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Compared to traditional construction approaches, the industrialized construction process reduces cost and construction time, generates higher quality products, and creates healthier and safer environments for workers and occupants. As technology within the construction industry continues to evolve, the need for a greener, faster, smarter, and safer building approach is an increasingly pressing one. The Modular and Offsite Construction (MOC) Summit showcases the benefits and addresses the challenges of industrializing building construction provincially, nationally, and internationally, and is attended by government officials, architects, engineers, contractors, clients, manufacturers, owners, oil & gas companies, and builders.

To access the proceedings of past MOC Summits, please click here.

The 2022 MOC Summit was held July 27–29 in Edmonton, Canada, in conjunction with the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC) Conference and the Construction Innovation Centre (CIC) Forum.

For information about the MOC Summit, please enter your email below to subscribe to news and updates:

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