Youtube: Chucheman1


The Youtube Channel of Chucheman1 is a group of recipe videos that display mostly Spanish-culture foods and recipes. Keywords were chosen from two of the videos listed below, and as a survey of some recipes posted on the Youtube page. This video host speaks clearly and may help developing learners access the language.

***Please note - a video automatically plays when you access the page, so keep the volume down or off.***

Youtube: Chucheman1 Starter Links

On this page you can view the videos on this Youtube channel: popular upload videos, created playlists and uploads. Below the subscribe button, there is a list of tabs. Click on the Videos tab to pan through a gallery of videos uploaded by Chucheman1.

A 6:14 minute video. Host shows and names all ingredients, shows process, and how they end up. Cooked at home. Consider use for connection between United States culture and target language.

An 18:21 minute video. Host shows and names all ingredients, shows process, and how to put the carnitas together. Host cooks carnitas outdoors. Consider using to show cultural context of food. Ingredients listed in video description - to view click “show more”

Youtube: Chucheman Action Item

Show students cultural cooking!

Have students view the carnitas video. During viewing, have them notice specific elements or compare this type of cooking to their own culture or experience. Consider supporting vocabulary of herbs and spices mentioned. (Note: beer and sherry are used as two ingredients).

      • Video navigation notes:
        • Watch the first 10 minutes of the video for beginning of the cooking, and 15:00-17:00 for most concentrated content at the end.
        • Listen for specific cooking or ingredient vocabulary like bajar la temperatura, flama baja/alta, leche, or aho.
        • Have students watch the ad for the restaurant Cemitas - La China Poblana in Tijuana from 12:30-13:15

Pair as a debrief to this OER Commons activity for: What do you eat?

        • Have students respond to questions like:
          • how long the cooking takes,
          • what the flavor of the carnitas might be,
          • what ingredients are used, whether this would be a ‘healthy’ food or not and why?

Youtube: Chucheman Webpage Gallery

Please look over some sample screenshots of the Audio-Lingua website. This will give you a preview of the site layout, possible resources, and help you recognize a specific resource that you are looking for. The first photo is an frame from another recipe, and the second and third are the general videos page and the playlist page, respectively.

Featured Keywords

Possible Thematic Unit Use

  • recetas
  • videos
  • comida
  • anunico
  • carnitas
  • oaxaca
  • banderillas
  • flama baja/alta
  • huevo
  • harina
  • maza
  • aceite
  • ajo
  • tortilla
  • donas
  • pastel tres leches
  • tamales
  • hígado encebollado
  • ponche de frutas navideño
  • parrillero
  • desayuno
  • pastas
  • vegetales
  • mole
  • ¡y más!
  1. comida de méxico
  2. comida
  3. comida(salud)
  4. ir de compras