Research Groups
The Canadian Rail Research Laboratory (CaRRL) is Canada's premier education and research program in railway engineering.
The Canadian Underground Infrastructure Innovation Centre (CUIIC) is a research and education centre focused on important issues of underground infrastructure.
We cover several aspects of geotechnical earthquake engineering, including dynamic soil-structure interaction, pile foundations dynamic soil properties, permafrost engineering and ground improvement.
Photo credit: Argyriou, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The OSTRF is dedicated to cross-disciplinary research, enabling the exploration of new concepts that can be tested at the pilot scale.
The Reservoir Geomechanics Research Group ([RG]2) has unique state-of-the-art research facilities that allow its international team to carry out a wide array of research and testing.
The RGHRP is a collaborative effort among industry leaders, academic institutions and the federal government to manage the risks associated with ground hazards.