Research Facilities

The Geotechnical Centre is located in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering in the Markin/CNRL Natural Resources Engineering Facility (NREF). With over 300,000 square feet of floor area, NREF houses 78 research laboratories, 26 specialized instructional laboratories, and many high-tech lecture rooms.

Our commitment to research excellence has led to the establishment of several specialized facilities, which are well tailored for the innovative research programs led by the Geotechnical Centre. In addition to our research groups, the following are our unique research laboratories:

The CFI/I2P2-funded Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering Cold Regions Research Facility

The CFI/AET-funded Applied Environmental Geochemistry Research Facility

The Mine Waste Laboratory

Our computing facilities and software are of the quality expected at a top-notch university. A strategic collaborative agreement has been established with Itasca Consulting Group Inc. for access to their commercial software and the training of researchers. Itasca develops highly specialized software that is uniquely suitable for structure interaction problems under dynamic loading conditions.