Indigenous Language Education Courses - Summer 2017

The Indigenous Language Education program provides some applied linguistic training and exposure to theories in second language acquisition. It targets those who teach Indigenous languages in the second language classroom.  It also develops practical strategies for immersion teaching, curriculum development, language assessment and bringing Indigenous knowledge and worldviews into the classroom.

Students are Indigenous language speakers, teachers, Elders, community members and other language activists who are committed to the promotion, protection, preservation and practice of First Peoples’ languages.

BLOCK 1, July 10 – July 18, 2017

Introduction to Language and Literacy Development
EDEL 306

This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to teaching language and reading. The focus will be on planning for Indigenous language teaching for learners from diverse language and literacy backgrounds, and supporting Indigenous languages in the school and community. (Emphasis will be placed on language development and curriculum development in Indigenous societies.)

Instructor: Belinda Daniels

Sustaining Language and Culture through Traditional Knowledge and Practices
EDEL 460/595

This course examines restoration, practice and application of Indigenous Language and culture revitalization efforts utilizing cultural knowledge. Students will have opportunity to discuss the challenges and opportunities for the preservation of cultural practices in the 21st century. The exploration of differences and similarities among the difference Indigenous language and cultures will be examined, specifically related to teaching practices. Elders will serve as resources in the class. Prerequisite:  EDEL 305, EDEL 306 or other introductory language arts methods course or consent of the department.

Instructor: Linda Pelly-Landrie

Assessment in Indigenous Language Classrooms
EDEL 463/595

This course will examine the assessment of Indigenous language learning in bilingual, immersion, and core language classrooms. A range of theoretical perspectives will be examined in the field of child language acquisition and techniques for assessing Indigenous language learning. Prerequisite:  EDEL 305, EDEL 306 or other introductory language arts methods course or consent of the department.

Instructor: Velvalee Georges

BLOCK 2 – July 19 – July 28, 2017

Developing Classroom Materials and Curriculum for Indigenous Languages
EDEL 462 / EDEL 595

Provides teachers with practical tools and hands-on experience in developing a wide range of material for Indigenous language classrooms and will improve their ability to use the language for communicative purposes. Grounded on research on effective language pedagogy and second language acquisition, this course will focus on holistic approaches to teaching language. Prerequisite: EDEL 305, EDEL 306 or other introductory language arts methods course or consent of the department.

Instructor: Minnie McKenzie

Second Language Acquisition: Teaching Indigenous Languages in an Immersion Context
EDEL 461/595

This course addresses current principles underlying second language teaching and learning in an immersion context. Foundations in oral language learning, methods, and strategies will be discussed in relation to children and adults learning an Indigenous language as a second language. Prerequisite: EDEL 305, EDEL 306 or other introductory language arts methods course or consent of the department.

For class resources follow this link.

Instructor: Norine Buffalo

Literacy and Drama in Indigenous Language Education
EDEL 496/595

Instructor: Darlene Auger

Leadership in Lanuage and Culture Education
EDEL 496/595

This course is designed to help prepare teachers to address leadership in language and culture for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis (FNIM). It includes a review of current leadership styles practised in communities, aboriginal models of leadership will be examined. A historical review of Indigenous languages loss, policies that impact languages, and efforts that have been made to stem the loss of language. The strengths and needs of FNIM children in elementary classrooms will be examined. Topics include: Indigenous languages loss, role of Ways of Knowing - culture and practice, language and policy considerations, western versus Indigenous leadership, bilingualism, linguistic diversity, language stabilization, maintenance and loss, and teaching aboriginal languages as a second language or dialect. Program models for teaching Indigenous languages and literacy will be reviewed. Understanding the many facets of language connection will help to strengthen leadership practices connected to indigenous ways of knowing.

Instructor: Heather Blair & Linda Pelly