SAGD Injection Well Sand Retention Testing (In-SRT)

Sand Retention Testing for SAGD Injection Well Flow Back  (In-SRT)

The In-SRT aims to mimic SAGD injector shut-in flowback scenario. The setup specifications and testing program were developed based on extensive laboratory testing. Testing results are used to examine the industry selection of sand control screens to evaluate sand control performance, including sand production and flow performance as measured by retained permeability. 

The testing program include sand pack incremental loading, initial permeability measurement, pressurizing the flowback tank and the SRT cell, initiating the flowback by opening the outlet valve, and final permeability measurement to quantify the effect of flowback on sand permeability. 

Related Publications: 

1. Abou-Kassem, A.J., Sidahmed, A., Kotb, O., Haftani, M., Nouri, A. (2021). Integrated Wellbore-Reservoir Simulations to Design Sand Retention Testing for Flowback Scenarios in SAGD Injection Wells. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. : 109307 

2. Abou-Kassem, A.J. (2020). Workflow for Sand Control Testing of Injection Wells in Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD). MSc Thesis, University of Alberta