Make a Donation

The University of Alberta has revised its online platform for donations and giving. If you would like to make a donation to the Joy Ruth Mickelson Doctoral Student Scholarship, the Dr. Mary Young Memorial Travel Fund, or the Myer Horowitz Endowment Fund, please follow these instructions. 
  • Click here to be taken to the University of Alberta's Faculty of Education Online Donation page (the link will open in a new window).
  • Enter the amount that you would like to at the top of the donation form. Select "Search for a Fund" under the list of funds.
  • If the name of the fund is not found, select "an area not listed" and then specify the full name of the award or fund in the field that appears, e.g., “Joy Ruth Mickelson Doctoral Student Scholarship”. 
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page. Click "+ Add Gift", and follow the instructions on the next screen. Review additional options and provide information where applicable.