
The storyline consists of small talks, quests, and bark lines for each Act. 

Act I

Act I Quest

Fix Quest Bot: 

Mother Imperia: “Oh, hello there, my child. I am Mother Imperia; it is nice to see your memory recover again.”

(player’s mind from cloud storage and recovers to a new lamp)

Lamplight: “You are... my mother?"

“Look, my xxx is broken when trying to save you in the great crash. I sacrificed so much for you; the least you could do is to gather scraps and meet my expectations”. 

“You’re doing well so for. Keep it up, and you’ll become a valuable member of the Family.”


[Collect 3 scraps to start the quest system]

[Spot 3 types of enemies]

[Distract 3 enemies from the patrol path by throwing scraps]

[Get killed once]

[survive longer than that other robot, to show the family that lamplight is better than others]

(Quests lead to reputation increase, but gets harder and harder)

Act I Bark lines

Mother Imperia:

Last time your sister brought home the scraps, she made an encyclopedia out of them.

Remember, failure is not an option

Don’t think you are irreplaceable.

Brother Quaerus:

Don’t worry. I’m here to save the day… again.

Without my guidance, you’d be lost.

I’m the one who knows everything.

Brother Fallero

Why waste time on Mother’s orders?

Join me instead

She only seeks to control us all.

Sister Construe

You would need to be tough, let me upgrade those arms.

Metals, scraps, and, oh, those AI chips.