Diseño de métodos computacionales con aplicación en salud (Comp4Health). PID2021-123278OB-I00
Entidad Financiadora: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Programa Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica.
Financiación: 227.117,00 €
Investigadoras Principales: Gracia Ester Martín Garzón/Juana López Redondo
Número de Investigadores: 32
Duración: 1/9/2022-31/08/2025
Los objetivos de este proyecto son consecuencia de la experiencia y el trabajo desarrollado por nuestro grupo de investigación durante las últimas tres décadas en los campos de Optimización Global (GOM), Computación de Altas Prestaciones (HPC) y las aplicaciones con alta demanda computacional. Este proyecto continúa la investigación realizada en anteriores proyectos financiados a nivel nacional: TIC92-0942-C03-02, TIC96-1125-C03-03 TIC99-0361, TIC02-00228, TIN2005-00447, TIN2008-01117, TIN2012-37483-C03, TIN2015-66680-C2 y RTI2018-095993-B-I00. En el último proyecto, HPC4Sci, las contribuciones científicas se publicaron en 42 artículos de revistas JCR (24 en el primer trimestre y 12 en el segundo). Un resumen de los resultados relacionados con los objetivos de HPC4Sci se puede encontrar aquí.
La piedra angular de nuestra investigación ha sido y sigue siendo la combinación de GOM/HPC para modelar y resolver problemas complejos de altos requerimientos computacionales que necesitan un gran esfuerzo de desarrollo en plataformas modernas para proporcionar soluciones abordables.
De esta forma, la hipótesis general en Comp4Health es que la combinación adecuada de GOM y HPC para potenciar el desarrollo de nuevas aplicaciones específicas de gran interés en salud.
En Comp4Health, nos planteamos nuevos retos relacionados con aplicaciones sanitarias específicas: descubrimiento de fármacos, planificación de radioterapia, microscopía electrónica, modelado de neuronas biológicas y sistemas IoT para la salud y el bienestar en el hogar.
El objetivo del proyecto es estudiar métodos y modelos computacionales capaces de gestionar problemas asociados a aplicaciones sanitarias. Estos problemas solo pueden abordarse mediante métodos de optimización eficientes basados en técnicas de HPC. El objetivo es avanzar en los métodos de optimización, tanto determinísticos como heurísticos, en conjunción con las tecnologías HPC. Integrando en nuestras líneas Redes Neuronales y Computación Cuántica, como paradigmas de modelos y tecnología computacional emergente. También seguimos explorando el Procesado de Imagen y Vídeo, ya que es de especial interés para algunos problemas de salud.
Resultados (publicaciones por objetivo)
Objetivo 1: Métodos de optimización global
O1.1 La optimización global determinista
Publicaciones en Revistas de Impacto Internacional
[TOT-JOTA-24] Tóth, B.G., Hendrix, E.M.T. , Casado, L.G and Messine, F. On dealing with minima at the border of a simplicial feasible area in simplicial Branch and Bound. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 203, 1880-1909, Open Access. (Q2)
[GUE-COM-23] P. Guerrero-García, E.M.T. Hendrix. Experiments with Active-Set LP Algorithms Allowing Basis Deficiency. Computers 12, 3, 1-23. 2023. (Q3)
[HEN-INF-23] E.M.T. Hendrix, K.G.J. Pauls-Worm, M.V. de Jong. On order policies for a perishable product in retail, Informatica, 0, 1-13, 2023. (Q1)
[CAS-JOGO-23] L.G.Casado, B. G.-Tóth, E.M.T. Hendrix and F. Messine. Local search versus linear programming to detect monotonicity in simplicial branch and bound. Journal of Global Optimization, Springer. 2023. (Q2)
Comunicaciones a Congresos
[HEN-ICCSA-24] ICCSA 2024 On Polytopal Branch and Bound with Monotonicity, EMT Hendrix, LG Casado, B G-Tóth and F Messine. O. Gervasi et al. (Eds.): Hanoi, July 1-4, 2024 LNCS 14816, Springer, Cham, pp. 397-414,
[HEN-ISMP-24] ISMP 2024 EMT Hendrix. Investigating polytopal global optimization branch and bound, 25th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Montreal, 22-26 July 2024
[HEN-DAMSS-23] DAMSS 23. 14th Conference on Data Analysis Methods For Software Systems (DAMSS), On Computational Challenges in Value Iteration for Inventory Control, E.M.T. Hendrix. 30 November -2 December 2023 Druskininkai, Lithuania.
[GUE-OPT-23] Optimization 2023. On Augmented Lagrangeans in phase I., P. Guerrero-García, E.M.T. Hendrix, A.M.A.C. Rocha. 24-26 Julio, 2023 Aveiro.
[HEN-OPT-23] Optimization 2023, Markovian view on population based stochastic GO algorithms. E.M.T. Hendrix, P. Guerrero-García, A.M.A.C. Rocha. 24-26 Julio, 2023 Aveiro.
[HEN-EUR-23] Europt 2023, On monotonicity in simplicial branch and bound, E.M.T. Hendrix, B.G-. Tóth, L.G. Casado, F. Messine. August 23-25, 2023 Budapest
[TOT-HUGO-22] HUGO 2022. XV Workshop on Global Optimization.Monotonic Directional Derivatives in Simplicial Branch and Bound, Tóth, B.G-., Hendrix, E.M.T., Messine, F. and Casado, L.G. September, 2022, Szeged, Hungary
[HEN-HUGO-22] HUGO 2022. XV Workshop on Global Optimization. A Markovian view on Controlled Random Search, Hendrix,. E.M.T., Garcia, I., Guerrero-Garcia, P. and Rocha, A.M.A. September, 2022, Szeged, Hungary
[HEN-SMINLP-23] 3SMINLP, Third Sevilla MINLP Workshop, Using the resource constraint formulation and decomposition to solve MINLP problems. E.M.T. Hendrix, I. Nowak, O. Wu. 30-31 March, 2023 Sevilla
O1.2 Optimización heurística
Publicaciones en Revistas de Impacto Internacional
[CRU-SE-22] N.C. Cruz, R. Monterreal, J.L. Redondo, J. Fernández-Reche, R. Enrique and P.M. Ortigosa. Optical characterization of heliostat facets based on Computational Optimization. Solar Energy, 248, 1-15, 2022. (Q2)
[LUP-JS-22] M. Lupión, N.C. Cruz, J.F. Sanjuan, B. Paechter and P.M. Ortigosa. Accelerating neural network architecture search using multi-GPU high-performance computing. Journal of Supercomputing, (Q2)
[TOP-SEGN-23] A.O. Topa, N.C. Cruz, J.D. Álvarez & J.L. Torres. On the optimal demand-side management in microgrids through polygonal composition. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks. 2023. (Q1)
[CRU-FN-22] N.C. Cruz, A. González-Redondo, J.L. Redondo, J.A. Garrido, E.M. Ortigosa and P.M. Ortigosa. Black-box and surrogate optimization for tuning spiking neural models of striatum plasticity. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 16:1017222, 1-17, 2022. (Q2)
[POL-AE-23] L.O. Polanco-Vásquez, J.L. Redondo, J.D. Álvarez, V.M. Ramírez and J.L. Torres. Balancing CO2 emissions and economic cost in a microgrid through an energy management system using MPC and multi-objective optimization. Applied Energy, 2023 (Q1-D1)
[FER-CNSNS-23] M. R. Ferrández, B. Ivorra, J. L. Redondo, A. M. Ramos, P. M. Ortigosa. A multi-objective approach to identify parameters of compartmental epidemiological models. Application to Ebola Virus Disease epidemics. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Vol 120. June 2023 (Q1)
[MUT-OE-23] Muts, P., S. Bruche, I. Nowak, O. Wu, E.M.T. Hendrix, G. Tsatsaronis. A Column Generation Algorithm for Solving Energy System Planning Problems. Optimization and Engineering 24, 317-351 2023 , (Q1).
Comunicaciones a Congresos
[RED-ECOR-24] J. L. Redondo, L.O. Polanco, V.M. Ramírez, J.L. Torres and J. D. Álvarez. Multi-objective optimization for a microgrid energy management system: Controlling battery lifetime and economic cost in 33rd European Conference on Operational Research, Copenhagen, 30-3 July 2024. Conferencia oral.
[RED-CODIT-23] CoDIT 2023 conference. Simultaneous minimization of energy cost and CO2 emissions in a microgrid. J. L. Redondo, J. D. Álvarez, L.O. Polanco, J.L. Torres and V.M. Ramírez, Rome, Italy - 03-06 July 2023
[CRU-HUGO-22] HUGO 2022. XV Workshop on Global Optimization, On including TLBO in the Hector field design meta-heuristic.N.C. Cruz, J.D. Álvarez, J.L. Redondo, M. Berenguel y P.M. Ortigosa. pp. 59-62, September, 2022, Szeged, Hungary.
O1.3 Aprendizaje Profundo
Publicaciones en Revistas de Impacto Internacional
[CAR-AE-25] J.A. Carballo, J. Bonilla, N.C. Cruz, J. Fernández-Reche, J.D. Álvarez, A. Avila-Marin, M. Berenguel. Reinforcement learning for heliostat aiming: Improving the performance of Solar Tower plants. Applied Energy, 377 (B), 124574, 2025. Open Access. (Q1-D1)
[ROM-JOTA-25] F. Romero, L.F. Romero, J.L. Redondo, P.M. Ortigosa. Drugs discovery by shape similarity using Deep Learning. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Open Access. 2025 (Q2)
[CAS-EAA-24] M. Castilla, J.L. Redondo, A. Martínez and J.D. Álvarez. Artificial Neural Network-based digital twin for a flat plate solar collector field . Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. (Q1-D1);
[LUP-IEEE-23] M. Lupión, V. González-Ruiz, J. Medina-Quero, J. F. Sanjuan and P. M. Ortigosa. THPoseLite, a Lightweight Neural Network for Detecting Pose in Thermal Images. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2023. (Q1-D1)
[LOP-INF-22] L.O. López, G. Ortega, F. Agüera-Vega, Carvajal-Ramírez, P. Martínez-Carricondo, E. M. Garzón, Multi-Spectral Imaging for Weed Identification in Herbicides Testing, Informatica 33, 2022. (Q1-D1)
[LUP-JS-22] M. Lupión, N.C. Cruz, J.F. Sanjuan, B. Paechter and P.M. Ortigosa. Accelerating neural network architecture search using multi-GPU high-performance computing. Journal of Supercomputing, 2022. (Q2).
Comunicaciones a Congresos
[LUP-EUR-24] EuroPAR'24 - PhD Siymposium M Lupión, NC Cruz, F Romero, JF Sanjuan, PM Ortigosa. Enhancing machine learning dashboards using one-shot neural architecture search. 26-28 August, 2024. Madrid, Spain.
[CAR-IWANN-23] IWANN 2023. 17th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks. On the use of artificial neural networks for automatic heliostat aiming. J.A. Carballo, N.C. Cruz, J. Bonilla, J.D. Álvarez, M. Berenguel. 19-21 june. Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal, 2023.
[AZI-OLA-23] OLA 2023, Latent Space Boosting. International Conference in Optimization and Learning, V. Aziz, I. Nowak, O. Wu, J. Kronqvist, E.M.T. Hendrix. 3-5 May, 2023, Málaga
[LUP-HUGO-22] HUGO 2022. XV Workshop on Global Optimization. Teaching-Learning-based optimization for designing convolutional neural networks. Lupión, M., Cruz, N.C., Ortigosa, P.M. September, 2022, Szeged, Hungary.
[LUP-SART-22] Jornadas SARTECO’22. Análisis preliminar de un framework multi-GPU para la optimización de la arquitectura de redes neuronales. Lupión, M., Cruz, N.C., Ortigosa, P.M. September 21-23. Alicante, Spain,2022.
[HEN-DAMSS-22] DAMSS 22. 13the Conference on Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems. On Global Optimization and Machine Learning, E.M.T. Hendrix, 1-3 December 2022. Druskininkai, Lituania.
[NOW-HUGO-22] HUGO 2022. XV Workshop on Global Optimization. Inner Approximation Methods for Optimization and Learning Nowak, I., Wu, O., Aziz, V., Muts, P. and Hendrix, E.M.T. September, 2022, Szeged, Hungary..
[SAN1-EDU-23] EDULEARN23. Artificial intelligence applied to teaching. Sanjuan Estrada, J.F., Cruz, N.C., Lupión, M., Garzón E.M., Ortigosa, P.M.. Proceedings, pp. 2692-2701, IATED, 3rd-5th July 2023
Objetivo 2: Computación de altas prestaciones (HPC)
O2.1. HPC para explotar plataformas computacionales modernas
Publicaciones en Revistas de Impacto Internacional
[ROM-JS-24] F. Romero, P.M. Ortigosa, G. Bandera, L.F. Romero. SkewEngine: enhancing performance of intensive calculations on regular meshes. Journal of Supercomput (2024). (Q2)
[GON-JS-24] V. González-Ruiz, J.J. Moreno, J.J. Fernández. Acceleration of 3D feature-enhancing noise filtering in hybrid CPU/GPU systems. Journal of Supercomput (2024). (Q2)
[GAR-JS-23] J.S. García, S.P. Martín, J.L. Redondo, J.J. Moreno, P.M. Ortigosa. Improving drug discovery through parallelism. Journal of Supercomputing, Available online, 2023. (Q2).
[ORT-CHE-23] F. Orts, M. Maier, M. Fuchs, G. Ortega, E. M. Garzón, A. M. Puertas; Active and passive microrheology with large tracers in hard colloids. J. Chem. Phys. 14 October 2023 (Q1)
[LUP-JS-22] M. Lupión, N.C. Cruz, J.F. Sanjuan, B. Paechter and P.M. Ortigosa. Accelerating neural network architecture search using multi-GPU high-performance computing. Journal of Supercomputing, 2022. (Q2).
[MOR-JS-22] JJ Moreno, EM Garzón, JJ Fernández and A Martínez-Sánchez. HPC enables efficient and robust 3D membrane segmentation in electron tomography Journal of Supercomputing 78 : 19097–19113. 2022 (Q2)
Comunicaciones a Congresos
[PUE-PPAM-24] PPAM-24. Efficient Load Scheduling of IMRT Planning in Heterogeneous multicore clusters. S. Puertas-Martín, J. J. Moreno, J.L. Redondo, P. M. Ortigosa, E. M. Garzón. International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM). Ostrava, Czech Republic, September 8-11, 2024.
[ROM-EUR-24] EuroPAR'24. On the Use of GPU Computing for Accelerating EEG Preprocessing. F Romero, M. Lupión, N.C. Cruz, L.F. Romero, P.M. Ortigosa. 26-28 August, 2024. Madrid, Spain
[CRU-EDU-24] EDULEARN 2024. Expanding the vision of High-Performance Computing: A case study on IoT solutions N.C. Cruz, M. Lupión, F. Romero, E.M. Ortigosa, J.F. Sanjuan-Estrada y P.M. Ortigosa.. En Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Ref. 844, Palma de Mallorca, España, Julio, 2024.
[MOR-SAR-24] Jornadas Sarteco CEDI 2024. Aceleración del Ajuste Automático y Personalizado de Modelos gEUD para Planificación en IMRT. JJ Moreno,S Puertas-Martín, M Padilla, J L Redondo, PM Ortigosa, and EM Garzón. 17-21 junio, 2024, A Coruña
[ROM-CMMSE-23] CMMSE 2023. Accelerating Epilepsy Diagnosis and Prediction on EEG Signals with GPU-Based Frequency Domain Analysis and Resampling. Romero, F., Romero, LF., Lupión, M., Sanjuan JF., Ortigosa, PM. July 3-8. Rota, Spain.
O2.2. Biblioteca de álgebra tropical HPC
Publicaciones en Revistas de Impacto Internacional
[MAR-AP-22] J. A. Martínez, A.B. Castaño-Fernández, M.L. Puertas, The 2-domination number of cylindrical graphs Computational and Applied Mathematics 2022. (Q1);
O2.3. Procesamiento de video HPC
Publicaciones en Revistas de Impacto Internacional
[GON-CMPB-22] V. González-Ruiz, J.P. García-Ortiz, M.R. Fernández-Fernández, J.J. Fernández,. Optical flow driven interpolation for isotropic FIB-SEM reconstructions. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. (Q1)
[GON-JS-24] V. González-Ruiz, J.J. Moreno, J.J. Fernández. Acceleration of 3D feature-enhancing noise filtering in hybrid CPU/GPU systems. Journal of Supercomput (2024). (Q2)
Comunicaciones a Congresos
[GON-CMMSE-23] CMMSE 2023. Structure-preserving Denoising of Electron Microscopy Tomograms in Hybrid CPU/GPU Systems. V Gonzalez, JJ Moreno, JJ Fernandez. July 3-8. Rota, Spain.
O2.4. Computación cuántica
Publicaciones en Revistas de Impacto Internacional
[DON-JS-24] L.M. Donaire, G. Ortega, E.M. Garzón, and F. J. Orts. Lowering the cost of quantum comparator circuits. Journal of Supercomput 2024 (Q2)
[COM-QIP-24] E. F. Combarro, I. F. Rúa, F. Orts, G. Ortega, A. M. Puertas, E. M. Garzón. Quantum algorithms to compute the neighbour list of N-body simulations. Quantum Inf Process 23, 61 2024. (Q1)
[ORT-JS-24] F. Orts, G. Ortega, E.F. Combarro I.F. Rua and EM Garzón. Quantum circuits for computing Hamming distance requiring fewer T gates. Journal of Supercomput 2024. (Q2)
[ORT-QIP-23] F. Orts, G. Ortega, E. Combarro, I.F. Rúa, E.M. Garzón. Optimized quantum leading zero detector circuits. Quantum Information Processing, 22(1), 28. 2023. (Q2)
[ORT-PR-23] F. Orts, E. Filatovas, G. Ortega, J. F. SanJuan-Estrada, and E. M. Garzón. Improving the number of T gates and their spread in integer multipliers on quantum computing. Phys. Rev. A 107, 042621 . 2023 (Q2)
[ORT-JS-23] F. Orts, G. Ortega, E.F. Combarro, I.F. Rúa, A.M. Puertas and E.M. Garzón. Efficient design of a quantum absolute-value circuit using Clifford+T gates. J Supercomput . 2023. (Q2)
[ORT-EPJ-23] Orts, F., Filatovas, E., Garzón, E.M. et al. A quantum circuit to generate random numbers within a specific interval. EPJ Quantum Technol. 10, 17 . 2023. (Q1)
[LOP-JS-23] Luis O. López, Francisco Orts, Gloria Ortega, Vicente González-Ruiz & Ester M. Garzón Fault-tolerant quantum algorithm for dual-threshold image segmentation. J Supercomput. 2023. (Q2)
[ORT-FUT-23] F. Orts, A.M. Puertas, G. Ortega and EM Garzón. Quantum annealing solution for the unrelated parallel machine scheduling with priorities and delay of task switching on machines . Future Generation Computer Systems. Volume 148, Pages 514-523. 2023. (Q1-D1)
Comunicaciones a Congresos
[DON-DAMSS-24] DAMSS 24 Quantum Machine Learning for Liver Disease Prediction. L.M. Donaire, G. Ortega, F. Orts, E.M. Garzón y E. Filatovas. In Proceedings of the 15th Conference "Data analysis methods for software systems", Druskininkai, Lithuania, Noviembre 28 - 30, 2024
[DON-PPAM-24] PPAM-24 Halving the number of qubits of quantum comparators. L. Donaire, G. Ortega, E.M. Garzón, F.J. Orts, R. Paulavičius and E. Filatovas International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM). Ostrava, Czech Republic, September 8-11, 2024.
[DON-EUR1-24] EuroPAR'24 – EuroQHPC Workshop. Optimizing a quantum BCD Adder in terms of T-gates and CNOT gates. L.M. Donaire, G. Ortega, F. Orts y E.M. Garzón 2024, Madrid, Spain, 26 - 28 August, 2024.
[DON-EUR2-24] EuroPAR'24 - PhD Symposium. Efficient quantum computing to solve case studies in science and engineering. L.M. Donaire, G. Ortega y F. Orts. Madrid, Spain, 26 - 28 August, 2024.
[DON-WEN-24] womENcourage 2024. Optimising Quantum Comparator Circuits by Minimising T-gate Count. L.M. Donaire, G. Ortega, E.M. Garzón y F. Orts.. -Madrid, Spain, June 26-28, 2024.
[DON-SAR-24] Jornadas Sarteco CEDI 2024. Circuitos cuánticos para calcular la distancia de Hamming. L.M Donaire, F Orts, G Ortega, E Combarro, I Rúa, and EM Garzón., 17-21 junio, 2024, A Coruña
[DON-ALA-24] ALAMA 2024. Optimización del número de puertas CNOT en circuitos aritméticos cuánticos L.M. Donaire, F. Orts, G. Ortega, and EM Garzón.., 12-14 junio, 2024, Gijón
[DON-SART-23] Jornadas SARTECO 2023. Mejorando la tolerancia a fallos en circuitos cuánticos comparadores. Laura M. Salvador Donaire, Gloria Ortega, Francisco J. Orts Gómez y E. M. Garzón. 20-22 septiembre 2023. Ciudad Real
[DON-CMMSE-23] CMMSE 2023. Improving fault tolerance in quantum comparator circuits. Laura M. Salvador Donaire, G. Ortega, F. Orts, EM Garzón. July 3-8. Rota, Spain.
[ORT-CMMSE-23] CMMSE 2023. Quantum circuits for computing Hamming distances requiring fewer T gates. F. Orts F. Orts, G. Ortega, E.F. Combarro I.F. Rua and EM Garzón. July 3-8. Rota 2023, Spain.
[ORT-LNCS-PPAM-22] Orts, F., Puertas, A.M., Garzón, E.M., Ortega, G. (2023). Quantum Annealing to Solve the Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem. In: Wyrzykowski, R., Dongarra, J., Deelman, E., Karczewski, K. (eds) Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics. PPAM 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13827.
[ORT-PPAM-22] PPAM 22. International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics. Quantum annealing to solve the unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem. F. Orts, A.M. Puertas, E. M. Garzón and G. Ortega. Gdansk, Poland, September 11-14, 2022.
[ORT-SART-22] Jornadas SARTECO 2022. Diseño eficiente de tres circuitos sumadores para computación cuántica. Orts, F., Ortega, G., Filatovas, E., Garzón, E.M. September 21-23 2022. Alicante, Spain.
Objetivo 3: Aplicaciones en salud
O3.1: Descubrimiento de medicamentos.
Publicaciones en Revistas de Impacto Internacional
[MEN-INF-24] R. Mena-Yedra, J.L. Redondo, H. Pérez-Sánchez, P.M. Ortigosa. ALMERIA: Boosting Pairwise Molecular Contrasts with Scalable Methods. Informatica. 2024. (Q1-D1)
[GAR-JS-23] J.S. García, S.P. Martín, J.L. Redondo, J.J. Moreno, P.M. Ortigosa. Improving drug discovery through parallelism. J. of Supercomput., Available online, 2023. (Q2).
[CRU-INF-23] N.C. Cruz, S. Puertas-Martín, J.L. Redondo, P.M. Ortigosa. An Effective Solution for Drug Discovery Based on the Tangram Meta-Heuristic and Compound Filtering. Informatica. 2023. (Q1)
Comunicaciones a Congresos
[PUE-QSAR-24]. QSAR 2024. Improving Partial Matching Accuracy Precision with Evolutionary Algorithm in Shape Ligand Based Virtual Screening. S. Puertas-Martín, J.L. Redondo, P.M.Ortigosa, V. Gillet 24th European Symposium on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship, 22-26 September, 2024. Barcelona, Spain
[CRU-IWBBIO-23] IWBBIO 2023. International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. Preliminary Results of Using the Tangram Meta-Heuristic for Virtual Screening in Drug Discovery. N.C. Cruz, S. Puertas-Martín, J.L. Redondo, P.M. Ortigosa. Ref. 6563, Gran Canaria, Spain, July, 2023
[PUE-HUGO-22] HUGO 2022. XV Workshop on Global Optimization, Optimization based on atom-pair properties in flexible ligands by optipharm, S. Puertas-Martín, J.L. Redondo, H. Pérez-Sánchez, V.J. Gillet, and P.M. Ortigosa, pp. 169-172, September, 2022, Szeged, Hungary.
[ROM-SART-22] Jornadas SARTECO 2022. Reconocimiento de fármacos mediante Inteligencia Artificial. Romero, F., Romero, L.F., Pérez-Sánchez, H, Redondo, J.L, Ortigosa, P.M.. September 21-23. Alicante, Spain.
O3.2: Planificación de Radioterapia
Publicaciones en Revistas de Impacto Internacional
[MOR-INF-24] J. J. Moreno, S. Puertas-Martín, J. L. Redondo, P. M. Ortigosa, A. Zawadzka, P. Kukolowicz, R. Szmurio, I. Kaliszewski, J. Miroforidis, E. M. Garzón. Bi-Level Optimization to Enhance Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Planning. Informatica. 2024. (Q1-D1)
Comunicaciones a Congresos
[PUE-PPAM-24] PPAM-24. Efficient Load Scheduling of IMRT Planning in Heterogeneous multicore clusters. S. Puertas-Martín, J. J. Moreno, J.L. Redondo, P. M. Ortigosa, E. M. Garzón. International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM). Ostrava, Czech Republic, September 8-11, 2024.
[MOR-CMMSE-23] CMMSE 2023. MRT Planning Based on the gEUD Model and Evolutionary Optimization on multicore systems. JJ Moreno, S. Puertas-Martín, PM Ortigosa, JL Redondo, EM Garzon. July 3-8. Rota, Spain.
[MOR-SART-23] Jornadas SARTECO 2023. Ajuste automático de modelos gEUD para planificación en IMRT Juan José Moreno Riado, Savíns Puertas Martín, JL Redondo, Pilar Martínez Ortigosa y E M Garzón. 20-22 septiembre 2023. Ciudad Real
[MOR-PPAM-22] PPAM 22. International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics.Parallel gEUD models for accelerated IMRT planning on modern HPC platforms.Comunicación Oral, Publicación en acta. J. J. Moreno, J. Miroforidis, I. Kaliszewski and E. M. Garzón. Gdansk, Poland, September 11-14, 2022.
[MOR-LNCS-PPAM-22] Moreno, J.J., Miroforidis, J., Kaliszewski, I., Martín Garzón, G.E. (2023). Parallel gEUD Models for Accelerated IMRT Planning on Modern HPC Platforms. In: Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics. PPAM 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13827.
O3.3: Tomografía electrónica.
Publicaciones en Revistas de Impacto Internacional
[GON-SOFT-23] V. González-Ruiz, J.J. Fernández. FlowDenoising: Structure-preserving denoising in 3D electron microscopy (3DEM). SoftwareX. Volume 23, 2023. (Q2)
[GON-ULTRA-23] V. González-Ruiz, M.R. Fernández-Fernández, and J.J. Fernández. Structure-preserving Gaussian denoising of FIB-SEM volumes. Ultramicroscopy, Vol. 246, pp. 113674, april. 2023. (Q1)
[MOR-JS-22] JJ Moreno, EM Garzón, JJ Fernández and A Martínez-Sánchez. HPC enables efficient and robust 3D membrane segmentation in electron tomography Journal of Supercomputing 78 : 19097–19113. 2022 (Q2)
Comunicaciones a Congresos
[GON-CMMSE-23] CMMSE 2023. Structure-preserving Denoising of Electron Microscopy Tomograms in Hybrid CPU/GPU Systems. V Gonzalez, JJ Moreno, JJ Fernandez. July 3-8. Rota, Spain.
O3.4: Modelado de neuronas biológicas.
Publicaciones en Revistas de Impacto Internacional
[CRU-FN-22] N.C. Cruz, A. González-Redondo, J.L. Redondo, J.A. Garrido, E.M. Ortigosa and P.M. Ortigosa. Black-box and surrogate optimization for tuning spiking neural models of striatum plasticity. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 16:1017222, 1-17, 2022. (Q2)
O3.5: IoT systems for home health and wellness.
Publicaciones en Revistas de Impacto Internacional
[LUP-JBHI-24] M. Lupion; F. Cruciani; I. Cleland; C. Nugent; P.M. Ortigosa. Data augmentation for Human Activity Recognition with Generative Adversarial Networks. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2024, (Q1-D1);
[LUP-IF-24] M. Lupión, A. Polo-Rodríguez, J. Medina-Quero, J. F. Sanjuan, P.M. Ortigosa. 3D Human Pose Estimation from multi-view thermal vision sensors. Information Fusion, 2024, (Q1-D1);
[LUP-IEEE-23] M. Lupión, V. González-Ruiz, J. Medina-Quero, J. F. Sanjuan and P. M. Ortigosa. THPoseLite, a Lightweight Neural Network for Detecting Pose in Thermal Images. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2023 (Q1-D1)
[LUP-INF-23] M. Lupión, A. Polo-Rodríguez, J. Medina-Quero, J. F. Sanjuan, P.M. Ortigosa. 3D Human Pose Estimation from multi-view thermal vision sensors. Information Fusion, 2023, (Q1-D1)
Comunicaciones a Congresos
[LUP-UCAI1-24] UCAmI'24 Conference. Empowering the Disabled: Object Detection and Recognition for Enhanced Autonomy Lupión, M., González-Ruiz, V., Sanjuan, JF., Ortigosa, PM... 27-29 November, 2024. Belfast, United Kingdom.
[LUP-UCAI2-24] UCAmI'24 Conference Enhancing Smart Home Accessibility for the Deaf Through Transformer-Based Sign Language Production and Avatars . Lupión, M., González-Ruiz, V., Sanjuan, JF., Ortigosa, PM.. 27-29 November, 2024. Belfast, United Kingdom.
[LUP-IA-23] IA Conference. THPoseLite, a Lightweight Neural Network for Detecting Pose in Thermal Images. Lupión, M., González-Ruiz, V., Medina-Quero, J., Sanjuan, JF., Ortigosa, PM. Andaluz.. 19-20 December, 2023. Sevilla, Spain
[LUP-UCAmI-23] UCAmI 2023. 15th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence. Edge IoT System for Wearable Devices: Real-Time Data Processing, Inference, and Training for Activity Monitoring and Health Evaluation.
[LUP-IWANN-23] IWANN 2023. 17th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks. Fall Detection in Smart Environments: A Comparative Study between Thermal Cameras and IMU-based Devices. Lupión, M. López L., González-Ruiz, V., Sanjuan, JF., Ortigosa, PM. 19-21 june. Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal, 2023
[LUP-UCAmI-22] UCAmI 22.14th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence. ThermalYOLO: A Person Detection Neural Network in Thermal Images for Smart Environments. Lupión, M., Polo-Rodríguez, A., Ortigosa, PM., Medina-Quero, J.. 30nd November-2 December, 2022. Córdoba, Spain.
[ROM-SART-23] Jornadas SARTECO 2023. Metodología de adquisición y procesamiento de datos para la detección de crisis epilépticas utilizando dispositivos IoT y GPUs. Felipe Romero Caparrós, Luis F. Romero, Marcos Lupión Lorente, Juan Francisco Sanjuan Estrada y Pilar M. Ortigosa. 20-22 septiembre 2023. Ciudad Real