All About Spain


All About Spain is a functioning company website [that is, the website opens pages for booking real train tickets or to listings of hotel rooms that are actually available] focusing on Spain in a travel context.

The main page is in English, but there are links on the home page to navigate the site in Spanish and German. Because this site is intended for speakers with high proficiency, scaffolding may be necessary for students.

All About Spain Starter Links

Here you can can change the language you want to use for site, view main site links, and see rotating photos.

On this page you can view links related to travel in Spain, like: "¿Cómo llegar?', "¿Dónde dormir?", "¿Dónde comer?", "¿Cómo moverse?", and "¿Qué hacer?".

You can view this page as an example of the pages about cities in Spain. There is a summary, photos, and links for “visita turística”, “excursiones”, “gastronomía”, “vida nocturna”, “fiestas y folclore”, and “foto tour”.

On this page, you can view content under the following links: “Información general”, “Flamenco”, “Toros”, “Fiestas y folclore”, “Gastronomía”, “Foto - Tour”, “España - Viajes y turismo”, and “Búsqueda”

All About Spain Action Item

Have students reserve a train ticket!

Using the following link, have students navigate to the bottom of the page to reserve a train ticket on the Al Andalus by choosing:

      • the first day of their trip
      • Number and type of suites
      • Name and age of travelers
      • Preferred payment method
      • Personal information (telephone number, address, etc)
      • Other comments or requests.
    • NOTE! - this is a FUNCTIONING company website. Therefore, if a user clicks ‘Reservar’ at the bottom of the page, he/she will receive an email asking to confirm their booking. It is suggested that a screenshot be taken and printed as a guide for an authentic-like activity.

All About Spain Webpage Gallery

Please look over some sample screenshots of the Audio-Lingua website. This will give you a preview of the site layout, possible resources, and help you recognize a specific resource that you are looking for. The first photo is a link to the interactive map page, the second photo is an example of a photo that you can find in the description of the costas, and the last photo is what you can find by clicking on the region of Galicia from the interactive map page.

Featured Keywords

Possible Thematic Unit Use

  • Los viajes
  • España
  • los regiones
  • las ciudades
  • las islas
  • geografía
  • cultura
  • Andalucía
  • Aragón
  • Asturias
  • circuitos
  • portugal
  • marruecos
  • trenes de lujo
  • al andalus
  • transcantábrico
  • Costa Verde Express
  • Camino de Santiago
  • a pie
  • en bicicleta
  • vuelos
  • hoteles
  • coches
  • ¡y más!
  1. El mundo hispano
  2. la comunidad
  3. un viaje
  4. España
  5. turismo
  6. cultura de españa