Roxanne Tootoosis - Kamiyo Wapikwanet

Roxanne Tootoosis is Plains Cree/Saulteaux originally from Poundmaker Cree nation near Cut Knife, Saskatchewan.  She presently resides in Edmonton.  Roxanne is the middle child from a family of eight.  She is a proud mother of three daughters and five grandchildren.  She has over 18 years of social work experience working front-line with “at-risk” youth in creating unique youth development and leadership programs. In the year 2003, Roxanne decided to enhance her skills, switched careers and went into healthcare.  After completing a one year clinical residency as an Aboriginal Cultural Helper at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton, she discovered a newfound passion providing spiritual care to patients and families who were experiencing sudden death or loss of a loved one.   With guidance provided by the ceremonial leaders, she reconnected with our cultural teachings to help aid in the healing process.  Roxanne travels extensively sharing these sacred experiences to inspire others and revive the ancient knowledge.  She is presently a full-time student in the Master of Psychotherapy and Spirituality Program at St. Stephen’s College, U of A Campus.