Susan Sinclair

Mrs. Susan Sinclair is originally from Green Lake, Saskatchewan.  She is a band member with the Canoe Lake First Nations in Saskatchewan. She is a language keeper, traditional knowledge keeper and facilitator who provides workshops with various organizations.  At present, Susan is working with the Edmonton Public School Board as a consultant and teacher. Susan has worked in the field of education and counselling . She has worked extensively with First Nations, Metis and Inner City schools for more than 21 years. She has taught all grade levels, and worked as a coordinator and consultant in the area of cultural infusion.

Susan has taught at the University of Saskatchewan and University of Regina as a sessional  lecturer in Native Studies and the Cree Language. She also served as a project team member with Saskatchewan Learning to develop Curriculum programming for Cree 10, 20 and 30. These Cree Language resource lessons and units are available on the Saskatchewan Learning Website.

Susan has learned early on, the value of story -telling to pass on values, knowledge and culture of Indigenous people. She is firmly committed to passing on this passion to future generations through practical application and traditional storytelling methods. Fluent in Cree and Michif languages, Susan is in demand as a consultant for programs serving Indigenous communities. Her style is described as thoughtful, well organized, inspirational and refreshing.

Presently, she is working on her M.Ed in the areas of Language and Literacy. Susan is also developing a series of teaching resources in the Cree language which are intended for use in programs offering Plains Cree Michif language instruction.