May Update

Email sent by Susan on 5/8/19

Dear Mentor Teachers,

Happy May! I hear some of you are in the midst of testing, and others are in the final stretch. Thank you again for all you do for our student teachers and your own students. As you know, it takes a lot to be a great teacher, and you are doing it.

Full Takeover

Your student teacher is also in the final stretch, and is likely in the midst of their full takeover. The student teacher needs to be involved in 100% of the daily instruction and planning. The student teacher may be the lead teacher and/or the co-teacher during these interactions.

UCI Assignments

Some assignments that your student teacher may be working on:

- Social Studies lesson plan(s) that incorporate content literacy and technology

- Research: implementation of their intervention to address a dilemma

IIDP Conference

Your student teacher will also complete a document called an Induction Individual Development Plan (IIDP). The student teacher will pull data from the FINAL evaluation that mentors complete, AND data from their supervisor observations. A copy of the IIDP is found in the handbook on p. 30-32.

After your student teachers final observation with the supervisor, you will be invited to participate in a 30-minute conference. During this conference your student teacher will present his/her draft IIDP to you and the supervisor. At this conference, you may add additional information and insight.

Final Evaluation

In order for your student teacher to work on the IIDP, they will need your final evaluation. Please complete the final evaluation before your student teacher’s final observation so he/she has time to complete the IIDP.


Before completing the survey online, I request that you fill out a paper copy (p. 33-38 in the handbook) and conference with your student teacher.

Please feel free to contact me or the supervisor if you have any questions or need additional information.

This message and all previous messages are archived on the Mentor Teacher website:

Thank you,
