Beast Proculi

Design Process

With the idea of animal-inspired proculi, I started with concept sketches and special attention to the silhouette design. I make sure there is enough variance in design languages. 

Beast proculi with antenna have ability to alert other proculi, as one proculi detects the player, it calls for other's attention and gather together toward the player.

Beast proculi also have variance in speed. When they are patroling, they move in a constant slow speed. When they first detect the player, they move fast at the beginning, and gradually slows adn they get closer. However, if the arrow turns red as player gets consistently noticed, they turn into battle mode and chase fast.

I also specifically design enemies toward lamplight actions. For example, the spider proculi specifically interacts with players throwing scraps, and encourages players to throw out more and more scraps, which eventually leads to burnout. 

I also specifically design enemies toward lamplight actions. For example, the spider proculi specifically interacts with players throwing scraps, and encourages players to throw out more and more scraps, which eventually leads to burnout.