Actividades de práctica con aprendices del español


This site is part of the COERLL research center and features videos with Spanish language learners. Aimed at “Spanish language learners, educators, and researchers”, there are a range of applications to teachers and students. Teachers can use parts of this site for professional development. Videos of students speaking are not error free, so please factor that in when you are considering implementation.

When you first access the site, you will see a web page with an introductory statement to the site, and links at the bottom and top of the page to find the chapters, which are based off of a textbook.

Actividades de práctica con aprendices del español Starter Links

Use this page to understand the context of this COERLL project, and as a guide to the other resources in the website.

View this page to see three one minute clips of college age students who talk about their families. Accents may be easier to understand and more accessible to students.

On this page, scroll down to the video of Megan. Use this as an example video for a very early language learner to help students understand aspects of proficiency.

Actividades de práctica con aprendices del español Action Item

Have students compare their families!

Using this link, AND as a debrief or extension activity from the Family Tree OER Activity, have students organize the information about each student from the interviews, and compare to themselves or others. For example for Cindy:

      • ¿Qué personas hay en su familia?
      • ¿De dónde son sus padres?
      • ¿Cuáles personas en su familia acabaron la escuela?

Actividades de práctica con aprendices del español Webpage Gallery

Please look over some sample screenshots of the Audio-Lingua website. This will give you a preview of the site layout, possible resources, and help you recognize a specific resource that you are looking for. The first one

Featured Keywords

Possible Thematic Unit Use

  • la competencia comunicativa
  • entender los errores de los aprendices
  • el sujeto nulo
  • el aspecto verbal
  • el modo subjuntivo
  • estudiantes de herencia hispana
  • la tecnología y la ASL
  • los estándares
  • la familia
  • los afijos
  • el sistema deíctico
  1. La niñez
  2. La conversación
  3. La familia
  4. A conocer las personas
  5. El desarrollo profesional