Transit Troubles

Scope 3 Emissions

Project Keywords: Transportation, Commute, Sustainability, Emissions

Driving Questions

Meet the Team

Daniel Donskoy

Elleway Wu

Jonathan Kim

Rania Notowidigdo

Roxana Nevarez

Project Deliverables

SYNposium Poster

SYNposium Poster

Our SYNposium poster acted as our paper’s executive summary. We included only the most engaging and important information so that we could quickly summarize what we accomplished during our time in class. 

Project Proposal Draft

This document is our preliminary draft outlining recommendations for improving low-emission transportation options at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). We also used this paper as a way to communicate our survey results and how we interpreted them. Ultimately, we  intended this to be submitted to a department of UCSD administration as a proposal for encouraging increased adoption of sustainable transportation among students commuting to and from campus. While the recommendations presented in this draft are based on initial survey findings and observations, they are subject to further refinement and validation through additional data analysis and stakeholder input.

With that being said, further research and data collection are needed to fully support the proposed recommendations with evidence. We encourage collaboration between the SYN100 students with faculty, administration, or local transit agencies to gather more comprehensive data and insights into transportation habits and preferences among UCSD students. 

Project Proposal Draft

Additional Project Materials

Google Form survey that we designed to collect data on student transportation methods and preferences. Contact Dr. Gormally at for most recent raw data that has been collected from the survey.

Future Directions & Remaining Questions