

Audio-Lingua is a site that collects short mp3 clips of native speakers discussing a variety of topics. As of December 2019, there are 1005 Spanish recordings, with speakers of various ages and from various parts of the world. It hosts multiple languages, and is free to access.

The home page is in French, but the language for the site can be changed to Spanish, English, or ten other languages. There are no transcripts available for the mp3 recordings.

Audio-Lingua Starter Links

View this page to view the Audio-Lingua home page, where you can change the site language by clicking one of the flags on the top page bar, do a quick or advanced search, make an account, and explore other information.

View this page for a list of all the subjects and themes that are included with the videos.

After clicking on a theme, you are taken to another page, where you can narrow your results to get only the recordings in the language that you want.

Do this by clicking on the language name above the number of total recordings.

View this page to hear Nancy talk about her opinion and experience of ecological education in Mexico.

View this page to hear María talk about the role that Santa or The Child Jesus play in holiday gift giving in Nicaragua.

Audio-Lingua Action Item

Have students learn about Rachel’s quinceñera!

Using the following link, have students listen about the quinceñera that Rachel is preparing for. Create an extension activity that fits your classroom and learning objectives, such as having students respond to written questions, discussing Rachel’s experience with each other, or comparing a quinceñera with a wedding or prom.

Audio-Lingua Webpage Gallery

Please look over some sample screenshots of the Audio-Lingua website. This will give you a preview of the site layout, possible resources, and help you recognize a specific resource that you are looking for. The first photo is another example of an audio-clip, the second is an information page about Audio-Lingua, and the last is the starter page for setting up an optional account to organize the clips you want to keep track of.

Featured Keywords

Possible Thematic Unit Use

  • 'HUB" - To view a full list of tags for the videos, click this link.
  1. Varied: view this link for further information.