Boquería Barcelona


This site focuses on an open air market in Barcelona. By scrolling down from the main page, there is an interactive map of types of puestos. The first link on this page in Catalán, but the pages can be translated to Spanish by clicking “ES” in the top right corner to the right of the social media icons.

***Note - map of the market will not be viewable on the main page unless in full-screen.***

Boquería Barcelona Starter Links

This is the main page of the market website - make sure to view the site in full screen to see the map.

Example of a page that comes up with information when you click on a puesto on the map- includes rotating photos, a description, the stall number, and the schedule.

View this page to see a recipe featured on the site. Lexical items include the date, title of the dish, ingredients and preparation steps.

Boquería Barcelona Action Item

Show students an indoor market!

Show the map on a projector and talk to the students about a Spanish indoor market. Show them the different color coded stalls and ask them what types of puestos there are.

Show the video listed on the same page to give another perspective of the market.

Boquería Barcelona Webpage Gallery

Please look over some sample screenshots of the Audio-Lingua website. This will give you a preview of the site layout, possible resources, and help you recognize a specific resource that you are looking for. The first is an external site of groceries, the second is an informational page about the market with a map at the bottom of the page, and the last is a photo of fruit and vegetable stands in the market.

Featured Keywords

Possible Thematic Unit Use

  • Catalán
  • Barcelona
  • comerciantes
  • receta
  • aves y huevos
  • bares
  • especialidades
  • fruta y verdura
  • frutos secos
  • legumbres
  • despojos
  • aceitunas y conservas
  • pesca salada
  • colmado
  • horario
  • pescado y marisco
  • tocinería y charcutería
  • carnicerías
  1. ¡Hay que comer!
  2. la comunidad
  3. vamos de compra
  4. la comida y el restaurante
  5. la vida contemporánea
  6. city life
  7. daily routines (going to the market)
  8. directions
  9. horario (opening and closing)