Summer Support

Course work | Research

There is no specific research or course work required during the summer. Graduate students are encouraged to work with their advisor to consider their entire academic plan when determining what work should be accomplished during the summer. 

Summer Support Funding

Beginning Fall 2020, admitted psychology graduate students will receive a small stipend for the summer following their first year. The summer stipend amount is specified on graduate students' offer letters at the time of admissions.

The Psychology Department has limited offerings for summer funding. Graduate students should seek external summer support and discuss summer support options with their faculty advisor. The Department will have limited availability to offer graduate students the following:

Summer TAships

A few summer Psychology TAships are available each summer. The call for summer TAships will be sent out in mid-May. When assigning these positions, priority goes to students earlier in the program who have no other summer support.

Summer GSIs

Students who have a master’s degree or who have advanced to candidacy may also apply to teach summer courses as Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs). The call for summer GSI teaching is announced in late fall.

Summer Support Grants

The Department has limited funds provided by the Graduate Division that we can use to provide students with small summer stipends, and priority goes to students at earlier stages in the program. These stipends have been historically provided by the following grants; Travel and Conference Grant, Mini-Grant, Summer Graduate Research Award, and Summer Dissertation Fellowship. Graduate students should discuss summer support options with their faculty advisor and graduate program coordinator.