Darlene Auger - Pîtâpan

A Bush Cree woman originally from Wabasca (Wâpiskâw), (Northern Alberta), who now resides in Edmonton (Amiskwâci Wâskahikan), Alberta, Darlene comes from a family of eight and is a mother of two beautiful young ladies, Fawn and Kîstin. Darlene is an educator, researcher, entrepreneur, holistic practitioner, facilitator, Actress/writer and singer. Darlene is an accomplished facilitator, having presented locally, nationally and abroad.

Darlene has a Psychology Degree from the University of Alberta and is currently pursuing her Doctorate at the Blue Quills First Nations College University in Indigenous Life Knowledge – “Iyiniw Pimâtisiwin Kiskeyihtamowin”.  Darlene is able to speak, read and write (Roman Orthography and Syllabics) in her Cree language and is seeking funding to create a CD of Cree lullabies, a children’s book of traditional parenting teachings, and a toy swing for dramatic play and early learning. Darlene has had some previous published work and is the Co-Founder of Old Earth Productions – A community based Indigenous theatre company in Edmonton and is the sole proprietor of Pîtâpan Consulting – A home based company.  Darlene travels extensively to share teachings of the traditional indigenous baby swing (wiwipsion), for the wholistic care and nurturing of infants and has also developed wiwip’son as an indigenous form of therapy for adults, in following a spiritual vision she had in 2001.