Ergonomics and VR

Modular Construction Research Group

University of Alberta, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Our research in the area of ergonomic risk assessment looks at evaluating the degree of ergonomic hazard posed by residential construction tasks. This research considers ergonomic risks in terms of worker health and safety in manufacturing facilities and on construction sites, construction productivity, and cost, advancing with the hypothesis that careful design of construction tasks can improve productivity. Complementary research initiatives include VR applications in construction, and evidence-based elderly-friendly architectural design.

User-centric kitchen design system for residential buildings

The kitchen is one of the most important and intensively used spaces in the home, serving many purposes, both functional and social. Proper design of the kitchen not only ensures that the occupant’s functional requirements are fulfilled, but also ensures the safety and physical suitability for users while adding aesthetic value to a home. Typically, “kitchen design” refers to layout design, fixture selection (i.e., faucet, sinks, appliances), cabinet design, finishing material selection, as well as lighting design. However, in North America, many homebuyers are left unsatisfied with their kitchen design and with the design process, which typically consists of a series of choices over standard or upgrade options of kitchen fixtures with budget limits, with little consideration given to cultural differences or lifestyle choices (e.g., minimalist living). To fill this gap, this study applies immersive virtual reality (IVR) and serious games to investigate homebuyer characteristics and needs in relation to functional, physical, and psychological requirements for kitchen design.

Meanwhile, a dynamic knowledge management system is constructed using data collected from user experiments to facilitate an efficient user-centric kitchen design process. First, a VR–BIM-based prototype system is developed to enable data exchange between the BIM software and the VR platform. In this regard, two novel approaches are introduced corresponding to the tasks of finishing material selection (use of algorithms to find the optimal finishing material based on customer preferences) and lighting design (use of a multi-criterion decision analysis method to search the lighting design plan based on design guidelines). These two approaches function as the “brain” of the system to assist the user in making better design decisions based on the embedded rules acquired from design guides and previous research. Also, several multi-criteria decision-making methods and an optimization algorithm are implemented to facilitate the rule-application process. The results from the case studies conducted in this research indicate that the proposed framework can improve the data management of interior design, and that it is capable of assisting the user in performing the design task based on their actual requirements without the need for a background/experience in interior design.

In the next stage, the lifestyle choices, cultural differences, and wellness factor of homebuyers are taken into consideration to expand the dynamic knowledge map with respect to kitchen design. For instance, we investigate how the lifestyle choices of homebuyers, i.e., the type of dinnerware or kitchen appliances used, might influence the kitchen design, and how this knowledge could be utilized to facilitate an efficient design that encourages homebuyer engagement in the design process.

User-centric kitchen design system for residential buildings.pdf

Rule language-based automated compliance checking for interior generative design using BIM

BIM has become an integral part of design and construction, as it can integrate all building data in an accessible digital representation that can be viewed in a 3D environment prior to construction. This allows engineers, architects, and designers to evaluate a model against building codes or design rules to ensure that the building meets the relevant functional and safety requirements for occupants. However, building regulations are typically represented in natural language and, to date, they are not fully interoperable with the digital BIM design process. To automate the design evaluation of a building model, this research describes a simple, yet extendable, domain-specific language for computationally representing building rules and a method for evaluating rules in this language against a BIM model.

Previous language-based model-checking approaches have not explored the applicability of their proposed languages beyond model-design evaluation. In this context, this research also demonstrates the use of our language in a second, more complex, use case, namely, the automated generation of multiple valid alternative model designs that comply with a set of design rules expressed in our language. We have evaluated the usefulness of our language in two generative-design case studies: kitchen layouts using a set of real-world kitchen design rules provided by a commercial partner, and living-room layouts using rules put forward in earlier automated design research. This research thus bridges the concepts of automated model checking and generative design united by a common rule language.

Rule language-based automated compliance checking for interior generative design using BIM.pdf

Automated proactive 3D fuzzy ergonomic analysis for rapid workplace design and modification

Although advanced technologies are used in many construction industries, physical operations are still essential. These physical operations are strongly affected by workplace design. Ergonomic-centric workplace design may enhance the quality and productivity in the industry, while workplaces with inherently poor ergonomic design may lead to work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) for workers, resulting in an increase in compensation costs and schedule overruns due to work absenteeism. Reliable analysis that identifies and evaluates the ergonomic risks of physical operations from the perspective of workplace design, leads not only to enhanced occupational health practices, but also improved overall project quality and productivity.

Ergonomic analysis for rapid workplace design and modification.pdf

VR applied for ergonomic risk assessment of industrialized construction tasks

To reduce worker exposure to the physical demands associated with work-related musculoskeletal disorders, investigation of workstation design is needed in the industrialized construction industry. Virtual reality (VR) is emerging as an effective alternative to simulate human body motions in a controlled environment and overcome challenges encountered in traditional prototyping methods such as physical mock-ups. This research proposes a VR-based ergonomic assessment method to evaluate worker body posture during manual handling operational tasks in industrialized construction. To develop, demonstrate, and verify the accuracy of the proposed method, a VR application for data collection is developed in two phases: (1) a pilot test with 4 participants, followed by (2) validated experiment with 13 participants. In the second round of experiments, participant background information and feedback on the developed VR application is obtained through an online questionnaire, while information on participant body motion is collected using video recording and evaluated using an existing ergonomic risk assessment method, Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA). Ergonomic risks are identified and classified accordingly, with an accuracy of approximately 82% achieved from the RULA scores calculated in the physical mock-up and the designed VR application. Based on the results obtained, it is concluded that the proposed VR-based ergonomic risk assessment methodology is suitable for performing ergonomic analysis of manual handling operational tasks similar to the one investigated in this study.

VR applied for ergonomic risk assessment of industrialized construction tasks.pdf

An improved physical demand analysis framework based on ergonomic risk assessment tools for the manufacturing industry

Most of the operational tasks in the manufacturing process entail extensive physical involvement despite the introduction of automated equipment. Due to the high physical demand in manufacturing, the need for proactive risk assessment to decrease potential injury cannot be ignored. Physical Demand Analysis (PDA) is a widely used tool recommended to all manufacturers by the Canadian Workers’ Compensation Board to document the physical, cognitive, and environmental demands of essential tasks. However, limitations exist in utilizing the content generated in current PDA practice to conduct risk identification and risk assessment, and it has limited functionality for providing modified work to proactively mitigate risk. This research summarizes the input requirements of risk assessment tools and proposes an improved PDA form with an integrated framework to facilitate the comprehensive and intelligent use of PDA. This research focuses on three aspects of PDA implementation—risk identification, risk evaluation, and risk mitigation—targeting the development of modified work for the manufacturing industry. The framework is implemented in a window and door manufacturing facility, and a case study of a window glazing station is investigated. Based on the findings of the research, four main ergonomic risk assessments and identifications are recommended.

An improved physical demand analysis framework based on ergonomic risk assessment tools for the manufacturing industry.pdf