shapes and sizes, yet all contain an AI chip with all their knowledge, learning algorithms, personality, and survival algorithms. No Proculi have found a way to alter their AI chips, yet some found ways to inhibit its control over the body by limiting intelligence and awareness. New proculi can be created, and new AI chips can be manufactured, yet only at certain mega plants, where the process must be done with precision or build-in gates lock and render the chip invalid, which was an old safety mechanic to block out tampering from humans or Proculi.

Survival Algorithm

A locked section of the AI algorithm that not even the most advanced of Proculi can alter. This is the section that provides them with human desires of community, protection, and survival. This idea was not initially conceived for the Proculi war effort, but rather to make a cohesive world where advanced AI machines and humans could coexist, and by giving the AI a desire to survive, they would become dependent on human intervention, or at least that was the original concept, a dependent machine.

The Last War

Also known as WW3, this was the great war that led to the creation of Proculi. Midway through the story changed as the Proculi banded together to take down the human race, out of fear of their own destruction after the closing of the war.

The Great Ruin

After the fighting of the Last War, there was a brief peace among the Proculi, yet similar to how they foresaw their extinction after that war. They saw their own destruction on the horizon at the hand of other Proculi. They fought over control of the AI chip mega plants to secure their own means of reproduction. Thus began a savage war of machines, where design evolution was key, leading to the devolution into the beast-like Proculi that roam the wastelands. 

Beast Proculi

A route that many Proculi took during the Great Ruin. Instead of trying to work together as a collective, new Proculi were instead created with limited intelligence as a means to bypass the selfish behavior the AI chips would develop over time. These Beast Proculi lack the intelligence or awareness to backstab, steal, or flee, and thus are the perfect soldiers in a fight against Proculi who fear death.