The University of Alberta Geotechnical Centre publishes research in theses, technical journals and conference proceedings.
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Distinguished Lectures Available Online
Distinguished University Professor Emeritus Dr. Norbert R. Morgenstern's recent lectures are now available online:
"Risk and Reward - Geotechnical Engineering and the Alberta Oil Sands," H. Bolton Seed Lecture presented to the Geo-Institute of the ASCE as a part of Geotechnical Frontiers 2011 can be accessed using this link.
A video and accompanying paper on "Geotechnical Risk, Regulation, and Public Policy," presented as part of the prestigious Victor de Mello Lectures Series, can be accessed on the Victor de Mello website.
"The Evaluation of Slope Stability: A Further 25-Year Perspective," presented as part of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers' Distinguished Lectures Series, can be accessed using this link, and opening remarks for the Slope Safety Summit can be accessed on the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region website.
“Tailings Dam Safety: Have We Resolved the Crisis?” Keynote presented at Tailings and Mine Waste 2020 can be accessed using this link.
"From Certainty To Uncertainty In 64 Years" Open Lecture presented at the University of Alberta in 2024 can be accessed using this link.
Alumnus Dr. Delwyn Fredlund provided a series of lectures on unsaturated soil mechanics in geotechnical engineering on the following topics:
Lesson 2 - State variables and measurement
Lesson 3 - Soil-Water Characteristic Curves (SWCC)
Lesson 4 - Seepage
Lesson 5 - Shear strength
Lesson 6 - Volume change