Spanish O.R. Index:

Index Page




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Spanish O. R. Index




*New* Regreso a clases Iberoamérica

This is an article that focuses on the culture of school in Central and South America. It includes two infographics, a section about the beginning and end dates of the school year, a section about access to education, a small section about school uniforms, and a section about poverty and learning.




*New* Coffee Break Spanish

This Youtube link shows a list of resources provided by Coffee Break Languages, specifically for Spanish. This Youtube playlist includes a variety of videos that can be used for beginners and also for developing and advanced learners, including podcasts and, two, hour-long intermediate level grammar workshops.

The 10 Coffee Break Spanish Interviews can be used right away and include authentic dialogue from native Spain-Spanish speakers.




Langmedia - Spanish

This site is provided on the Humboldt State University OER Spanish site. It contains a series of photos, videos, and transcripts based on various cultural topics, from personal greetings to banking and money for various Spanish speaking countries. Five countries are featured on this site, and not every country has artifacts for every topic. The recordings and culture are from the years 1999-2002.


Actividades de práctica con aprendices de español

This site is part of the COERLL research center and features videos with Spanish language learners. Aimed at “Spanish language learners, educators, and researchers”, there are a range of applications to teachers and students. Teachers can use parts of this site for professional development. Videos of students speaking are not error free, so please factor that in when you are considering implementation.

When you first access the site, you will see a web page with an introductory statement to the site, and links at the bottom and top of the page to find the chapters, which are based off of a textbook.


All About Spain

All About Spain is a functioning company website [that is, the website opens pages for booking real train tickets or to listings of hotel rooms that are actually available] focusing on Spain in a travel context.

The main page is in English, but there are links on the home page to navigate the site in Spanish and German. Because this site is intended for speakers with high proficiency, scaffolding will be necessary for some students.



Audio-Lingua is a site that collects short mp3 clips of native speakers discussing a variety of topics. As of December 2019, there are 1005 Spanish recordings, with speakers of various ages and from various parts of the world. It hosts multiple languages, and is free to access.

The home page is in French, but the language for the site can be changed to Spanish, English, or ten other languages. There are no transcripts available for the mp3 recordings.


Boquería Barcelona

This site focuses on an open air market in Barcelona. By scrolling down from the main page, there is an interactive map of types of puestos. The first link on this page in Catalán, but the pages can be translated to Spanish by clicking “ES” in the top right corner to the right of the social media icons.

Note - map of the market will not be viewable on the main page unless in full-screen.


Spanish Proficiency Exercises

This site is a reserve of videos from Spanish speakers from a wide variety of Spanish-speaking countries. Provided as a resource with COERLL with the University of Texas at Austin, these videos have a transcript that can be in Spanish, in English, or hidden.

Using the link below, you can search on the Site Index to to locate a topic or specific proficiency task that you are looking for.



This site is called SpinTX, and is part of the Spanish in Texas project, which is associated with the Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL). Spintx is a collection video clips from spanish speakers in Texas, and each video has a transcript.

Each video has labels that talk about the speaker, such as age, name, and birth country. Topics mentioned in the video are also marked. On the right side of the video, there are two columns that you can use to highlight specific lexical items in the transcript, such as certain nouns, articles, or uses of “haber”.


Youtube: Chucheman1

The Youtube Channel of Chucheman1 is a group of recipe videos that display a mix of United-Stasian and Spanish-culture foods and recipes. Keywords were chosen from two of the videos listed below, and as a survey of some recipes posted on the Youtube page. This video host speaks clearly and may help developing learners access the language.

Please note - a video automatically plays when you access the page, so keep the volume down or off.

Spanish O. R. Index