2017 First Nations Language Keepers Conference (FNLKC)
2017 First Nations Language Keepers Conference (FNLKC)
tānisi kiya (hello how are you?)
The Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Centre (SICC) reminds your that our 2017 First Nations Language Keepers Conference (FNLKC) will be held on Wednesday-Thursday, November 22-23, 2017 at the Saskatoon Inn & Conference Centre. Our theme this year is Resurgence: Reclaiming Indigenous Knowledge Systems.
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Please find their keynote abstracts attached.
OFFICIAL POSTER: Please find attached the official poster for the FNLKC.
AGENDA – Second Draft: We are excited to release our first draft agenda. We have finalized our keynotes and a large portion of our agenda. Please note that workshop times may be adjusted as the conference gets closer. Please find the draft agenda attached.
WHAT IS NEXT: SICC will be working on finalizing information for our workshop presenters and releasing more forms.
Here is our Conference webpage: http://www.sicc.sk.ca/2017-sicc-first-nations-039;-language-keepers-conference-.html
Here is our Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1168723873244503
ay hay (thank you),
Melody Wood
Indigenous Knowledge Systems Researcher