International Journals
Total JCR Publications (since 2001): Q1:84; Q2:98, Q3:28; Q4:11.
Total JCR Publications (since 2015): Q1:55; Q2:54; Q3:14; Q4:2.
2025. Q1: 1, Q2: 1
J.A. Carballo, J. Bonilla, N.C. Cruz, J. Fernández-Reche, J.D. Álvarez, A. Avila-Marin, M. Berenguel. Reinforcement learning for heliostat aiming: Improving the performance of Solar Tower plants. Applied Energy, 377 (B), 124574, 2025. Open Access. ISSN: 0306-2619. DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2024.124574. JCR(2023) = 10.1. Subject categories = Engineering, Chemical: 11/170 (Q1)(D1); Energy & Fuels: 19/170 (Q1).
F. Romero, L.F. Romero, J.L. Redondo, P.M. Ortigosa. Drugs discovery by shape similarity using Deep Learning. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Open Access. ISSN 0022-3239. JCR(2023) = 1.6. Subject categories = Mathematics Applied: 89/331 (Q2); Operations Research & Management: 65/106 (Q3).
M. Lupión, N.C. Cruz, F. Romero, J.F. Sanjuan, P.M. Ortigosa. A Lightweight Execution Manager for Training TensorFlow Models under the Slurm Queuing System. Acta Polythechnica Hungarica, 22(3), 63-78, 2025. JCR(2023) = 1.4. Subject categories = Engineering, Multidisciplinary: 80/181 (Q2).
2024. Q1: 6 , Q2: 5
Tóth, B.G., Hendrix, E.M.T. , Casado, L.G and Messine, F. On dealing with minima at the border of a simplicial feasible area in simplicial Branch and Bound. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 203, 1880-1909, Open Access. ISSN 0022-3239. DOI: 10.1007/s10957-024-02480-9. JCR(2023) = 1.6. Subject categories = Mathematics Applied: 89/331 (Q2); Operations Research & Management: 65/106 (Q3).
J. J. Moreno, S. Puertas-Martín, J. L. Redondo, P. M. Ortigosa, A. Zawadzka, P. Kukolowicz, R. Szmurio, I. Kaliszewski, J. Miroforidis, E. M. Garzón. Bi-Level Optimization to Enhance Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Planning. Informatica. 2024. 1-26. JCR (2023) = 3.3. Subject categories = Mathematics, Applied: 13/331 (Q1)(D1).
R. Mena-Yedra, J.L. Redondo, H. Pérez-Sánchez, P.M. Ortigosa. ALMERIA: Boosting Pairwise Molecular Contrasts with Scalable Methods. Informatica. 2024. Available online: JCR (2023) = 3.3. Subject categories = Mathematics, Applied: 13/331 (Q1)(D1).
V. González-Ruiz, J.J. Moreno, J.J. Fernández. Acceleration of 3D feature-enhancing noise filtering in hybrid CPU/GPU systems. Journal of Supercomput (2024). J JCR (2023) =2,5. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 47/142 (Q2).
L.M. Donaire, G. Ortega, E.M. Garzón, and F. J. Orts. Lowering the cost of quantum comparator circuits. Journal of Supercomputing (2024). JCR (2023) =2,5. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 47/142 (Q2).
F. Romero, P.M. Ortigosa, G. Bandera, L.F. Romero. SkewEngine: enhancing performance of intensive calculations on regular meshes. Journal of Supercomputing (2024). JCR (2023) =2,5. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 47/142 (Q2).
F. Orts, G. Ortega, E.F. Combarro I.F. Rua and EM Garzón. Quantum circuits for computing Hamming distance requiring fewer T gates. Journal of Supercomputing (2024). JCR (2023) =2,5. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 47/142 (Q2).
E. F. Combarro, I. F. Rúa, F. Orts, G. Ortega, A. M. Puertas, E. M. Garzón. Quantum algorithms to compute the neighbour list of N-body simulations. Quantum Inf Process 23, 61 (2024). JCR(2023) = 2,2. Categorías temáticas = FÍSICA, MATEMÁTICA: 12/60 (Q1); FÍSICA, MULTIDISCIPLINARIA: 42/112 (Q2); Ciencia y tecnología cuánticas: 18/26 (Q3)
M. Lupion; F. Cruciani; I. Cleland; C. Nugent; P.M. Ortigosa. Data augmentation for Human Activity Recognition with Generative Adversarial Networks. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2024, JCR (2023)=6,7. Subject categories = Medical Informatics: 3/44 (D1)(Q1); Computer Science, Information Systems: 26/249 (D1)(Q1)
M. Castilla, J.L. Redondo, A. Martínez and J.D. Álvarez. Artificial Neural Network-based digital twin for a flat plate solar collector field . Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. JCR (2022): 8 . Subject categories =AUTOMATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS: 7/65 (Q1-D1); COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: 25/145 (Q1).
M. Lupión, A. Polo-Rodríguez, J. Medina-Quero, J. F. Sanjuan, P.M. Ortigosa. 3D Human Pose Estimation from multi-view thermal vision sensors. Information Fusion, 2024, JCR= 14,7. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 2/143 (D1)(Q1).
2023. Q1: 10 , Q2: 7, Q3: 1
N.C. Cruz, S. Puertas-Martín, J.L. Redondo, P.M. Ortigosa. An Effective Solution for Drug Discovery Based on the Tangram Meta-Heuristic and Compound Filtering. Informatica. 2023. Available online: JCR = 3.3. Subject categories = Mathematics, Applied: 13/331 (D1)(Q1).
F. Orts, M. Maier, M. Fuchs, G. Ortega, E. M. Garzón, A. M. Puertas; Active and passive microrheology with large tracers in hard colloids. J. Chem. Phys. 14 October 2023; 159 (14): 144901. JCR(2023) = 3,1. Categorías temáticas = Física, atómica, molecular y química 8/40 (Q1); QUÍMICA, FÍSICA: 90/178 (Q3).
F. Orts, A.M. Puertas, G. Ortega and EM Garzón. Quantum annealing solution for the unrelated parallel machine scheduling with priorities and delay of task switching on machines . Future Generation Computer Systems. Volume 148, Pages 514-523. 2023. JCR (2023) =6,2. Categorías temáticas = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 14/144 (D1)(Q1).
V. González-Ruiz, J.J. Fernández. FlowDenoising: Structure-preserving denoising in 3D electron microscopy (3DEM). SoftwareX. Volume 23, (2023) JCR (2021) =2.868. Subject categories = Computer Science, Software Engineering: 39/110 (Q2)
F. Orts, E. Filatovas, E.M. Garzón, and G. Ortega. A quantum circuit to generate random numbers within a specific interval. EPJ Quantum Technology. 10, 17 (2023). JCR(2023)= 5,8. Categorías temáticas = Ciencia y tecnología cuántica: 4/26 (Q1); Óptica: 16/119 (Q1); Física atómica, molecular y química: 4/40 (Q1)
A.O. Topa, N.C. Cruz, J.D. Álvarez & J.L. Torres. On the optimal demand-side management in microgrids through polygonal composition. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks. In press, 2023. JCR (2021)=5.405. Subject categories: Engineering, Electrical & Electronic: 54/276 (Q1); Enegy & Fuels: 53/119 (Q2).
F. Orts, E. Filatovas, G. Ortega, J. F. SanJuan-Estrada, and E. M. Garzón. Improving the number of T gates and their spread in integer multipliers on quantum computing. Phys. Rev. A 107, 042621 . JCR(2023)= 2,6. Categorías temáticas = Física, atómica, molecular y química: 14/40 (Q2); Óptica: 45/119 (Q2)
F. Orts, G. Ortega, E.F. Combarro, I.F. Rúa, A.M. Puertas and E.M. Garzón. Efficient design of a quantum absolute-value circuit using Clifford+T gates. J Supercomput (2023) JCR(2023) = 2,5. Categorías temáticas = Ciencias de la Computación, Teoría y Métodos: 48/144 (Q2); Ciencias de la Computación, Hardware y Arquitectura: 28/59 (Q2); Ingeniería, Eléctrica y Electrónica: 166/353 (Q2).
M. Lupión, V. González-Ruiz, J. Medina-Quero, J. F. Sanjuan and P. M. Ortigosa. THPoseLite, a Lightweight Neural Network for Detecting Pose in Thermal Images. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2023. JCR=8,2. Subject categories: Computer Science, Information Systems: 9/249 (D1)(Q1).
Luis O. López, Francisco Orts, Gloria Ortega, V. González-Ruiz & Ester M. Garzón Fault-tolerant quantum algorithm for dual-threshold image segmentation. J Supercomput (2023). JCR(2023) = 2,5. Categorías temáticas = Ciencias de la computación, teoría y métodos: 48/144 (Q2); Ciencias de la computación, hardware y arquitectura: 28/59 (Q2); Ingeniería, electricidad y electrónica: 166/353 (Q2).
F. Orts, G. Ortega, E. Combarro, I.F. Rúa, E.M. Garzón. Optimized quantum leading zero detector circuits. Quantum Information Processing (2023), 22(1), 28. JCR(2023)= 2,2. Categorías temáticas = FÍSICA, MATEMÁTICA: 12/60 (Q1); FÍSICA, MULTIDISCIPLINARIA: 42/112 (Q2); Ciencia y tecnología cuánticas: 18/26 (Q3)
J.S. García, S.Puertas-Martín, J.L. Redondo, J.J. Moreno, P.M. Ortigosa. Improving drug discovery through parallelism. Journal of Supercomputing, Available online, 2023. JCR =2,5. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 47/142 (Q2).
M.R. Ferrández, B. Ivorra, J.L. Redondo, A.M. Ramos and P.M. Ortigosa, A multi-objective approach to identify parameters of compartmental epidemiological models—Application to Ebola Virus Disease epidemics. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2023. JCR = 3,4. Subject categories: Mathematics, Applied: 13/331 (D1)(Q1).
L.O. Polanco-Vásquez, J.L. Redondo, J.D. Álvarez, V.M. Ramírez and J.L. Torres. Balancing CO2 emissions and economic cost in a microgrid through an energy management system using MPC and multi-objective optimization. Applied Energy, 2023 (In press). JCR (2021) =11.446. Subject categories = Energy & Fuels 15/119 (Q1-D1), Engineering, chemical 9/143 (Q1-D1).
L.G.Casado, B. G.-Tóth, E.M.T. Hendrix and F. Messine. Local search versus linear programming to detect monotonicity in simplicial branch and bound. Journal of Global Optimization, 2023. DOI: 10.1007/s10898-023-01310-y JCR(2022) = 1.8. Subject categories = Mathematics Applied: 87/267 (Q2); Operations Research & Management: 62/86 (Q3).
T. López Santamaría, D. Patiño Pérez, V. González-Ruiz, and L. Flores Carvajal. Implementation of Machine Learning Techniques and Creation of an Artificial Neural Network for the Prediction of the Academic Performance of Students in University Environments that use E-learning and Streaming. DYNA, Vol. 98, n. 3, pp. 282-287. 2023. JCR(2022)=1.0, ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(JIF 2022)=78/90 (Q4), ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY(JCI 2022)=126/178 (Q3).
V. González-Ruiz, M.R. Fernández-Fernández, and J.J. Fernández. Structure-preserving Gaussian denoising of FIB-SEM volumes. Ultramicroscopy, Vol. 246, pp. 113674, april. 2023. JCR(2022)=2.2, MICROSCOPY(JIF 2022)=5/8 (Q3), MICROSCOPY(JCI 2022)=2/8 (Q1).
Francisco Manzano-Agugliaro, Mehdi Chihib, Mimoun Chourak, José Antonio Martínez, Antonio Jesús Zapata-Sierra, Alfredo Alcayde. Monitoring energy consumption of vending machines in university buildings. Energy Reports. Volume 10 (2023). JCR (2022) 5,2. (Q2). ENERGY & FUELS (JIF) 55/119 (Q2) (JCI) 67/155 (Q2)
2022. Q1: 6 , Q2: 8, Q3: 1, Q4: 1
J. A. Martínez, A.B. Castaño-Fernández, M.L. Puertas, "The 2-domination number of cylindrical graphs" Computational and Applied Mathematics (2022) 41 #424, 1-16. DOI: 10.1007/s40314-022-02137-1. JCR (2021) = 2.998. Subject categories =Mathematics, Applied 30/267 (Q1);
L. O. López, G. Ortega, F. Agüera-Vega, F. Carvajal-Ramírez, P. Martínez-Carricondo, E. M. Garzón, Multi-Spectral Imaging for Weed Identification in Herbicides Testing, Informatica 33(2022), no. 4, 771-793, DOI 10.15388/22-INFOR498. JCR = 2.99 Subject categories =Mathematics, Applied 29/267 (Q1); Computer Science, Information Systems 99/158 (Q2)
M. Lupión, N.C. Cruz, J.F. Sanjuan, B. Paechter and P.M. Ortigosa. Accelerating neural network architecture search using multi-GPU high-performance computing. Journal of Supercomputing, 2022. JCR =3,3. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 37/111 (Q2).
N.C. Cruz, R. Monterreal, J.L. Redondo, J. Fernández-Reche, R. Enrique and P.M. Ortigosa. Optical characterization of heliostat facets based on Computational Optimization. Solar Energy, 248, 1-15, 2022. JCR = 6,7. Subject categories: Energy & Fuels: 37/119 (Q2).
N.C. Cruz, A. González-Redondo, J.L. Redondo, J.A. Garrido, E.M. Ortigosa and P.M. Ortigosa. Black-box and surrogate optimization for tuning spiking neural models of striatum plasticity. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 16:1017222, 1-17, 2022. JCR = 3.5. Subject categories: Mathematical & Computational Biology: 15/55 (Q2).
M.R. Ferrández, S. Puertas-Martín, J.L. Redondo, H. Pérez-Sánchez and P.M. Ortigosa. A two-layer mono-objective algorithm based on guided optimization to reduce the computational cost in virtual screening. Scientific Reports, volume 12, 12769 (2022). JCR = 4,6. Subject categories: Multidisciplinary Sciences: 22/73 (Q2).
V. González-Ruiz, J.P. García-Ortiz, M.R. Fernández-Fernández, J.J. Fernández,. Optical flow driven interpolation for isotropic FIB-SEM reconstructions. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol 221, June 2022, 106856, ISSN 0169-2607, JCR (2021) = 7,027 . Subject categories = ENGINEERING, BIOMEDICAL 20/98 (Q1), COMPUTER SCIENCE, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS: 20/113 (Q1) COMPUTER SCIENCE, THEORY & METHODS: 12/109 (Q1) ; MEDICAL INFORMATICS 6/31 (Q1).
EM Garzón, JA Martinez, JJ Moreno and ML Puertas. HPC acceleration of large (min, +) matrix products to compute domination‑type parameters in graphs. Journal of Supercomputing. 2022. JCR =3,3. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 37/111 (Q2).
JJ Moreno, EM Garzón, JJ Fernández and A Martínez-Sánchez. HPC enables efficient and robust 3D membrane segmentation in electron tomography Journal of Supercomputing 78: 19097–19113. 2022. JCR =3,3. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 37/111 (Q2).
M. Lupión, A. Polo-Rodríguez, J. Medina-Quero, J.F. Sanjuan and P.M. Ortigosa. On the limits of Conditional Generative Adversarial Neural Networks to reconstruct the identification of inhabitants from IoT low-resolution thermal sensors. Expert Systems with Applications. 2022. JCR = 8,5. Subject categories = Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence: 22/145 (Q1) ; Operations Research & Management Science: 6/86 (D1)(Q1); Engineering, Electrical & Electronics: 23/275 (D1)(Q1).
F. Orts, G. Ortega, E. Filatovas andEM Garzón. Implementation of three efficient 4-digit fault-tolerant quantum carry lookahead adders. Journal of Supercomputing. 2022. JCR =3,3. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 37/111 (Q2).
EM Garzón, JA Martinez, JJ Moreno and ML Puertas. On the 2-domination Number of Cylinders with Small Cycles. Fundamenta Informaticae 185(1) : 1–15 (2022). JCR (2021) = 1.116. Subject categories = Mathematics, Applied: 173/267 (Q3).
M. Lupión, J.F. Sanjuan and P.M. Ortigosa. Using a Multi-GPU node to accelerate the training of Pix2Pix neural networks. Journal of Supercomputing. 2022. JCR =3,3. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 37/111 (Q2).
S. Puertas-Martín, J. L. Redondo, M. R. Ferrández, H. Pérez-Sánchez, and P. M. Ortigosa, MultiPharm-DT: A Multi-Objective Decision Tool for Ligand-Based Virtual Screening Problems, Informatica, 33, 55–80. 2022, JCR =2,9. Subject categories =Mathematics, Applied 29/267 (Q1) .
B. G.-Tóth·E.M.T. Hendrix·L.G.Casado. On monotonicity and search strategies in face-based copositivity detection algorithms. Central European Journal of Operations Research (CJOR) 30, 1071-1092 . ISSN:1613-9178. Springer. DOI:10.1007/s10100-021-00737-6. JCR= 1.7. Subject categories = Operational Research & management Science (65/86) (Q4).
T. Miriam Santamaría-López and V. González-Ruiz. Distance Education for Children with a Disability and/or from Vulnerable Families. Education and Information Technologies, Vol. 28, pp. 5297-5312, november. 2022. JIF(2022)=5.5, JCI(2022)=2.55, EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH(JIF 2022): 19/269 (Q1), EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH(JCI 2022)=22/759 (Q1).
2021. Q1: 5, Q2: 7, Q3 :2
J.L. Torres-Moreno, N.C. Cruz, J.D. Álvarez, J.L. Redondo and A. Giménez-Fernández. An open-source tool for path synthesis of four-bar mechanisms. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 169, 104604, 2021. JCR : 4,930. Subject categories = Engineering, Mechanical: 18/137 (Q1).
L.O. Polanco-Vásquez; V.M. Ramírez; D. L. Córdova; J.L. Redondo; J.D. Álvarez and J. L. Torres-Moreno. Optimal Management of a Microgrid with Radiation and Wind-Speed Forecasting: A Case Study Applied to a Bioclimatic Building. Energies 2021, 14, 2398. JCR : 3,252. Subject categories = Energy & Fuels: 80/119 (Q3).
M. Marín, N.C. Cruz, E.M. Ortigosa, M.J.S. Lara, J.A. Garrido and R.R. Carrillo. On the use of a multimodal optimizer for fitting neuron models. Application to the cerebellar granule cell. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 2021. JCR =3,739. Subject categories = Mathematical & Computational Biology: 16/57 (Q2).
N.C. Cruz, M. Marín, J.L. Redondo, E.M. Ortigosa and P.M. Ortigosa. A Comparative Study of Stochastic Optimizers for Fitting Neuron Models. Application to the Cerebellar Granule Cell. Informatica 2021. DOI 10.15388/21-INFOR450. JCR= 3,429. Subject categories =Mathematics, Applied 23/267 (Q1) .
E.M.T. Hendrix, B. G.-Tóth, F. Messine and L.G.Casado. On derivative based bounding for simplicial branch and bound. RAIRO - Operations Research. Vol 55, n. 3, pp. 2023-2034. ISSN 0399-0559. EDP Sciences. 2021. DOI: 10.1051/ro/2021081. JCR = 2.526. Subject categories = Operations Research & Management Science: 44/87 (Q3).
J.A. Martínez, E.M. Garzón and M.L. Puertas. Powers of large matrices on GPU platforms to compute the Roman domination number of cylindrical graphs. IEEE Access. 2021. JCR =3,476 Subject categories = Computer Science, Information Systems 79/164 (Q2).
F.Orts, G. Ortega, A. Cucura, E. Filatovas and E.M. Garzón. Optimal fault-tolerant quantum comparators for image binarization. Journal of Supercomputing. 2021. JCR = 2,557. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 43/109 (Q2); Computer science, Hardware & Architecture: 31/54 (Q2); Engineering, Electrical & Electronics: 148/276 (Q3).
Linas Stripinis, Julius Žilinskas, Leocadio G. Casado, and Remigijus Paulavičius. On MATLAB experience in accelerating DIRECT-GLce algorithm for constrained global optimization through dynamic data structures and parallelization. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 390, article number 125596. ISSN: 0096-3003. Elsevier. 2021. DOI:10.1016/j.amc.2020.125596. JCR = 4.397. Subject categories = Mathematics, Applied 7/265 (Q1).
M. Lupión, J. Medina-Quero, J.F. Sanjuan, P.M. Ortigosa, DOLARS, a Distributed On-Line Activity Recognition System by Means of Heterogeneous Sensor in Real-Life Deployments - A Case Study in the Smart Lab of the University of Almería", Sensors (2021), 21(2), 405, DOI 10.3390/s2102405. JCR = 3,847. Subject categories =Instrument & instrumentation 19/64 (Q2) .
J. J. Moreno, J. Miroforidis, E. Filatovas, I. Kaliszewski and E.M. Garzón. Parallel radiation dose computations with GENOCOP III on GPUs Journal of Supercomputing, 77, 66-76 DOI:10.1007/s11227-020-03254-6. 2021. JCR = 2,557. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 43/109 (Q2); Computer science, Hardware & Architecture: 31/54 (Q2); Engineering, Electrical & Electronics: 148/276 (Q3).
Cristóbal Medina-López, L. G. Casado, Vicente González-Ruiz and Yuansong Qiao. An SDN Approach to Detect Targeted Attacks in P2P Fully Connected Overlays. International Journal of Information Security. Vol 20, pp. 245-255. ISSN 1615-5262. Springer. 2021. DOI: 10.1007/s10207-020-00499-3. JCR=2,427. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods 46/109 (Q2); Computer Science, Software Engineering 52/110 (Q2); Computer Science, Information Systems 114/164 (Q3).
B. G.-T óth, L.G. Casado, E.M.T.Hendrix and F. Messine. On new methods to construct lower bounds in simplicial Branch and Bound based on Interval Arithmetic. Journal of Global Optimization, n. 80, pp. 779-804. ISSN 0925-5001. Springer. 2021. DOI: 10.1007/s10898-021-01053-8. JCR = 1,996. Subject categories = Mathematics Applied: 80/267 (Q2); Operations Research & Management: 60/87 (Q3).
A.M. Ramos, M.R. Ferrández, M. Vela-Pérez, A.B. Kubik and B. Ivorra. A simple but complex enough θ-SIR type model to be used with COVID-19 real data. Application to the case of Italy. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 421, 132839, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.physd.2020.132839. JCR= 3,751 Subject categories = Mathematics, Applied: 16/267 (Q1)(D1).
A.M. Ramos, M. Vela-Pérez, M.R. Ferrández, A.B. Kubik and B. Ivorra. Modeling the impact of SARS-CoV-2 variants and vaccines on the spread of COVID-19. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 102, 105937, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2021.105937. JCC =4,186 . Subject categories = Mathematics, Applied: 9/267 (Q1) (D1).
2020. Q1: 5, Q2: 2, Q3: 1.
F. Orts, G. Ortega, E. Combarro and E.M. Garzón. A review on reversible quantum adders. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. Volume 170, 15 November 2020, 102810. Elsevier. Doi: JCR: 6,281. Subject categories: Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture 5/53 (Q1)(D1), Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications 14/111 (Q1), Computer Science,Software Engineering 6/108 (Q1)(D1).
F.Orts, G. Ortega and E.M. Garzón. Efficient Reversible Quantum Design of Sign-Magnitude to two's complement converters. Quantum Information and Computation, Vol 20, 9&10 (2020) Rinton Press. 0747-0765. JCR=0,976 Subject categories =Computer Science Theory and Methods 82/110 (Q3)
S. Puertas-Martín, J.L. Redondo, H. Pérez-Sánchez and P.M. Ortigosa, Optimizing Electrostatic Similarity for Virtual Screening: A New Methodology, Informatica 31, 4, 821–839, DOI 10.15388/20-INFOR424. JCR= 2,688. Subject categories =Mathematics, Applied 35/265 (Q1) .
E.M.T. Hendrix, B. G.-Tóth and L. G. Casado. On monotonicity and search traversal in copositivity detection algorithms., Mathematical Optimization Society, 2020.
N.C. Cruz, J.D. Álvarez, J.L. Redondo, M. Berenguel, R. Klempous and P.M. Ortigosa. A Simple and Effective Heuristic Control System for the Heliostat Field of Solar Power Tower Plants. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 17(4), 7-26. JCR=1,806. Subject categories =Engineering, Multidisciplinary 55/90 (Q3).
S. Puertas-Martín, A.J. Banegas-Luna, M.Paredes-Ramos, J.L. Redondo, P. M. Ortigosa, O. O. Brovarets and H. Pérez-Sánchez. Is high performance computing a requirement for novel drug discovery and how will this impact academic efforts?, Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery, 15(9), 981-985. DOI: 10.1080/17460441.2020.1758664. JCR= 6,098. Subject categories = Pharmacololy & Pharmacy: 32/276 (Q1).
F. Orts, G. Ortega, E. M. Garzón, M. Fuchs, and A. M. Puertas. Dynamics and friction of a large colloidal particle in a bath of hard spheres: Langevin dynamics simulations and hydrodynamic description. Physical Review E, 101, 052607 DOI: JCR=2.529. Subject categories = Physical Mathematics -- Scie 8/55 (Q1)
F. Orts, G. Ortega, A.M. Puertas-Lopez, I. García and E.M. Garzón. On solving the unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem: active microrheology as a case study. Journal of Supercomputing. 2020. JCR = 2,474. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 33/110 (Q2); Computer science, Hardware & Architecture: 24/53 (Q2); Engineering, Electrical & Electronics: 139/273 (Q3).
B. Ivorra, M.R. Ferrández, M. Vela-Pérez and A.M. Ramos. Mathematical modeling of the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) taking into account the undetected infections. The case of China. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 88, 105303, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2020.105303. JCR(2020)=4.260. Subject categories = Mathematics, Applied: 5/265 (Q1) (D1); Physics, Fluids & Plasma: 2/34 (Q1); Physics, Mathematical: 3/55 (Q1).
2019. Q1: 8, Q2: 6, Q3: 1, Q4:1.
C. Medina-López, M. B. Mertens, V. González-Ruiz, and L. G. Casado. Reducing Streaming Cost While Increasing Privacy: A Case Study on a Smartphone and Chromecast Using Peer-to-Peer Technology to Skip Third-Party Servers. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine. Vol 8, Issue 2, pp. 50-55. ISSN 2162-2248. IEEE. 2019.DOI: 10.1109/MCE.2018.2880810. JCR = 4.016. Subject categories = Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture: 9/53 (Q1); Engineering, Electricual & Electronic: 54/266(Q1); Telecommunications: 23/90 (Q2).
J. Fernández, B. Toth, J.L. Redondo and P.M. Ortigosa. The probabilistic customer's choice rule with a threshold attraction value: effect on the location of competitive facilities. Computers & Operations Research, 101: 234-249 ISSN: 0305-0548, 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.2018.08.001. JCR = 3.424. Operations Research & Management Science: 21/83 (Q2).
N.C. Cruz, S. Salhi, J.L. Redondo, J.D. Álvarez, M. Berenguel and P.M. Ortigosa. Design of a parallel genetic algorithm for continuous and pattern-free heliostat field optimization. Journal of Supercomputing. 75, pp. 1268–1283, ISSN: 0920-8542, 2019. DOI: 10.1007/s11227-018-2404-8. JCR = 2,469. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 31/108 (Q2).
S. Puertas-Martín; J.L. Redondo; H. Pérez-Sánchez and P.M. Ortigosa. OptiPharm: An evolutionary algorithm to compare shape similarity. Scientific Reports. 9 - 1398, 2019. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-37908-6. JCR=. 3,998. Subject categories = Multidisciplinary Sciences: 17/71 (Q1).
M.R. Ferrández, J.L. Redondo, B. Ivorra, A.M. Ramos and P.M. Ortigosa. Preference-based multi-objectivization applied to decision support for High-Pressure Thermal processes in food treatment. Applied Soft Computing. 79, pp. 326 - 340, 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.2019.03.050. JCR = 5,472. Subject categories = Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications: 9/109 (Q1)(D1).
M.R. Ferrández, S. Puertas-Martín, J.L. Redondo, B. Ivorra, A.M. Ramos and P.M. Ortigosa. High performance computing for the optimization of high-pressure thermal treatments in food industry. The Journal of Supercomputing, 75, pp. 1187–1202, 2019.DOI: 10.1007/s11227-018-2351-4. JCR = 2,469. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 31/108 (Q2);
M. R. Ferrández, J. L. Redondo, B. Ivorra, A. M. Ramos, P. M. Ortigosa and B. Paechter. Improving the performance of a preference-based multi-objective algorithm to optimize food treatment processes. Engineering Optimization, 2019. DOI: 10.1080/0305215X.2019.1618289. JCR = 2,165. Subject categories = Engineering, Multidisciplinary: 39/91 (Q2).
Alcoba, A.G., Hendrix, E.M.T., Ortega, G., Halvorsen-Waere, E.E. and Haugland, D. On offshore wind farm maintenance scheduling for decision support on vessel fleet composition, European Journal of Operational Research, 279, pp. 124-131, 2019. (Q1)
Hendrix, E.M.T., Ortega, G., Haijema, R., Buisman, M. and Garcia, I. On computing optimal policies in Perishable Inventory Control using Value Iteration, Computational and Mathematical Methods, 1, 4, pp. 1-12, 2019.
Ortega, G., Hendrix, E.M.T. and Garcia, I. A CUDA approach to compute perishable inventory control policies using value iteration, Journal of Supercomputing, 75, 3, pp. 1580–1593, 2019. (Q2)
E. Filatovas, O. Kurasova, J.L. Redondo and J. Fernández. A reference point-based evolutionary algorithm for approximating regions of interest in multiobjective problems. TOP. 1-22. 2019. (Q4)
F. Orts, G. Ortega and E.M. Garzón. An optimized quantum circuit for converting from sign-magnitude to two's complement. Quantum Information Processing, 18:332. 2019. JCR=2.433. Subject categories = Quantum Science & Technology 9/17 (Q3), Physics Multidisciplinary 41/86 (Q2), Physics Mathematical 7/55 (Q1)
F. Orts, G. Ortega, E. Filatovas, O. Kurasova and E.M. Garzón. Hyperspectral image classification using Isomap with SMACOF. Informatica, 30:2, 349-365. 2019. JCR= 3,312. Subject categories = Computer Science Information Systems 46/156 (Q2), Mathematics Applied 9/261(Q1)
A.J. Banegas-Luna, J.P. Cerón-Carrasco, S. Puertas-Martín and H. Pérez-Sánchez. BRUSELAS: HPC Generic and Customizable Software Architecture for 3D Ligand-Based Virtual Screening of Large Molecular Databases. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 59:6, 2805-2817. 2019. (Q1)
J.C. Maturana-Espinosa, J.P. García-Ortiz, D. Muller and V. González-Ruiz. Layer Selection in Progressive Transmission of Motion-Compensated JPEG2000 Video. Electronics, 8:9, 1032, 1-14. 2019. (Q3)
F. Orts, E. Filatovas, G. Ortega, O. Kurasova and E.M. Garzón. Improving the energy efficiency of SMACOF for multidimensional scaling on modern architectures. Journal of Supercomputing, 75, 1038-1050. 2019. JCR = 2,469. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 31/108 (Q2); Computer science, Hardware & Architecture: 24/53 (Q2); Engineering, Electrical & Electronics: 123/266 (Q3).
A González and ML Puertas. Removing Twins in Graphs to Break Symmetries. Mathematics, 7(11), 1111. JCR= 1.747. Subject categories = Mathematics -- SCIE 28/325 (Q1)
F. Orts, G. Ortega and E.M. Garzón. A Faster Half Subtractor Circuit Using Reversible Quantum Gates. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing. (2019) 7(1) 99-111. DOI: 10.22364/bjmc.2019.7.1.08
E.M.T. Hendrix, C. Kortenhorst and G. Ortega. On computational procedures for Value Iteration in inventory control, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52, 13, 1484-1489. 2019.
2018 . Q1:7, Q2:3, Q4:1
J.J. Moreno Riado, G. Ortega, E. Filatovas, J.A. Martinez Garcia, E.M. Garzón. Improving the performance and energy of Non-Dominated Sorting for evolutionary multiobjective optimization on GPU/CPU platforms. Journal of Global Optimization. 71, 631–649 (2018). JCR = 1.631. Subject categories = Mathematics Applied: 62/254 (Q1); Operations Research & Management: 43/84 (Q3).
J.J. Moreno Riado, A Martinez, J.A. Martinez Garcia, E.M. Garzón, and J.J. Fernández. TomoEED: Fast Edge-Enhancing Denoising of Tomographic Volumes. Bioinformatics,34(21):3776-3778 . 2018. JCR= 4,531 Subject categories =Biochemical Research Methods: 8/79 (Q1); Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology: 25/162 (Q1); Mathematical & Computational Biology: 4/59 (Q1)
G. Aparicio, J.M.G. Salmerón, L.G. Casado, R. Asenjo and E.M.T. Hendrix. Parallel algorithms for computing the smallest binary tree size in unit simplex refinement. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. Vol. 112, Part 2, pp. 166-178. ISSN 0743-7315. Springer. 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpdc.2017.05.016. JCR = 1.819. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 43/104 (Q2).
J.J. Carreño, J.A. Martinez Garcia, M.L. Puertas. Efficient Location of Resources in Cylindrical Networks. Symmetry, 10:1, 24. 2018. (Q2)
F.J. Orts, G. Ortega, E.M. Garzón, A.M. Puertas-Lopez. Finite size effects in active microrheology in colloids. Computer Physics Communications, 236, 8-14. 2018. JCR=3,309. Subject categories = Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications: 29/106 (Q2), Physics, Mathematical: 2/55 (Q1)
N.C. Cruz, S. Salhi, J.L. Redondo, J.D. Álvarez, M. Berenguel and P.M. Ortigosa. Hector, a new methodology for continuous and pattern-free heliostat field optimization. Applied Energy, Vol. 225, pp. 1123-1131, ISSN: 1996-1073, 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.05.072. JCR = 8.426. Subject categories = Engineering, Chemical: 5/138 (Q1).
N.C. Cruz, J.D. Álvarez, J.L. Redondo, M. Berenguel and P.M. Ortigosa. A two-layered solution for automatic heliostat aiming. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 72, pp. 253-266, 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.engappai.2018.04.014. JCR = 2.859.Subject categories = Computer science, Artificial Intelligence : 32/132 (Q1).
N.C. Cruz, J.L. Redondo, J.D. Álvarez, M. Berenguel and P.M. Ortigosa. Optimizing the Heliostat Field Layout by Applying Stochastic Population-Based Algorithms. Informatica, Vol. 29, n. 1, pp. 21-39, 2018. DOI: 10.15388/Informatica.2018.156. JCR = 1.928. Subject categories = Mathematics, Applied : 43/254 (Q1).
N.C. Cruz, R. Ferri-García, J.D. Álvarez, J.L. Redondo, J. Fernández-Reche, M. Berenguel, R. Monterreal and P.M. Ortigosa. On building-up a yearly characterization of a heliostat field: A new methodology and an application example. Solar Energy, 173: 578-589, 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2018.08.007. JCR = 4.674. Subject categories = Energy & Fuels: 24/103 (Q1).
B. Ivorra; M.R. Ferrández; M. Crespo; J.L. Redondo; P.M. Ortigosa; J.G. Santiago; A.M. Ramos. Modeling and optimization applied to the design of fast hydrodynamic focusing microfluidic mixer for protein folding. Journal of Mathematics in Industry. 8 - 4, SpringerOpen, 2018. DOI: 10.1186/s13362-018-0046-3. (Q4)
J.D. Álvarez; L.O. Polanco-Vasquez; C.A. Carreño-Meneses; A.P. Pizano-Martínez; J.L. Redondo; M. Pérez-García. Optimal Energy Management within a Microgrid: A Comparative Study. Energies , Vol. 11, n. 2167, pp. 1-22, 2018. DOI: 10.3390/en11082167. JCR = 2.676. Subject categories = Energy & Fuel: 48/97 (Q2).
2017 . Q1:2, Q2:9, Q3:2
Herrera, J.F.R., Salmerón, J.M.G., Hendrix, E.M.T., Asenjo, R. and Casado, L.G. On parallel branch and bound frameworks for global optimization. Journal of Global Optimization. Vol. 69, pp. 547-560. ISSN 0925-5001. Springer. 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s10898-017-0508-y. JCR = 1.407. Subject categories = Mathematics Applied: 69/252 (Q2); Operations Research & Management: 45/83 (Q3).
G. Ortega, E. Filatovas, E.M. Garzón and L.G. Casado. Non-dominated sorting procedure for Pareto dominance ranking on multicore CPU and/or GPU. Journal of Global Optimization. Vol. 69, pp. 607-627. ISSN 0925-5001. Springer. 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s10898-016-0468-7. JCR = 1.407. Subject categories = Mathematics Applied: 69/252 (Q2); Operations Research & Management: 45/83 (Q3).
J.M.G. Salmerón, G. Aparicio, L.G. Casado, I García, E.M.T. Hendrix and B.G.-Tóth. Generating a smallest binary tree by proper selection of the longest edges to bisect in a unit simplex refinement. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization. vol. 33, n. 2, pp. 389-402, ISSN:1382-6905, Springer, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s10878-015-9970-y. JCR = 0.927. Subject categories = Mathematics Applied: 139/252 (Q3); Computer science, intercisplinary applications: 92/105 (Q4).
A. Gutierrez-Alcoba, G. Ortega, E.M.T. Hendrix, and I. García. Accelerating an algorithm for perishable inventory control on heterogeneous platforms. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 104, pp. 12 - 18; ISSN: 0743-7315. 2017. Indicios de calidad: JCR(2015) = 1.983. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory and Methods: 39/105 (Q2). DOI: 10.1007/s10878-015-9970-y.
N.C. Cruz, J.L. Redondo, J.D. Álvarez, M. Berenguel, and P.M. Ortigosa. Review of software for optical analyzing and optimizing heliostat fields. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 72, pp. 1001-1018, 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2017.01.032. Indicios de calidad: JCR = 9.184. Subject categories = Energy & Fuels: 7/97 (Q1) Green & Sustainable Science: 1/31 (Q1).
N.C. Cruz, J.D. Álvarez, J.L. Redondo, J. Fernández-Reche, M. Berenguel, R. Monterreal and P.M. Ortigosa. A new methodology for building-up a robust model for heliostat field flux characterization. Energies, Vol. 10, n. 5, pp. 730-747, ISSN: 1996-1073, 2017. DOI:10.3390/en10050730. Indicios de calidad: JCR = 2.676. Subject categories = Energy & Fuels: 48/97 (Q2).
J.L.Redondo, J. Fernández and P.M. Ortigosa. FEMOEA: a Fast and Efficient Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, n. 85, pp. 113-135, ISSN:1432-2994, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s00186-016-0560-2. JCR = 0.843. Subject categories = Mathematics, Applied: 158/252 (Q3).
J. Fernández, B. Toth, J.L.Redondo, P.M. Ortigosa and A.G. Arrondo. A planar single facility competitive location and design problem under the multideterministic choice rule. Computers & Operations Research, n. 78, pp. 305-315, ISSN: 0305-0548, 2017. Indicios de calidad: JCR = 2.962. Subject categories = Engineering, Industrial: 9/44 (Q1); Operations Research & Management Science: 15/83 (Q1); Computer science, interdisciplinary applications: 28/105 (Q2).
N.C. Cruz, J.L. Redondo, J.D. Álvarez, M. Berenguel, A. Becerra-Terón and P.M. Ortigosa. High performance computing for the heliostat field layout evaluation. The Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 73, n. 1, pp. 259-276, ISSN: 0920-8542, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s11227-016-1698-7. JCR = 1.532. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 44/103 (Q2); Computer science, Hardware & Architecture: 25/52 (Q2); Engineering, Electrical & Electronics: 161/262 (Q3).
N.C. Cruz, J.L. Redondo, J.D. Álvarez, M. Berenguel, and P.M. Ortigosa. A parallel Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization procedure for automatic heliostat aiming. The Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 73, n. 1, pp. 591-606, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s11227-016-1914-5. JCR = 1.532. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 44/103 (Q2); Computer science, Hardware & Architecture: 25/52 (Q2); Engineering, Electrical & Electronics: 153/260 (Q3).
JJ Moreno; G Ortega; E Filatovas; JA Martinez; EM Garzón; Using low-power platforms for Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization algorithms. J. Supercomput.(2017) 73(1):302-315. JCR = 1.532. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 44/103 (Q2); Computer science, Hardware & Architecture: 25/52 (Q2); Engineering, Electrical & Electronics: 161/262 (Q3).
EM Garzón, JJ Moreno, JA Martínez. An approach to optimise the energy efficiency of iterative computation on integrated GPU–CPU systems. J Supercomput. (2017) 73(1):114–125. JCR = 1.532. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 44/103 (Q2); Computer science, Hardware & Architecture: 25/52 (Q2); Engineering, Electrical & Electronics: 161/262 (Q3).
G. Ortega, A. M. Puertas and E. M. Garzón. Accelerating the problem of microrheology in colloidal systems on a GPU. (2017). 73(1):370–383. JCR = 1.532. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 44/103 (Q2); Computer science, Hardware & Architecture: 25/52 (Q2); Engineering, Electrical & Electronics: 161/262 (Q3).
2016 . Q2:4, Q3:1
J.M.G. Salmerón, L.G. Casado and E.M.T. Hendrix. On bisecting the unit simplex using various distance norms. Informatica. Vol. 27, No.2, pp. 351-366 , ISSN: 0868-4952. IOS Press. 2016. DOI: 10.15388/Informatica.2016.89 JCR = 1.056. Subject categories = Mathematics, Applied: 102/255 (Q2); Computer Science, Information Systems: 112/146 (Q4).
D. Ventura, A. Gómez-Goiri, V. Catania, D. López-de-Ipiña, J.A. Muñoz-Naranjo and L.G. Casado. Security analysis and resource requirements of group-oriented user access control for hardware constrained wireless network services. Logic Journal of the IGPL. Vol. 24, Issue 1, pp. 80-91, ISSN 1367-0751. Oxford University Press. 2016. DOI: 10.1093/jigpal/jzv045 JCR = 0.575. Subject categories = Logic: 12/21 (Q3); Mathematics: 181/311 (Q3); Mathematics Applied: 207/255 (Q4).
B.G.-Tóth, E.M.T. Hendrix, L.G. Casado, I. García. On refinement of the unit simplex using regular simplices. Journal of Global Optimization. Vol. 64, Issue 2, pp 305-323, ISSN: 0925-5001, Springer. 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s10898-015-0363-7. JCR = 1.733. Subject categories = Mathematics Applied: 36/255 (Q1); Operations Research & Management: 31/83 (Q2).
J.L.Redondo, A. Marín, P.M. Ortigosa, A parallelized Lagrangean relaxation approach for the Discrete Ordered Median Problem. Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 246, n. 1, pp. 253-272, ISSN: 0254-5330, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s10479-014-1744-x. JCR= 1.709. Subject categories = Operations Research & Management Science: 33/83 (Q2).
B. Ivorra; J.L. Redondo; A.M. Ramos; J.G. Santiago. Design sensitivity and mixing uniformity of a micro-fluidic mixer. Physics of fluids. Vol. 28, n. 012005, pp. 1 - 17, 2016. DOI: 10.1063/1.4939006. JCR = 2.23. Subject categories = Mechanics: 37/137 (Q2).
2015 . Q1:5, Q2:1, Q3:4
G. Aparicio, L.G. Casado, E.M.T. Hendrix, B G-Tóth and I. García. On the minimum number of simplex shapes in longest edge refinement of regular n-simplex. Informatica. Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 17-32. ISSN: 0868-4952. IOS Press. 2015. DOI: 10.15388/Informatica.2015.36 JCR = 1.386. Subject categories = Mathematics, Applied: 47/254 (Q1); Computer Science, Information Systems: 60/144 (Q2).
G. Ortega, J. Lobera, M.P. Arroyo, I. García, and E.M. Garzón. Parallel resolution of the 3D Helmholtz Equation based on multi-GPU clusters. Concurrency and Computation-Practice & Experience, Vol. 27, n. 13, pp. 3205–3219; ISSN: 1532-0634. 2015. JCR(2015) = 0.942. Subject categories =Computer Science, Software Engineering: 59/106 (Q3); Computer Science, Theory and Methods: 59/105 (Q3). DOI: 10.1002/cpe.3212.
G. León, J.M. Molero, E.M. Garzón, I. García, A. Plaza, and E.S. Quintana-Ortí. Exploring the performance–power–energy balance of low-power multicore and manycore architectures for anomaly detection in remote sensing. Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 71, n. 5, pp. 1893–1906; ISSN: 1573-0484. 2015. JCR(2015) = 1,088. Subject categories = Computer Science, Hardware Architecture 23/51 (Q2); Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 46/105 (Q2); Engineering, Electrical and Electronic: 147/257 (Q3). DOI: 10.1007/s11227-014-1372-x.
J. Lobera, G. Ortega, I. García, M.P. Arroyo, and E.M. Garzón. High performance computing for a 3-D optical diffraction tomographic application in fluid velocimetry. Opt. Express, Vol. 23, n. 4, pp. 4021–4032, Feb. 2015. JCR(2015) = 3.148. Subject categories = Optics: 14/90 (Q1). DOI: 10.1364/OE.23.004021.
A. Lanciskas, P.M. Ortigosa and J. Zilinskas. Parallel Optimization Algorithm for Competitive Facility Location. Mathematical Modeling and Analysis, Vol. 20, n. 5, pp. 619-640, ISSN: 1392-6292, 2015. DOI: 10.3846/13926292.2015.1088903. JCR= 0.468. Subject categories = Mathematics: 223/312 (Q3).
P.M. Ortigosa, E.M.T. Hendrix and J.L. Redondo. On heuristic bi-criterion methods for semiobnoxious facility location. Computational Optimization and Applications, n. 61, pp. 205-217, ISSN: 0926-6003, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s10589-014-9709-1. Indicios de calidad: JCR= 1.444. Subject categories = Mathematics, applied: 41/254 (Q1) Operations Research & Management Science: 31/82 (Q2).
J. Fernández, J.L.Redondo, A.G. Arrondo and P.M. Ortigosa. A triobjective Model for Locating a Public Semiobnoxious Facility in the Plane. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, pp. 12 pages, ISSN: 1563-5147, 2015. DOI: 10.1155/2015/631872. JCR= 0.644. Subject categories = Mathematics, interdisciplinary applications 81/101 (Q4); Engineering, Multidisciplinary 59/85 (Q3).
J.L.Redondo, J. Fernández, J.D. Álvarez, A.G. Arrondo and P.M. Ortigosa. Approximating the Pareto-front of a planar bi-objective competitive facility location and design problem. Computers & Operations Research, n. 62, pp. 337-349, ISSN: 0305-0548, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.2014.02.013. JCR= 1.988. Subject categories = Engineering, Industrial: 11/44 (Q1); Operations Research & Management Science: 19/82(Q1) ; Computer science, interdisciplinary applications: 32/104 (Q2).
A.G. Arrondo, J.L.Redondo, J. Fernández and P.M. Ortigosa. Parallelization of a non-linear multiobjective optimization algorithm: application to a location problem. Applied Mathematics and Computation, n. 255, pp. 114-124, ISSN: 0096-3003, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2014.08.036. JCR = 1.345. Subject categories = Mathematics, Applied: 54/254 (Q1).
J.M. García, EM Garzón, J.M. Cecilia, H.P. Sánchez and P.M. Ortigosa. An efficient approach for solving the HP Protein Folding Problem based on UEGO. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, Vol. 53, n. 3, pp. 795-806, ISSN: 0259-9791, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s10910-014-0459-1. JCR = 1.056. Subject categories = Mathematics, interdisciplinary applications: 56/101 (Q3); Chemistry, multidisciplinary 116/163 (Q3).
2014 . Q1:2, Q2: 5, Q3:1, Q4:1
J. Moya-Laraño, J.R. Bilbao-Castro, G. Barrionuevo, D. Ruiz-Lupión, L.G. Casado, Marta Montserrat, Carlos J. Melián, Sara Magalhães. Eco-Evolutionary Spatial Dynamics: Rapid Evolution and Isolation Explain Food Web Persistence. Advances in Ecological Research Vol. 50, pp. 75-109. ISSN: 0065-2504. Springer. 2014. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-801374-8.00003-7 JCR = 4.040. Subject categories = ECOLOGY: 24/145 (Q1).
J.F.R. Herrera, L.G. Casado, E.M.T. Hendrix and I. García. Pareto optimality and robustness in bi-blending problems. TOP. Vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 254-273. ISSN: 1134-5764. Springer. 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s11750-012-0253-9 Erratum to this article can be found at DOI: 10.1007/s11750-012-0258-4 JCR = 0.831. Subject categories = Operations Research & Management: 61/81 (Q4).
J.M. Molero, E.M. Garzón, I. García, E.S. Quintana-Ortí, and A. Plaza. Efficient Implementation of Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Techniques on GPUs and Multicore Processors. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol. 7, n. 6, pp. 2256-2266; ISSN: 1939-1404, June. 2014. JCR(2014) = 3,026. Subject categories =Engineering, Electrical & Electronic: 33/248 (Q1), Remote Sensing: 5/27 (Q1). DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2014.2328614.
G. Ortega, F. Vázquez, I. García, and E.M. Garzón. FastSpMM: An Efficient Library for Sparse Matrix Matrix Product on GPUs. The Computer Journal, Vol. 57, n. 7, pp. 968-979. 2014. JCR (2014)= 0.787. Subject categories = Computer Science, Hardware and Architecture:29/50 (Q3); Computer Science, Information Systems: 92/139 (Q3); Computer Science, Software Engineering: 66/104 (Q3); Computer Science, Theory and Methods: 61/102 (Q3). DOI: 10.1093/comjnl/bxt038.
A.G. Arrondo, J.J. Fernández, J.L. Redondo and P.M. Ortigosa. An approach for solving competitive location problems with variable demand using multicore systems. Optimization Letters, Vol. 8, n. 2, pp. 555-567, 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s11590-012-0596-z. JCR= 0.934. Subject categories = Mathematics, applied: 104/257 (Q2); Operations Research and Management Science: 52/81 (Q3).
A.G. Arrondo, J.L.Redondo, J. Fernández and P.M. Ortigosa. Solving a leader-follower facility problem via parallel evolutionary approaches. Journal of supercomputing, Vol. 70, n. 2, pp. 600-611, ISSN: 0920-8542, 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s11227-014-1106-0. JCR= 0.858. Subject categories = Computer science, Hardware & Architecture: 25/50 (Q2); Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 56/102 (Q3); Engineering, Electrical & Electronics: 157/249 (Q3).
J.M. García, EM Garzón and P.M. Ortigosa. A GPU implementation of an hybrid evolutionary algorithm: GPuEGO. Journal of supercomputing, Vol. 70, n. 2, pp. 684-895, ISSN: 0920-8542, 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s11227-014-1136-7. JCR= 0.858. Subject categories = Computer science, Hardware & Architecture: 25/50 (Q2); Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 56/102 (Q3); Engineering, Electrical & Electronics: 157/249 (Q3).
S. Tabik, G. Ortega and E.M. Garzón. Performance evaluation of kernel fusion BLAS routines on the GPU: iterative solvers as case study. Journal of supercomputing 70, 577–587 (2014). JCR= 0.858. Subject categories = Computer science, Hardware & Architecture: 25/50 (Q2); Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 56/102 (Q3); Engineering, Electrical & Electronics: 157/249 (Q3).
J. Ranilla, E.M. Garzón and J. Vigo-Aguiar. High performance computing: an essential tool for science and engineering breakthroughs. Journal of supercomputing 70, 511–513 (2014). JCR= 0.858. Subject categories = Computer science, Hardware & Architecture: 25/50 (Q2); Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 56/102 (Q3); Engineering, Electrical & Electronics: 157/249 (Q3).
2013 . Q1:9, Q2:6, Q4:1
J.A.M. Naranjo, P. Orduña, A. Gomez-Goiri, D. Lopez-de-Ipiña, L.G. Casado. Enabling user access control in energy-constrained wireless smart environments. Journal of Universal Computer Science. Vol 19, no.17. pp. 2490-2502. ISSN 0948-695x. 2013. DOI: 10.3217/jucs-019-17-2490. JCR = 0.401. Subject categories = Computer Science, Software Engineering: 99/105 (Q4); Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 89/102 (Q4).
J.A.M. Naranjo, F. Cores, L.G. Casado, F. Guirado. Fully distributed authentication with locality exploitation for the CoDiP2P peer-to-peer computing platform Journal of Supercomputing. Vol. 65, Issue 3, pp. 1037-1049. ISSN: 0920-8542. Springer, 2013. DOI: 10.1007/s11227-012-0842-2. JCR = 0.841. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 47/102 (Q2); Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture: 29/50 (Q3); Engineering, Electrical & Electronic: 161/247 (Q3).
J.A.M. Naranjo and L.G. Casado. An Updated View on Centralized Secure Group Communications. Logic Journal of the IGPL. vol. 21, Issue 4, pp. 659-670, ISSN 1367-0751. Oxford University Press, 2013. DOI: 10.1093/jigpal/JZS026. JCR = 0.530. Subject categories = Logic: 5/20 (Q1); Mathematics: 174/302 (Q3); Mathematics Applied: 195/251 (Q4).
José L. Berenguel, L.G. Casado, I García and Eligius M.T. Hendrix, F. Messine. On interval branch-and-bound for additively separable functions with common variables, Journal of Global Optimization, vol. 56, Issue 3, pp. 1101-1121, ISSN: 0925-5001. Springer. 2013. DOI: 10.1007/s10898-012-9928-x JCR = 1.355. Subject categories = Mathematics Applied: 48/251 (Q1); Operations Research & Management: 28/79 (Q2).
José L. Berenguel, L.G. Casado, I García and Eligius M.T. Hendrix, . On estimating workload in interval branch-and-bound global optimization algorithms, Journal of Global Optimization, vol. 56, Issue 3, pp. 821-844, ISSN: 0925-5001. Springer. 2013. DOI: 10.1007/s10898-011-9771-5. JCR = 1.355. Subject categories = Mathematics Applied: 48/251 (Q1); Operations Research & Management: 28/79 (Q2).
J.F.R. Herrera, L.G. Casado, E.M.T. Hendrix and I.García. A threaded approach of the quadratic bi-blending algorithm. The Journal of Supercomputing , vol. 64. n.1 pp. 38-48, ISSN: 0920-8542. Springer. 2013. DOI: 10.1007/s11227-012-0783-9. JCR = 0.841. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 47/102 (Q2); Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture: 29/50 (Q3); Engineering, Electrical & Electronic: 161/247 (Q3).
A. Martínez-Sánchez, I. García, and J.J. Fernández. A ridge-based framework for segmentation of 3D electron microscopy datasets. Journal of Structural Biology, Vol. 181, n. 1, pp. 61-70; ISSN: 1047-8477. 2013. JCR = 3.369. Subject categories = Biophysics: 24/74 (Q2); Cell Biology: 86/184; Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: 106/291 (Q2); Cell Biology: 89/185 (Q2). DOI: 10.1016/j.jsb.2012.10.002.
J.M. Molero, E. M. Garzón, I. García, and A. Plaza. Analysis and Optimizations of Global and Local Versions of the RX Algorithm for Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol. 6, n. 2, pp. 801-814; ISSN: 1939-1404. 2013. JCR = 2.827. Subject categories = Geography, Physical: 12/46 (Q2); Imaging Science & Photographic Technology; Remote Sensing: 5/27 (Q1); Engineering, Electrical & Electronic: 33/248 (Q1); Imaging Science & Photografic Technology: 6/23 (Q2). DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2013.2238609.
G. Ortega, E.M. Garzón, F. Vazquez, and I. García. The BiConjugate gradient method on GPUs. Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 64, n. 1, pp. 49-58; ISSN: 0920-8542. 2013. DOI:10.1007/s11227-012-0761-2. JCR = 0.841. Subject categories = Computer Science, Hardware and Architecture: 29/50 (Q3); Computer Science, Theory and Methods: 47/102 (Q2); Engineering, Electrical and Electronic: 161/248 (Q3).
J.L.Redondo, J. Fernández, A.G. Arrondo, I. García, and P.M. Ortigosa. A two-level evolutionary algorithm for solving the facility location and design (1|1)-centroid problem on the plane with variable demand. Journal of global optimization, Vol. 56, n. 3, pp. 983-1005. 2013. DOI: 10.1007/s10898-012-9893-4. JCR (2013)= 1.355. Subject categories = Operations Research and Management Science: 28/79 (Q2); Mathematics, Applied: 48/251 (Q1).
E.M.T. Hendrix, I. García, J. Plaza, and A. Plaza. On the Minimum Volume Simplex Enclosure Problem for Estimating a Linear Mixing Model. Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 56, n. 3, pp. 957-970; ISSN: 0925-5001. 2013. JCR = 1.355. Subject categories = Operations Research and Management Science: 28/79 (Q2); Mathematics, Applied: 48/251 (Q1). 2013
B. Ivorra, J.L. Redondo, J.G. Santiago, P.M. Ortigosa and A.M. Ramos. Two- and three-dimensional modeling and optimization applied to the design of a fast hydrodynamic focusing microfluidic mixer for protein folding. Physics of fluids, Vol. 25, n. 3, pp. 1-17, 2013. DOI: 10.1063/1.4793612.JCR = 2.040. Subject categories = Mechanics: 21/139 (Q1); Physics, fluids & plasmas 13/31 (Q2).
A. Lanzinskas, P.M. Ortigosa and J. Zilinskas. Multi-objective Single Agent Stochastic Search in Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm. Nonlinear Analysis: Modeling and Control, Vol. 18, n. 3, pp. 293-313, 2013. DOI: 10.15388/na.18.3.14011. JCR = 0.914. Subject categories = Mathematics, Applied: 94/251 (Q2); Mathematics, interdisciplinary applications: 60/95 (Q2); Mechanics 86/139 (Q3).
J.D. Álvarez, J.L. Redondo, E. Camponogara, J. Normey-Rico, M. Berenguel and P.M. Ortigosa. Optimizing building comfort temperature regulation via model predictive control. Energy and Buildings, Vol. 57, pp. 361-372, 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2012.10.044. JCR = 2,679. Subject categories = Construction and Building Technology: 4/57 (Q1); Engineering, Civil: 7/122 (Q1); Energy and Fuels:26/81 (Q2).
G. Ortega, F. Vázquez, E.M. Garzón, I. García. FastSpMM: An Efficient Library for Sparse Matrix Matrix Product on GPUs. Computer Journal 57(2013) 968-979. JCR=0,89. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory and Methods 44/102 (Q2)
J. Fernández, E.M.T. Hendrix. Recent insights in Huff-like competitive location-design, European Journal of Operational Research, 227, 3, 581-584 (Q1), 2013
2012 . Q1:3, Q2:5, Q3:1
J.A.M. Naranjo, L.G. Casado and M. Jelasity. Asynchronous privacy-preserving iterative computation on peer-to-peer networks. Computing, Volume 94, Issue 8, pp. 763-782, ISSN: 0010-485X, Springer, 2012. DOI: 10.1007/s00607-012-0200-5. JCR = 0.807. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory and Methods: 45/100 (Q2).
J.A.M. Naranjo, N. Antequera, L.G. Casado, J.A. Lopez-Ramos. A suite of algorithms for key distribution and authentication in centralized secure multicast environments. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 236, issue 12, pp. 3042-3051, ISSN: 0377-0427, Elsevier, 2012. DOI: 10.1016/ . JCR = 0.989. Subject categories = Mathematics, Applied: 79/247 (Q2).
E.M.T. Hendrix, I. García, J. Plaza, G. Martín, and A. Plaza. A New Minimum-Volume Enclosing Algorithm for Endmember Identification and Abundance Estimation in Hyperspectral Data. IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 50, n. 7, pp. 2744-2757; ISSN: 0196-2892. 2012. JCR = 3.467. Subject categories = Geochemistry & Geophysics: 10/76 (Q1); Engineering, Electrical & Electronic: 13/243 (Q1); Remote Sensing: 2/27 (Q1).
J. Plaza, E.M.T. Hendrix, I. García, G. Martín, and A. Plaza. On Endmember Identification in Hyperspectral Images Without Pure Pixels: A Comparison of Algorithms. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Vol. 42, pp. 163-175; ISSN: 0924-9907. 2012. JCR = 1.767. Subject categories = Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence: 33/115 (Q2); Computer Science, Software Engineering: 14/105 (Q1); Mathematics, Applied: 20/247 (Q1).
J.L. Redondo, J. Fernández, A. G. Arrondo, I. García, and P.M. Ortigosa. Fixed or variable demand? Does it matter when locating a facility?. OMEGA-International journal of management science, Vol. 40, n. 1, pp. 9-20; ISSN: 0305-0483. 2012. DOI: 10.1016/ JCR = 3.024. Subject categories = Operations research & Management science: 3/79 (Q1).
J.L. Redondo, P.M. Ortigosa and J. Zilinskas. Multimodal evolutionary algorithm for multidimensional scaling with city-block distances. Informatica, Vol. 23, n. 4, pp. 601-620, 2012. JCR(2011) = 1.117. Subject categories = Computer science, information systems: 55/132 (Q2); Mathematics, Applied: 66/246 (Q2).
F. Vázquez, J.J. Fernández, E.M. Garzón. Automatic tuning of the sparse matrix vector product on GPUs based on the ELLR-T approach. Parallel Computing 38 (2012) 408–420. JCR=1,232. Categories = Computer Science, Theory and Methods: 29/100 (Q2)
J.I. Agulleiro, F.Vázquez, E.M.Garzón, J.J.Fernández. Hybrid computing: CPU+GPU co-processing and its application to tomographic reconstruction. Ultramicroscopy 115(2012)109–114. JCR= 2,47. Categories = Microscopy: 3/9 (Q2)
J.M. Molero, E.M. Garzón, A. Plaza, I. García. Anomaly detection based on a parallel kernel RX algorithm for multicore platforms. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. 6(2012)06150301-06150310. JCR=0,876. Categories = Imaging Science & Photographic Technology: 15/24 (Q3), Remote sensing: 19/27 (Q3), Environmental Sciences 167/210 (Q4).
2011: Q1:2, Q2:3, Q3:7, Q4:1
J.F. Sanjuan-Estrada, L.G. Casado and I.García. Adaptive parallel interval branch and bound algorithms based on their performance for multicore architectures. The Journal of Supercomputing , Volume 58, n. 3, pp. 376-384, ISSN: 0920-8542, Springer, 2011. DOI: 10.1007/s11227-011-0594-4 JCR = 0.578. Subject categories = Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture: 37/50 (Q3); Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 68/99 (Q3); Engineering, Electrical & Electronic: 180/245 (Q3).
J.A.M. Naranjo, L.G. Casado and J.A. López-Ramos. Group oriented renewal of secrets and its application to secure multicast. Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Volume 27, Number 4, pp. 1303-1313. ISSN: 1016-2364, 2011. JCR = 0.175. Subject categories = Computer Science, Information Systems: 132/135 (Q4).
L.G. Casado, I García, B.G.-Tóth and E.M.T. Hendrix. On determining the cover of a simplex by spheres centered at its vertices. Journal of Global Optimization, Volume 50, Number 4, pp. 645-655, ISSN: 0925-5001, Springer, 2011. DOI: 10.1007/s10898-010-9524-x. JCR = 1.196. Subject categories = Mathematics Applied: 53/245 (Q1); Operations Research & Management: 24/77 (Q2).
A. Martínez-Sánchez, I. García, and J.J. Fernández. A differential structure approach to membrane segmentation in electron tomography. Journal of Structural Biology, Vol. 175, pp. 372–383. 2011. JCR (2011)= 3.406. Subject categories = Biophysics: 23/71 (Q2); Cell Biology: 87/179 (Q2); Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: 102/287 (Q2).
J.L. Redondo, I. García, and P.M. Ortigosa.. Parallel evolutionary algorithms based on shared memory programming approaches. Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 58, n. 2, pp. 270-279; ISSN: 0920-8542. 2011. DOI: 10.1007/s11227-009-0374-6. JCR = 0.578. Subject categories =Computer science, Hardware & Architecture: 37/50 (Q3); Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 68/99 (Q3); Engineering, Electrical & Electronics: 180/245 (Q3).
J.L. Redondo, J. Fernández, I. García, and P.M. Ortigosa. Parallel algorithms for continuous multifacility competitive location problems. Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 50, n. 4, pp. 557-573. 2011. 10.1007/s10898-009-9455-6. JCR = 1.196. Subject categories = Operations Research and Management Science: 24/77 (Q2); Mathematics, Applied (Q1): 53/245.
J.L. Redondo, J. Fernández, I. García, and P.M. Ortigosa. Solving the facility location and design (1∥1)-centroid problem via parallel algorithms. Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 58, n. 3, pp. 420-428; ISSN: 0920-8542. 2011. 10.1007/s11227-011-0605-5. JCR = 0.578. Subject categories = Computer science, Hardware & Architecture: 37/50 (Q3); Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 68/99 (Q3); Engineering, Electrical & Electronics: 180/245 (Q3).
J.M. Molero, A. Paz, E. M. Garzón, J.A. Martínez, A. Plaza, and I. García. Fast anomaly detection in hyperspectral images with RX method on heterogeneous clusters. Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 58, n. 3, pp. 411-419; ISSN: 0920-8542. 2011. JCR(2011) = 0.578. Subject categories = Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture: 37/50 (Q3); Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 68/99 (Q3); Engineering, Electrical & Electronics: 180/245 (Q3). DOI:10.1007/s11227-011-0598-0.
J.A. Martínez, E.M. Garzón, A. Plaza, and I. García. Automatic Tuning of iterative computation on Heterogeneous Multiprocessors with ADITHE. Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 58, n. 2, pp. 151-159; ISSN: 0920-8542. 2011. JCR = 0.578. Subject categories = Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture: 37/50 (Q3); Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 68/99 (Q3); Engineering, Electrical & Electronics: 180/245 (Q3) DOI:10.1007/s11227-009-0350-1.
J.L. Redondo, B. Pelegrín, P. Fernández, I. García, and P.M. Ortigosa. Finding multiple global optima for unconstrained discrete location problems. Optimization Methods & Software, Vol. 26, n. 2, pp. 207-224; ISSN: 1055-6788. 2011. DOI: 10.1080/10556780903567760. JCR = 0.651. Subject categories = Operations Research and Management Science: 48/77 (Q3); Computer Science, Software Engineering: 67/104 (Q3); Mathematics, Applied: 139/245 (Q3).
J. A. Martínez, F. Almeida, E. M. Garzón, A. Acosta, V. Blanco. Adaptive load balancing of iterative computation on heterogeneous nondedicated systems. Journal of Supercomputing 58 (2011) 385-393. JCR = 0.578. Subject categories = Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture: 37/50 (Q3); Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 68/99 (Q3); Engineering, Electrical & Electronics: 180/245 (Q3) DOI:10.1007/s11227-009-0350-1.
F. Vázquez, E.M. Garzón, J.J. Fernández. Matrix Implementation of Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique (SIRT) on GPUs. The Computer Journal 54(2011)1861-1868. JCR=0.785. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods 45/99 (Q2).
F. Vázquez, J.J. Fernández, E.M. Garzón. A new approach for sparse matrix vector product on NVIDIA GPUs. Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper. 23 (2011)815–826. JCR=0.64. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods 64/99 (Q2), Computer Science Software &Engineering 68/104 (Q2)
2010 . Q1: 2, Q2: 5
J.I. Agulleiro, E.M. Garzón, I. García, and J.J. Fernández. Vectorization with SIMD extensions speeds up reconstruction in electron tomography. Journal of Structural Biology, Vol. 170, pp. 570–575. 2010. JCR = 3.5. Subject categories = Biophysics: 26/73 (Q2) .
J.R. Bilbao-Castro, C.O.S. Sorzano, I. García, and J.J. Fernández. XMSF: Structure-preserving noise reduction and pre-segmentation in microscope tomography. Bioinformatics, Vol. 26, n. 21, pp. 2786-2787. 2010. JCR = 4.926. (Q2) Subject categories =Biomedical Research Methods: 9/65 (Q1); Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology: 14/150 (Q1); Mathematical & Computational Biology: 2/29 (Q1).
G. Martín, V. González-Ruiz, A. Plaza, J.P. Ortiz, and I. García. Impact of JPEG2000 compression on endmember extraction and unmixing of remotely sensed hyperspectral data. SPIE Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 4, n. 041796, pp. 1-24; ISSN: 1931-3195, July. 2010. Subject categories = Remote Sensing: 11/22 (Q2); Imaging Science& Photographic Technology: 7/19 (Q2); Environmental Science: 144/196 (Q3)
J.L. Redondo, J. Fernández, I. García, and P.M. Ortigosa. Heuristics for the facility location and design (1∥1)-centroid problem on the plane. Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 45, n. 1, pp. 111-141. 2010. JCR = 1.274. Subject categories =Operations Research and Management Science: 25/75 (Q2); Mathematics, Applied: 52/236 (Q1).
P.C. Fritzsche, J.J. Fernández, D. Rexachs, I. García, and E. Luque. Analytical Performance Prediction for Iterative Reconstruction Techniques in Electron Tomography of Biological Structures. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, Vol. 24, pp. 457–468. 2010. JCR (2009)= 1.274. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 34/91 (Q2).
F. Vázquez, E.M. Garzón, J.J. Fernández. A matrix approach to tomographic reconstruction and its implementation on GPUs. Journal of Structural Biology 170 (2010) 146–151. JCR: 3.500. Subject categories = Biophysics: 26/73 (Q2)
JJ Fernández, JA Martínez. Three-dimensional feature-preserving noise reduction for real-time electron tomography. Digital Signal Processing. 20 (4), 1162-1172. (Q2) 2010
2009 . Q1:2, Q2:1, Q4:1
J.R. Bilbao-Castro, R. Marabini, C.O.S. Sorzano, I. García, J.M. Carazo, and J.J. Fernández. Exploiting desktop supercomputing for three-dimensional electron microscopy reconstructions using ART with blobs. Journal of Structural Biology, Vol. 165, pp. 19-26. 2009. JCR = 4.059. Subject categories = Biochemistry & Molecular Biology: 78/276 (Q1); Biophysics: 15/70; Cell Biology: 59/157.
J.L. Redondo, J. Fernández, I. García, and P.M. Ortigosa. Solving the Multiple Competitive Location and Design Problem on the Plane. Evolutionary Computation, Vol. 17, n. 1, pp. 21-53. 2009. JCR = 3.103. Subject categories = Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence: 8/103 (Q1); Computer Science, Theory and Methods: 4/92 (Q1).
J.L. Redondo, J. Fernández, I. García, and P.M. Ortigosa. A robust and efficient global optimization algorithm for planar competitive location problems. Annals of Operations Research, n. 167, pp. 87-105. 2009. DOI: 10.1007/s10479-007-0233-x. JCR = 0.961. Subject categories =: Operations Research and Management Science: 40/73 (Q2).
J.L. Redondo, J. Fernández, I. García, and P.M. Ortigosa. Sensitivity analysis of a continuous multifacility competitive location and design problem. TOP, Vol. 17, n. 2, pp. 347-365. 2009. DOI: 10.1007/s11750-008-0071-2. JCR = 0.865. Subject categories = Operations Research and Management Science: 47/63 (Q4).
2008 . Q1:3, Q3:2
Eligius M.T. Hendrix, L.G. Casado and I García. The semi-continuous quadratic mixture design problem: Description and Branch-and-Bound approach, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 191, Issue 3, pp. 803-815, ISSN: 0377-2217, Elsevier, 2008. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2007.01.056 JCR = 1.627. Subject categories = Operations Research & Management Science: 13/64 (Q1).
L.G. Casado, J.A. Martínez, I García and E.M.T. Hendrix. Branch and-Bound interval global optimization on shared memory multiprocessors, Optimization Methods and Software (OMS), Volume 23, Number 3, pp. 689-701, ISSN 1055-6788, Taylor & Francis, 2008. DOI:10.1080/10556780802086300. JCR = 0.708. Subject categories = Operations Research & Management: 44/64 (Q3); Mathematics, Applied: 106/175 (Q3); Computer Science, Software Engineering: 67/86 (Q4).
J.P. Ortiz, V.G. Ruiz, M.F. López, and I. García. Interactive transmission of JPEG2000 images using Web proxy caching. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol. 10, n. 4, pp. 629-636; ISSN: 1520-9210, June. 2008. JCR: 2,288 (ISI JCR 2008). Subject categories = Computer Science, Information Systems,19/99 (Q1), Computer Science, Software engineering, 12/86 (Q1) Telecommunications, 10/67 (Q1)
J.L. Redondo, J. Fernández, I. García, and P.M. Ortigosa. Parallel algorithms for continuous competitive location problems. Optimization Methods & Software, Vol. 23, n. 5, pp. 779-791. 2008. DOI: 10.1080/10556780802402564. JCR = 0.708. Subject categories = Operations Research and Management Science: 44/64 (Q3); Computer Science, Software Engineering: 67/86 (Q4); Mathematics, Applied: 106/175. (Q3)
S. Tabik, L.F. Romero, E.M. Garzón, J.I. Ramos. On a model of three-dimensional bursting and its parallel implementation. Computer Physics Communications 178 (2008) 471–485. JCR=2,120. Subject categories = Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications: 18/94 (Q1), Physics, Mathematical: 11/46 (Q1)
2007 . Q1:1, Q2:9.
L.G. Casado, Eligius M.T. Hendrix and I García. Infeasibility spheres for finding robust solutions of blending problems with quadratic constraints, Journal of Global Optimization, vol. 39, n. 2, pp. 577-593, ISSN: 0925-5001, Springer, 2007. DOI: 10.1007/s10898-007-9157-x JCR = 0.813. Subject_categories = Operations Research & Management Science: 24/60 (Q2); Mathematics, Applied: 65/165 (Q2).
B. Tóth and L.G. Casado. Multi-dimensional pruning from Baumann point in an Interval Global Optimization Algorithm. Journal of Global Optimization, vol. 38, n. 2, pp. 215-236. ISSN: 0925-5001, Springer. 2007. DOI: 10.1007/s10898-006-9072-6. JCR = 0.813. Subject categories = Operations Research & Management Science: 24/60 (Q2); Mathematics, Applied: 63/165 (Q2).
I. García and E.M.T. Hendrix. Preface: Special issue Go05. Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 38, n. 2, pp. 161-162. 2007. JCR = 0.813. Subject categories = Operations Research and Management Science: 24/60 (Q2); Mathematics, Applied: 63/165 (Q2).
P.M. Ortigosa, J.L. Redondo, I. García, and J.J. Fernández. A population global optimization algorithm to solve the image alignment problem in electron crystallography. Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 37, n. 4, pp. 527-539. 2007. DOI: 10.1007/s10898-006-9060-x. JCR = 0.813. Subject categories = Operations Research and Management Science: 24/60 (Q2); Mathematics, Applied: 63/165 (Q2).
J.P. Ortiz, V.G. Ruiz, and I. García. Efficient Virtual Slide Telepathology Systems with JPEG2000. Scientific Journal on Applied Information Technology (JAPIT), Vol. 3, pp. 16-22; ISSN: 1683-1373. 2007.
B. Pelegrín, J. Redondo, P. Fernández, I. García, and P. M. Ortigosa. GASUB: Finding global optima to discrete location problems by a genetic-like algorithm. Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 38, n. 2, pp. 249-264. 2007. DOI: 10.1007/s10898-006-9076-2. JCR = 0.813. Subject categories = Operations Research and Management Science: 24/60 (Q2); Mathematics, Applied: 63/165 (Q2).
J.R. Bilbao-Castro, I. García, and J.J. Fernández. EGEETomo: a user-friendly, fault-tolerant and grid-enabled application for 3D reconstruction in electron tomography. Bioinformatics, Vol. 23, pp. 3391-3393. 2007. JCR = 5.039. Subject categories = Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications: 1/92 (Q1);.
J.R. Bilbao-Castro, A. Merino, I. García, J.M. Carazo, and J.J. Fernández. Parameter optimization in 3D reconstruction on a large scale grid. Parallel Computing, Vol. 33, pp. 250-263. 2007. JCR = 0.825. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory and Methods: 38/79 (Q2).
S. Tabik, E.M. Garzón, I. García, and J.J. Fernández. High Performance Noise Reduction for Biomedical Multidimensional Data. Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 17, n. 4, pp. 724–736. 2007. JCR = 0.853. Subject categories = Engineering, Electrical & Electronic: 102/227 (Q2).
J.J. Fernández, I. García, J.M. Carazo, and R. Marabini. Electron tomography of complex biological specimens on the Grid. Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 23, n. 3, pp. 435-446. 2007. JCR = 1.095. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 27/79 (Q2).
S Tabik, LF Romero, EM Garzón, JI Ramos. Three-dimensional Bursting and Parallel Computing. International Journal of Multiscale Computational Engineering. JCR=0.679 Subject categories= Engineering Multidisciplinary: 26/67 (Q2), Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications: 67/92 (Q3)
2006 . Q1:1, Q2:1, Q4:1
M.C. Markót, J.Fernández, L.G. Casado and T. Csendes. New interval Methods for constrained Global Optimization. Mathematical Programming, Volume 106, Number 2, pp. 287-318, ISSN: 0025-5610, Springer, 2006. DOI: 10.1007/s10107-005-0607-2. JCR = 1.117. Subject categories = Operations Research & Management Science: 12/60 (Q1); Mathematics, Applied: 36/150 (Q1); Computer Science, Software Engineering: 26/82 (Q2).
J.R. Bilbao-Castro, J.M. Carazo, I. García, and J.J. Fernández. Parallelization of Reconstruction Algorithms in Three-Dimensional Electron Microscopy. Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 30, n. 8, pp. 688-701. 2006. JCR=0.433. Subject categories = Engineering, Multidisciplinary: 29/65 (Q2) ; Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications: 60/76 (Q4); Mechanics: 84/110 (Q4).
E. M. Ortigosa, A. Cañas, E. Ros, P. M. Ortigosa, S. Mota and J. Díaz. Hardware description of multi-layer perceptrons with different abstraction levels. Microprocessors and Microsystems. 30 - 7, pp. 435 - 444. 2006. DOI: 10.1016/j.micpro.2006.03.004. JCR = 0,283. Subject categories = Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture: 39/44 (Q4); Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 70/75 (Q4); Engineering, Electrical & Electronic: 183/206 (Q4).
2005. Q3:1, Q4:1
J.G. Donaire and I. García. Improvement in methodology for testing iterative reconstruction algorithms in 3D X-ray tomography. The Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 53, pp. 214-225. 2005. JCR = 0.205. Subject categories = : Imaging Science and Photographic Technology: 10/12 (Q4).
E.M. Garzón and I. García. Approaches Based on Permutations for Partitioning Sparse Matrices on Multiprocessors . Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 34, pp. 41-61; ISSN: 0920-8542. 2005. JCR = 0.482. Subject categories = Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture: 31/44 (Q3); Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 58/71 (Q3); Engineering, Electrical & Electronic 126/208 (Q3).
2004 . Q1:1, Q2:2, Q3:1, Q4:1.
J.A. Martinez, L.G. Casado, I. García, Ya.D. Sergeyev and B. Tóth. On an efficient use of gradient information for accelerating interval global optimization algorithms, Numerical Algorithms, vol. 37, pp. 61-69, ISSN: 1017-1398, Springer, 2004. DOI: 10.1023/B:NUMA.0000049456.81410.fc. JCR = 0.264. Subject categories = Mathematics, Applied: 147/162 (Q4).
J.P. Ortiz, V.G. Ruiz, and I. García. Improving Web proxy caching on browsing JPEG2000 remote images with JPIP. ACTA Press, Vol. 1, n. 1, pp. 167-172; ISSN: 1790-0832, July. 2004. JSCI= 0,034 (SCImago Journal Rankings 2006).
J.R. Bilbao-Castro, R. Marabini, J.M. Carazo, I. García, and J.J. Fernández. The potential of Grid Computing in three-dimensional electronMathematics, Applied microscopy. Parallel Processing Letters, Vol. 14, n. 2, pp. 151-162; ISSN: 0129-6264. 2004.
C.O.S. Sorzano, R. Marabini, J. Velázquez-Muriel, J.R. Bilbao-Castro, S.H.W. Scheres, J.M. Carazo, and A. Pascual-Montano. XMIPP: a new generation of an open-source image processing package for electron microscopy. Journal of Structural Biology, Vol. 148, n. 2, pp. 194-204. 2004. JCR = 3.132. Subject categories = Biochemistry & Molecular Biology: 92/261 (Q2); Biophysics: 19/64 (Q2); Cell Biology: 60/155 (Q2)
J.R. Bilbao-Castro, C.O.S. Sorzano, I. García, and J.J. Fernández. Phan3D: Design of biological phantoms in 3D electron microscopy. Bioinformatics, Vol. 20, n. 17, pp. 3286-3288; ISSN: 1367-4803. 2004. JCR = 5.742. Subject categories = Biochemical Research Methods: 4/51 (Q1); Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology: 7/133 (Q1); Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications: 1/83 (Q1); Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications: 1/52 (Q1); Statistics & Probability: 1/77 (Q1).
E.M. Garzón and I. García. Solving eigenproblems on multicomputers: Two different approaches. International Journal of Computers and Applications, Vol. 26, n. 4, pp. 213-222; ISSN: 1206-212X. 2004.
J.J. Fernández, J.M. Carazo, and I. García. Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Cellular Structures by Electron Microscope Tomography and Parallel Computing. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 64, n. 2, pp. 285-300; ISSN: 0743-7315. 2004. JCR = 0.729. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 36/70 (Q3).
J.J. Fernández, J.R. Bilbao-Castro, R. Marabini, J.M. Carazo, and I. García. Biological structure determination by EM is well. suited to grid computing. New Generation Computing (Special Issue on Grid Systems for Life Science), Vol. 22, pp. 187-188; ISSN: 0288-3635. 2004. JCR = 0.854. Subject categories = Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture: 19/44 (Q2); Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 31/70 (Q2).
J.R. Bilbao-Castro, J.M. Carazo, J.J. Fernández, and I. García. Performance of Parallel 3D Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms. WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine, Vol. 1, n. 1, pp. 112-119; ISSN: 1109-9518. 2004.
2003 . Q2:2, Q3:2, Q4:1
L.G. Casado, I. García, T. Csendes and V.G. Ruíz. Heuristic Rejection in Interval Global Optimization. Jounal of Optimization Theory and Applications (JOTA), Vol. 118, Issue 1, pp 27-43, ISSN: 0022-3239, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. DOI: 10.1023/A:1024731306785 JCR = 0.583. Subject categories = Operations research & Management Science:21/57 (Q2); Mathematics, Applied: 82/153 (Q3).
L.G. Casado, I. García, J.A Martínez and Ya.D. Sergeyev. New interval analysis support functions using gradient information in a global minimization algorithm. Journal of Global Optimization, Volume 25, Number 4, pp. 345-362, ISSN: 0925-5001, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. DOI: 10.1023/A:1022512411995 JCR = 0.559. Subject categories = Operations Research & Management Science: 24/57 (Q2); Mathematics, Applied: 91/153 (Q3).
M.D. Gil Montoya, C. Gil, and I. García. The Load Unbalancing Problem on the Region Growing Image Segmentation Algorithms. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 63, pp. 387-395. 2003. JCR = 0.604. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 39/70 (Q3).
J.J. Fernández, I. García, and E.M. Garzón. Educational Issues on Number Representation and Arithmetic in Computers: An Undergraduate Laboratory. IEEE Transactions On Education, Vol. 46, n. 4, pp. 477-485. 2003. JCR = 0.426. Subject categories = Education, Scientific Disciplines: 13/18 (Q4); Engineering, Electrical & Electronic: 135/215 (Q3).
J.J. Fernández, I. García, and E.M. Garzón. Floating Point Arithmetic Teaching for Computational Science. Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 19, n. 8, pp. 1321-1334. 2003. JCR = 0.007. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 67/70 (Q4).
2002 . Q1:2, Q2:1, Q4:1
L. G. Casado, I. García and Ya.D. Sergeyev. Interval Algorithms for Finding the Minimal Root in a Set of Multiextremal One-dimensional Functions. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Volume 24, Number 2, pp 359-376, ISSN 1064-8275, SIAM, 2002. DOI: 10.1137/S1064827599357590 JCR = 1.291. Subject categories = Mathematics, Applied: 15/156 (Q1).
J.J. Fernández, A.F. Lawrence, J. Roca, I. García, M.H. Ellisman, and J.M. Carazo. High Performance Electron Tomography of Complex Biological Specimens. Journal of Structural Biology, Vol. 138, pp. 6-20. 2002. JCR = 4.194. Subject categories = Biochemistry & Molecular Biology: 54/266 (Q1); Biophysics: 11/65 (Q1); Cell Biology: 37/153(Q1).
J.G. Donaire and I. García. On using Global Optimization to obtain a better performance of a MART algorithm in 3D X-ray tomography. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol. 46, n. 3, pp. 247-256. 2002. JCR = 0.564. Subject categories = Imaging Science & Photographic Technology: 6/14. (Q2)
V.G. Ruiz, J.J. Fernández, M.F. López, and I. García. Progressive image transmission in telemicroscopy: a quantitative approach for electron microscopy images of biological specimens. Real Time Imaging, Vol. 8, pp. 519-544; ISSN: 1077-2014, December. 2002. JCR = 0,230. Subject categories= Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence: 65/74 (Q4), Computer Science, Software Engineering: 62/77 (Q4), Computer Science, Theory and Methods:58/69 (Q4)
2001: Q1:1, Q2:3, Q3:1
L.G. Casado, I. García, T. Csendes. A Heuristic Rejection Criterion in Interval Global Optimization Algorithms. BIT Numerical Mathematics, vol. 41:4, pp. 683-692, ISSN: 0006-3835, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. DOI: 10.1023/A:1021991817955 JCR = 0.835. Subject categories = Mathematics, Applied: 37/158 (Q1); Computer Science, Software Engineering: 24/75 (Q2).
L. G. Casado J.A. Martínez and I. García. Experimenting with a new selection criterion in a fast interval optimization algorithm . Journal of Global Optimization, Volume 19, Issue 3, pp 247-264, ISSN: 0925-5001, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. DOI: 10.1023/A:1011220023072. JCR = 0.441. Subject categories = Operations Research & Management Science: 22/53 (Q2); Mathematics, Applied: 94/158 (Q3).
E.M.T. Hendrix, P.M. Ortigosa, and I. García. On success rates for controlled random search. Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 21, pp. 385-398; ISSN: 0925-5001. 2001. DOI: 10.1023/A:1012387510553. Subject categories = Operations Research & Management Science: 22/53 (Q2); Mathematics, Applied: 94/158 (Q3).
M. Jelásity, P.M. Ortigosa, and I. García. UEGO, An Abstract Clustering Technique for Multimodal Global Optimization. Journal of Heuristics, Vol. 7, n. 3, pp. 215-233. 2001. DOI: 10.1023/A:1011367930251. Indicios de calidad: JCR = 0.404. Categoría (posición/total): Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence: 44/72 (Q3); Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 48/71 (Q3).
P.M. Ortigosa, I. García, and M. Jelasity. Reliability and performance of UEGO, a clustering-based global optimizer. Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 19, n. 3, pp. 265-289. 2001. DOI: 10.1023/A:1011224107143. Subject categories = Operations Research & Management Science: 22/53 (Q2); Mathematics, Applied: 94/158 (Q3).
J.M. Gonzalez-Linares, N. Guil, E.L. Zapata, P.M. Ortigosa, and I. García. Parallelization of an algorithm for the automatic detection of deformable objects. Acta Cybernetica, Vol. 15, n. 2, pp. 151-162. 2001. DOI: 10.5555/512590.512593
E.M. Garzón and I. García. Parallel implementation for large and sparse eigenproblems. Acta Cybernetica, Vol. 15, n. 2, pp. 137-149. 2001. DOI: 10.5555/512590.512592
2000. Q2:1, Q3:1
L. G. Casado, I. García and T. Csendes. A New Multisection Technique in Interval Methods for Global Optimization. Computing, Vol. 65, Issue 3, pp 263-269, ISSN: 0010-485X, Springer, 2000. DOI: 10.1007/s006070070010. JCR = 0.551. Subject categories = Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 37/67 (Q3).
M.G. Montoya, C. Gil, and I. García. Parallel Thinning Algorithm on Multicomputers: Experimental Study on Load Balancing. Concurrency: Practice and Experience, Vol. 12, n. 5, pp. 327-340. 2000. DOI:<327::AID-CPE493>3.0.CO;2-4. Indicios de calidad: JCR = 0.556. Categoría (posición/total): Computer Science, Software, Graphics, Programming: 30/74 (Q2); Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 36/67 (Q3)
P.M Ortigosa, J. Balogh, and I. García. A parallelized sequential random search global optimization algorithm. Acta Cybernetica, Vol. 14, n. 2, pp. 403-418. 1999. DOI: 10.5555/336404.336424
1996. Q2:1
I. García, J. Roca, J. Sanjurjo, J.M. Carazo, E. L. Zapata, Implementation and experimental evaluation of the constrained ART algorithm on a multicomputer system. Signal Processing, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 69-76, 1996. Indicios de calidad: JCR (1998) = 0.432. Categoría (posición/total): Engineering, Electric & Electronic: 86/193 (Q2)
J. Barahona da Fonseca, I. Barahona da Fonseca, M. P. Horta, I. García, M. Fatima Ferreira, J.L. Simoes da Fonseca, A minimal system for the study of relationships between brain processes and psycological events, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST89, Vol. 410, pp. 253-266, 1990.
I. García, J.J. Merelo, J.D. Bruguera, E.L. Zapata, Parallel quadrant interlocking factorization on hypercube computers, Parallel Computing, Vol. 15, pp. 87-100, 1990.
J. Barahona, M.P. Horta, S. Quaquinin, I. García, J. Mira, J.L. Simoes da Fonseca, Some reflections on the value of coherence function as an indicator of the state of activity of the brain, Acta Psiquiatrica Portuguesa, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 5-10, 1987.
1986 . Q2:1
J. Barahona, M.P. Horta, I. Barahona, S. Quakinin, I. García, J.L. Simoes da Fonseca, Embodiments of logical functions as they appear expressed in a threshold logics interpretation of neurophysiological data, Acta Psiquiatrica Portuguesa, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 13-19, 1986.
. García, J. Mira, J.L. Simoes da Fonseca, and J. Barahona. On fast algorithm for interval selection in event related potentials. International Journal of Biomedical Computing, Vol. 19, pp. 249-259; ISSN: 0020-7101. 1986. Indicios de calidad: JCR (1998) = 0.446. Categoría (posición/total): Engineering, Biomedical: 37/41 (Q4); Computer Science, Interdisciplinary: 28/63 (Q2); Computer Sciencie, theory & Methods: 27/59 (Q2); Medical Informatics: 17/19 (Q4)
J. Barahona, I. García, M.P. Horta, J. Barata, J. Mira, J.L. Simoes da Fonseca, Are in the brain harmonic carrier of information relevant for logical decision-making?, Acta Psiquiatrica Portuguesa, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 11-15, 1985.
J. Barahona, I. García, J. Barata, J. Serro, J. Mira, J.L. Simoes da Fonseca, Readiness potentials and their relationship with late positive components of event related visual potentials, Acta Psiquiatrica Portuguesa, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 35-55, 1985.
J. Barahona, I. García, M.P. Horta, N. Felix da Costa, J. Mira, J.L. Simoes da Fonseca, Visual pattern recognition under constant selective attention-its possible meaning for logical decision-making functions and their group of transformations, Acta Psiquiatrica Portuguesa, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 57-65, 1985.
I. García, J. Barahona, M.P. Horta, J. Serro, J. Mira, J.L. Simoes da Fonseca, Beyond selective attention - possible brain indicators in the frequency domain relevant for pattern recognition, Acta Psiquiatrica Portuguesa, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 5-9, 1985.
I. García, J. Barahona, J. Serro, M.P. Horta, J. Mira, J.L. Simoes da Fonseca, Visual pattern recognition retrieved in cross-spectral analysis of visual potentials, Acta Psiquiatrica Portuguesa, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 67-77, 1985.